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Stuart Grimshaw

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  1. I'll steel myself for the moaning from our more vocal members 🙂
  2. I want to add some badges to users on our community, for example a 1 Week badge for those that have been registered for a week. Is there any way to trigger a badge based on just the amount of time they have been registered? I can see I can do it when they log in and check then but there are a couple of problems with that, firstly I want to use it to encourage people to log back in in the first place and secondly it will then go an award that badge to the 20k+ people we already have registered for more than a week 🙂 There doesn't seem to be a "New Users Only" condition?
  3. Just a quick note, all these years later. I've just tried the above on our servers with PHP 8.3 & Laravel 10 and it works perfectly, the only real difference is I used a Facade and also typed the $view variable passed to the view composer, not that it's used. <?php namespace App\Providers; use Illuminate\Support\Facades; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Illuminate\View\View; class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Register any application services. */ public function register(): void { // } /** * Bootstrap any application services. */ public function boot(): void { require_once(base_path('../') . '/init.php'); Facades\View::Composer('*', function (View $view) { \IPS\Session\Front::i(); }); } }
  4. Our site is self hosted and made up of 2 distinct app, the first is Invision obviously and the other is an in house app we created ourselves. Because they're on the same domain they can see each others cookies so at the moment I look for the presence of `ips_member_id` on the backend (it gets passed because they're on the same domain remember) and then make an API call to get more member info, but this is a bit flakey and doesn't seem to work in all cases. I looked at OAuth, but I don't want users to have to log in to both parts of the site seperately obviously .. does anyone else have any ideas about how to approach it?.
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