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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. In that case, you need to get that information from your hosting. Or, if you have access to a control panel (cPanel, Webmin, DirectAdmin, Plesk, etc), you must create the database through it and copy the name you enter there.
  2. \define( 'REDIS_CONFIG', '{"server":"","port":6379,"password":""}' ); Replace the IP in the constants.php file with the socket path from your test file. Try also leaving the port value empty.
  3. It was available as a plugin for v4 in the marketplace, but it was never a feature included by default.
  4. Live Topics is already their answer to a "chat approach" so I don't think we'll ever see anything "chat-only" later. Additionally, there used to be an IP.Chat application in the past (for v3), but as you can see it's not around anymore. I doubt they'll ever bring back something they already decided wasn't worth it before. 🙄
  5. Most likely you have some old status updates in the database from before you disabled it. If you're not using it you can ignore the warning. Any existing status updates will simply be deleted when upgrading to v5.
  6. and remove string too! 😋
  7. To restore only those specific posts you'd need to write a script for it, restore the old database in another location, and be sure to re-insert the posts with the same ID and update many other tables. Honestly, since you already mentioned the site is small and has few members, restoring a backup from 3 days ago is better and far easier. 🤷‍♂️
  8. You are using PHP 8.3, which is not supported by v4.7. Downgrade to PHP 8.1. 👀
  9. teraßyte replied to Bob Snow's post in a topic in General Questions
    Simply delete all files on the server and tables from the database. That's it. You can then upload the v5 files and use the same database (or make a new one). 🙂
  10. As Marc said, URLs outside of the installation folder are not possible. At most, you can use this URL: https://www.site.com/forum/a/a.html You need to move the forum to the root directory to use the one you want. Once that's done, you'll have this setup: FORUM => https://www.site.com/ STATIC => https://www.site.com/a/a.html/
  11. You can setup the page permissions so that only the admin group can see them. That way nobody else can access/view them until they're ready. Yes, it is possible. But it depends on the URL you're trying to use. Got an example? 🤔
  12. I often see this kind of issue when the group formatting syntax is not closed properly, but you've already checked it. Nothing else comes to mind. 🤔
  13. Based on your screenshot, you are missing the key at the end of the command: 9ffd090fc92a79cd541bc9eeb89397c2 Edit the cronjob and be sure to past the entire line of text in it.
  14. Nope, while I do have the archives, I don't have each version installed locally. However, if you search around, you'll find some old screenshots or even sites still using those old versions.
  15. teraßyte replied to JohnCourt's post in a topic in General Questions
    Is anything logged in the server/PHP error logs?
  16. teraßyte replied to JohnCourt's post in a topic in General Questions
    Do you have any 3rd party applications or plugins installed? Most likely one of those is not compatible with PHP 8.1.
  17. teraßyte replied to JohnCourt's post in a topic in General Questions
    Here you go:
  18. Yep. I have a huge archive of all old versions, going back to version 1.3.1 (the last free version). Recently I did a 4-step upgrade from a really old version: 2.3.6 => 3.4.9 => 4.7.3 => 4.7.18 😅
  19. Your hosting should be able to help with the InnoDB tables. If you click the Fix This button, a popup with a more precise description of the problem will appear. For the upgrade process, as long as you know your password, it shouldn't be a problem. If you're still unsure/hesitant, and your host won't help with the InnoDB recommendation changes, your next best option would be to hire a 3rd party Provider for help. 🙄
  20. teraßyte replied to tmcom's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    You can ignore it. It's a bug with a task that runs once a month and is fixed for the upcoming 4.7.19 version:
  21. Since you don't remember the password, I assume the upgrade hasn't started yet. If so, you should be able to reset the password from the front end of the site. The error in your second screenshot is a known issue that will be fixed once you upgrade to 4.7.19: Just to clarify, version 4.7.19 is not out yet. IPS is working on it and it should be out soon.
  22. Oh, I must have missed that part of the topic when I replied (or I just forgot about it lol). All good as long you're aware of it. 😋
  23. When quickly editing a title while viewing a record the SEO title (and thus the URL) is not updated. 1) Let's say I add a record with the title This is just a test title to a database: https://domain.com/test_db/records/this-is-just-a-test-title-r2/ 2) While viewing the record click and hold to edit the title to something else: This is just a test title - EDIT The SEO title/URL remains the same and the new text is NOT included. 3) Only if I edit the record from the full form the SEO title is properly updated on save: https://domain.com/test_db/records/this-is-just-a-test-title-edit-r2/ As long as no Custom URL is set, the value should update automatically without having to use the full form.
  24. Template \applications\core\dev\html\front\global\cachingLog.phtml on line 20: <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle cCachingLogMethod_delete" title="Possible Duplicate"></i> The title attribute is hardcoded.
  25. There goes one of my v4 paid modifications. It wasn't something I could update for v5 without hooks anyway, so it's not a problem, though. I'm glad to see this finally included by default along with several other requested features.😋