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Hump Day: Achievements Improvements

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How do the ranks work if archive system is active? Are those included too? I have 82% archived which is 76000 topics. The image above leads me to ask this, as I can see there are dates these ranks were achieved so its looking back over all the posts but I wonder if archived are included.

Edited by marklcfc
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7 minutes ago, marklcfc said:

How do the ranks work if archive system is active? Are those included too? I have 82% archived which is 76000 topics. The image above leads me to ask this, as I can see there are dates these ranks were achieved so its looking back over all the posts but I wonder if archived are included.

They are currently. I may add an option to bypass them for those admins that consider it 'inactive' content.

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1 hour ago, Dean_ said:

Will there be anything for the mobile viewing? Or are we to limited on space?

Oh, wow. Our site is mostly mobile traffic. Surprised these don't appear in mobile view. Not that we're planning on turning it on, but for those that do.... it's like it's not even there unless you look at the profile.

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1 hour ago, Dean_ said:

Will there be anything for the mobile viewing? Or are we to limited on space?


3 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

Oh, wow. Our site is mostly mobile traffic. Surprised these don't appear in mobile view. Not that we're planning on turning it on, but for those that do.... it's like it's not even there unless you look at the profile.

I'm not sure what you mean about mobile viewing. Achievements should also show on mobile. Are you not seeing things?

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45 minutes ago, Charles said:



I'm not sure what you mean about mobile viewing. Achievements should also show on mobile. Are you not seeing things?

As not to confuse things, I see this achievements blocks.


But as I’m only on the mobile today I don’t see the new feature that Matt has posted today. If that’s not live on the site then ignore this. As then I wouldn’t see the mobile version. 😌

Second being what @CoffeeCake has posted above.

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5 hours ago, Matt said:

You earn points for posting new topics and replies, reacting to content, following items/nodes/members and for visiting daily.

On our site we chose to rebuild all content, so it now acts as if we'd had achievements since the launch of this forum 20 years ago, so longer term members have accelerated through the ranks that would have taken months to earn.

If we did not rebuild content and started off with everyone on 0 points, then you would see rank progression for more than just having a lot of posts.

I'm not sure I was particularly clear in my question. What I mean is explain how to earn each rank. I don't mind hidden achievements where its a secret to get it, those are fun too but like rank 1 was it create at least one topic and post in ten others?

Something like what you see on any other achievement system:


3 hours ago, Matt said:

There is now a separate page to show rank progression and badges earned.


I love this by the way.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan said:

I'm not sure I was particularly clear in my question. What I mean is explain how to earn each rank. I don't mind hidden achievements where its a secret to get it, those are fun too but like rank 1 was it create at least one topic and post in ten others?

Something like what you see on any other achievement system:


What you're describing is closer to the Badges part of the system, where you earn a badge for doing a particular thing. We don't currently list all badges and what you have to do to get them (but may later), but when you earn a badge we do indicate in your profile what you did to earn it.

Ranks however are based on points, and you earn points by doing all sorts of things in the community, with the rules defined by admins. You could earn enough points by creating one topic, or by replying to ten topics, or reacting fifty times - it could be any combination of actions, there's no one thing you have to do.

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I think the gist of the ask here is that administrators have the ability to write something in conjunction with the title of the achievement that is viewable by the member. A free text field. Maybe you need to "Loot all four houses of Hogwarts and find the hidden muggle" or "Demonstrate the ability to be an expert problem solver" or "Unlock four Schrute Nickels" or leave the description blank--what ever makes sense at the individual community and achievement level.

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7 minutes ago, Rikki said:

What you're describing is closer to the Badges part of the system, where you earn a badge for doing a particular thing. We don't currently list all badges and what you have to do to get them (but may later), but when you earn a badge we do indicate in your profile what you did to earn it.

Ranks however are based on points, and you earn points by doing all sorts of things in the community, with the rules defined by admins. You could earn enough points by creating one topic, or by replying to ten topics, or reacting fifty times - it could be any combination of actions, there's no one thing you have to do.

That makes a lot more sense.

