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I responded in another comment with the below, but figured it deserves its own dedicated topic. 🙂

I would LOOOVE to see a hashtags feature.

Would it be possible to re-purpose / reutilize the Tags feature?

Members could use Tags (as hashtags) in their posts / comments. When you click on the hashtag, it links you to a search page where other members have also used that same hashtag. 

Then, include a way to show Trending hashtags in a widget based off of usage (like the Popular Now or tag cloud widgets). 

I would be super interested in this and I know my members would love it.

There's a lot of #JusticeFor campaigns on social media, and that could be super powerful to tap into on my forum as well. Just food for thought 🙂

Edited by breatheheavy
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16 hours ago, Joel R said:

I'm disappointed nobody actually used #hastagtical #hashtagsfordays #justiceforhashtags #hashtageverything 

Ya'll need to up your hashtagging skills!  😀

#justiceforhashtags 👏 

I'm disappointed this topic flopped when the idea is mad smart (if I do say so myself 😂). 

Come on team, we gotta get hashtags to become a thing. Imagine when 4.5 launches. We could have a trending topic for it.  Newcomers could fall down a #Invision4.5 rabbit hole. 

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14 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

Interested in developing this? 

after thinking about it, it should have its own table, and use an unique id as foreign key

that way we don't need to store same value over and over again

this also helps to build a tag suggestion base on existing tags (similar to @ function )


I am about to wrap up a plugin, depending how many ppl interest i might work on it

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On 5/31/2020 at 10:07 AM, breatheheavy said:


Does this mean you're a little more available for a Hashtags plugin 😀 🙏 


Just want to circle back on the importance of this, especially amidst the Black Lives Matter movement, which is promoted extensively through the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. Also #BlackOutTuesday 

Forums should have the capability to use hashtags and it link to other instances where members use it. 🙏 

I can't believe no one else is wanting this 🤯 

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6 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

I can't believe no one else is wanting this 🤯 

I don’t see how it would be useful in a forum. Twitter consists of millions of unrelated text snippets per day and tying them together by typing something directly in the text is more or less a necessary evil on that platform. In a forum, that isn’t necessary. If Black Lives Matter is currently discussed in a forum, then you probably have an entire topic dedicated to it, which shows front and center in the activity feed and the forum—and there is even the “popular topics” feature to further highlight active topics. Hashtags wouldn’t be necessary. All they would do is decrease the readability of the posts. 

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11 minutes ago, opentype said:

I don’t see how it would be useful in a forum. Twitter consists of millions of unrelated text snippets per day and tying them together by typing something directly in the text is more or less a necessary evil on that platform. In a forum, that isn’t necessary. If Black Lives Matter is currently discussed in a forum, then you probably have an entire topic dedicated to it, which shows front and center in the activity feed and the forum—and there is even the “popular topics” feature to further highlight active topics. Hashtags wouldn’t be necessary. All they would do is decrease the readability of the posts. 

Love you @opentype but I am going to respectfully disagree. 

Hashtags and popular topics are not one in the same.

Hashtags can be used in multiple topics and married together through a hashtag. If members use the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter in 50 topics/comments this week, then their topics/comments relate to one another. Then, we can feature that hashtag on the homepage to show people are using it more frequently than any other hashtag. 

We want people to move off of social media to our forums, but it appears there's resistance to adopt some of the behaviors that are wildly popular on social media, like hashtags. Entire campaigns for years often center around a hashtag, and while there is a tagging feature in IPB, it's not widely recognizable like a hashtag is. Nor is it possible to use a tag in a comment. 

"Twitter consists of millions of unrelated text snippets per day." Yes, but there's also millions that are related. 

"All they would do is decrease the readability of the posts." Also disagree. They would be a powerful feature for members to connect with one another through the use of a hashtag. My members use the @ tag feature all the time. I know they would be frequently using the hashtags feature as well if it existed. 

I know most people don't believe in this idea, but I guarantee it would be a widely purchased/downloaded application across the marketplace. 


Edited by breatheheavy
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15 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

What's your advice to get peoples' attention to this?

Basically people come, read and reply saying that agrees with you. If you’re not getting that, I would probably say that people doesn’t like the idea. 

You better start to think in a custom resource: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/506-customization-requests/

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6 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Basically people come, read and reply saying that agrees with you. If you’re not getting that, I would probably say that people doesn’t like the idea. 

You better start to think in a custom resource: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/506-customization-requests/

Cool cool. I posted it there. Thank you.


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