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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Hi @tforums, Let us know how you go after speaking to the developer. Hopefully everything is resolved for you shortly.
  2. I was talking about the retention of your current files on 3.4.9, which you mentioned you are upgrading from. I am sorry to hear you are leaving us. Please understand, you are upgrading from a version which is now quite old. We supported that for quite some time, however at some point it becomes unviable to do this. The reality is you are migrating from software that was released well over a decade ago. We provided support for this up to January 2022, which gave people a considerable amount of time for a supported migration from the 3.x versions (approximately 8 years). In this time, there have been major changes in PHP versions, MySQL releases and more. With regard to older versions of 4.x, we don't provide old insecure releases. If you wish to upgrade, it will need to be done on the latest release. There is still a fair few who do this, so the complexity appears to be only in your own release. Sorry I could not be of more help here and I do hope that someone from our community is able to assist you should you wish to continue trying.
  3. Hi @DanielFb, I can see your email in our system, and I apologise in advance for the delay in our reply to your questions. Our sales department are quite busy at present, and it generally takes longer to go through than general support. We endeavour to get back to our clients within reasonable timeframes, and I can promise you have not been forgotten or ignored. I assure you someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
  4. Hi @dutchsnowden, Glad to hear you got out of the loop! 🙂 Please let us know if you encounter any other issues. We are always happy to assist.
  5. Hi @Todd Richards1, Glad you found this one out and it meets your needs. If you have any issues setting anything else up, please don't hesitate to let us know.
  6. Hi @Jyosua, Thanks for giving us updates throughout the process and finally confirming everything has been sorted for you. Please let us know if you run into any other issues.
  7. Hi @Kevin Carroll, I just thought I'd pop by and welcome you to Invision Community! 🙂 Please feel free to get in touch with us should you have any other questions.
  8. Hi @MadMaxMangos, The IP address has now been removed as requested. Please let me know if you'd like to redact anything else.
  9. Hi @AlexJ, I am just letting you know the only way to have these files are if you retained them before upgrading. We do not provide previous versions of our software, unfortunately.
  10. Hi @SouthernCaliforniaGarrison, There is no way to download earlier versions than the most recent version of Invision Community, which is currently 4.7.6.
  11. Hi @Nakamura RTS, We do have plans to improve Clubs in the future, but there isn't an update I can provide you at the moment. This may well be a generic answer, but as much as we want to improve our products, we also don't want to disappoint by providing unrealistic timeframes and expectations. Our attention is currently focused on the revamp of Gallery, with plans on improving other products including Commerce and Pages as explained in our December 2022 Chat and Invision Insight below.
  12. Hi @Kenneth Baker, It happens to the best of us! Please let us know if you encounter any other issues or concerns.
  13. Hi @funkyto, I thought I'd also link you to the blog entry that was posted a couple of months ago announcing the change. You may find the new functionality even more useful for your community. 🙂
  14. I apologise for the vagueness of my post. It was an oversight on my behalf. While this has been fixed, it has not gone through all processes to make it to a release at present. Please keep an eye on our release notes in future versions. We'll post here once it has actually been added to a release for you.
  15. Hi @DamonT, I get this as well. You may not be able to see the emoji on your device, but if you were to select the rock emoji in your example, other users that are able to will see it (it'll just show up as a box for you). All it means is that character support for these specific emoji is not support on your device/browser. For example, those on Windows 11 will be able to see it, but those on Windows 10 may not. Some Emojis not showing in browsers (Edge and Chrome) - Microsoft Community Hope this helps answer your question.
  16. Hi @E11, Really pleased you managed to upgrade your community!
  17. This has been fixed and will be available in a future release.
  18. This has been fixed and will be available in a future release.
  19. Sorry for the delay in following this one up! This has now been resolved.
  20. It's great to have you back after so long! Invision Community has come a long way, and we are continually developing to provide for some powerful products. I have been around since 2004-2005; it really is amazing just how far it has come.
  21. Hi @Stan Jensen, Thanks for circling back and letting us know. Best of luck with your community.
  22. Hi @boro_boy, That is really unfortunate, and I would definitely agree with those above suggesting a new hosting service. You'd think that backups would be common practice nowadays. If you ever wanted to look more into our Cloud, you know where to find us. The beginner plan starts at just $49 per month.
  23. There is no such thing as a dumb question. I always have to cross-check things with the team to ensure I am providing factual information. That's what this forum is all about, and our community is very knowledgeable so can provide answers before we get around to them. I find it great when people find out answers themselves and update their topics just like you have done above. Can't wait to see your community once it's all up and running. 🙂
  24. Hi @Viktor Reznovski, You can also purchase themes for your community. The first one that pops into mind are themes created by our very own, @Ehren. You can find his website at IPSFocus. Take a look through our Third-Party Services if you're looking for more custom work. IPS4 Providers - Invision Community
  25. Hi @John Horton, Thanks for circling back and letting us know the issue has been resolved. As usual, if anything else comes up, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
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