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1 minute ago, CoffeeCake said:

I think the gist of the ask here is that administrators have the ability to write something in conjunction with the title of the achievement that is viewable by the member. A free text field. Maybe you need to "Loot all four houses of Hogwarts and find the hidden muggle" or "Demonstrate the ability to be an expert problem solver" or "Unlock four Schrute Nickels" or leave the description blank--what ever makes sense at the individual community and achievement level.

Badges already support this - when you create the rule that awards the badge, you can enter a member-facing summary of the rule, e.g. "You posted 50 replies!".

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1 hour ago, Rikki said:

Badges already support this - when you create the rule that awards the badge, you can enter a member-facing summary of the rule, e.g. "You posted 50 replies!".

Can the rules be completely customisable?

Could I for example, have someone be awarded a badge for creating a topic in a certain category and then also be awarded based on their specific group?

User makes 10 posts, changes their user group *badge awarded*.
User requests to be put into a certain group after x amount of posts, and each group can award the user who joins *badge awarded to represent their group*.

While you currently show rank images, could we also have an option to display badges on the Authorpane in topic view?



Or to be able to make a rule where only certain badges can be shown in the topicview?


While we have user group icons, I'd like to show special badges as part of the user group.

Just a couple of suggestions I had rolling in the head... As it's something I've been trying to do, as at the moment Fosters app allows you to manually award someone.

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6 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

Could I for example, have someone be awarded a badge for creating a topic in a certain category and then also be awarded based on their specific group?

While you currently show rank images, could we also have an option to display badges on the Authorpane in topic view?

While we have user group icons, I'd like to show special badges as part of the user group.

You can do location based rules, so you could have one that awards a badge when a topic is posted in a certain forum, yes. You can't award certain badges based on member group though.

Showing some recent badges is in the postbit is a good idea that we can consider. I'm wary of adding too much noise though, so it'd be a balance.

The badge system we're discussing doesn't interact with member groups right now. We have spoken about tying the achievement and group promotion systems together in future, and that'd likely open up more possibilities along those lines.

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1 minute ago, Rikki said:

The badge system we're discussing doesn't interact with member groups right now. We have spoken about tying the achievement and group promotion systems together in future, and that'd likely open up more possibilities along those lines.

That sounds excellent and I'm sure a worthy integration and will probably be quite popular.

2 minutes ago, Rikki said:

Showing some recent badges is in the postbit is a good idea that we can consider. I'm wary of adding too much noise though, so it'd be a balance.

Agreed. Maybe in ACP we could just highlight 4 badges to be shown in the postbit in the same overlapping feature as in our profiles. And/or just have the most recently earned ones shown as you say.

4 minutes ago, Rikki said:

You can do location based rules, so you could have one that awards a badge when a topic is posted in a certain forum, yes.

Brilliant! 🙂

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'Achievements' is a nice idea, although a bit belated, since for several years we have got some paid applications related to awards, trophies and medals.

The main point is now, whether there would be a button on ACP to Disable the newly added achievements, by reason of NOT using them? I believe, on some boards they might be inappropriate (such like *serious* communities, where those badges could be considered as useless and not funny at all) or unusable (in cases those boards are used to rely on some appropriate third-party applications).

If the developers do not consider the adding of a setting to disable this new feature, will that be possible to add some settings on the ACP
- to choose whether to show Rank badges as a picture (icon) or as a plain text?
- to choose, where to show achievements icons: in the profile only (like now), or under the signature in the topic view mode, or in the postContainer (under Post counter).
- to choose, whether to show the reputation badge in the postContainer or not (currently it is disabled, but that reputation counter was much more useful than the useless Solving counter (Solutions) which is left for some reason :huh::huh:)

One more question: having this new Ranks system will now not allow users to set their own ranks as they used to do?? 😞🤐 That's bad 😞 

And could you please make it possible to show the whole list of Achievements (excluding of hidden) somewhere on the Front-end, otherwise users will always keep asking Administrators questions related to them! (faq won't help too much: usually users are too lazy to read it)

Thank you,

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