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1 minute ago, Saurabh Jain said:

I was wondering why forum topic was not created......... for all other quiz the post of each player were posted automatically... and i never changed any settings


16 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

If the category is set properly to create a topic then it will create a topic. It doesn’t work for one or two and not for others. Either works for every quiz or none. See if you have an entry fir this app in the error logs.  


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I have some suggestions for a future release:
- The possibility to indicate the difficulty of a quiz or to generate it automatically according to the results
- The possibility of changing the duration of a quiz by moderators
- The ability to set the quiz options by category (possibility to play several times and update the score). This would make quizzes based on speed and others on initial knowledge

Thank you

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I have a bug with the feedback.

I have preconfigured 5 feedback and only the 33% feedback is used or the 0 or the 100%

In my database, the order is not good :

| q_fid | q_fposition | q_factive | q_frange |
|     1 |           5 |         1 |        0 |
|     2 |           3 |         1 |       50 |
|     3 |           2 |         1 |       67 |
|     4 |           4 |         1 |       33 |
|     5 |           1 |         1 |      100 |

I have tested the positions in the 2 orders ASC or DESC but no change

I have added an order by q_frange on the feedback query and it seems to work

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Hi Adriano,  

There is a general guide?

I'm wondering if it's possible to use your extension for educational purpose like create a propedeutical structure of contents where people will be allowed to see some sections only if they pass the relative quiz.  

I see you got notifications when somebody take a quiz: do you get also the result? there is a report to see people who pass or fail the quiz?




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Hi Riccardo,

1 minute ago, Riccardo Ruffilli said:

There is a general guide?

No, it's a pretty straightforward process. You create the quiz, choose time, etc. Then you add questions and answers... and set it as ready to be played. That's all. Currently it has only GRADED mode (one right answer). I'm working in a multiple right answers module.

2 minutes ago, Riccardo Ruffilli said:

I'm wondering if it's possible to use your extension for educational purpose like create a propedeutical structure of contents where people will be allowed to see some sections only if they pass the relative quiz.  

You can use it for education purposes and yes, you can automatically move people to another group when they reach a specific rank in the quiz. All you have to do is give the proper permission in the section.

6 minutes ago, Riccardo Ruffilli said:

I see you got notifications when somebody take a quiz: do you get also the result?

The quiz submitter receives a notification everytime someone completes it:


The quiz results all there on the Leaders Ranking:



9 minutes ago, Riccardo Ruffilli said:

there is a report to see people who pass or fail the quiz? 

Yes, for those who played and failed, not to everybody. They will got all the stats and info from the quiz, including quesitons with right and the chosen answers in the result:


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2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Yes, for those who played and failed, not to everybody. They will got all the stats and info from the quiz, including quesitons with right and the chosen answers in the result:

I'm sorry, I meant a report for the admin to monitor the situation of the group: who failed, who succeded, scores...

If yes, can you download it?

Many thanks,



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Could you make it so we can alter the times on a quiz. I've set some to 15mins, tried it myself and I know that it could easily be completed within 7 mins.

Just as a side note, this is the same for your Staff Applications, you can't edit restrictions (which I'll post now).

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5 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

Could you make it so we can alter the times on a quiz. I've set some to 15mins, tried it myself and I know that it could easily be completed within 7 mins.

Reset game and edit. Reset = delete all participations. It wouldn’t be fair to those who took 10 minutes. That will impact directly in the leadership. 

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Just now, Adriano Faria said:

Reset game and edit. Reset = delete all participations. It wouldn’t be fair to those who took 10 minutes. That will impact directly in the leadership. 

This would be before I set it live (I like to test quizzes first, I'm not that horrible!).  🤣

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3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

If no one played yet, you should be able to edit any restriction. At least it should. 

I’ll take a look tomorrow. I’m not able today, sorry. 


Just found out that if you convert to study mode, and then Convert back to Graded Mode, it asks for a time limit. So this is one way which will help for now But would be easier if you could edit the quiz and have the options on the right. 🙂

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