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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. Average out of the box is fine, we'll take that. It passes all core web vitals tests and gets a solid average score on mobile. We continue to improve the mobile experience with v5.
  2. You just need to set up your server correctly, it's not just CSS/JS size. We have optimised our cloud platform to ensure CSS/JS is served via gzip and cached correctly and Google is more than happy with it. Invision Community 5 is removing a lot of redundant JS and CSS, and eventually we want to remove things like jQuery, but it will be a process, so it won't be done for 5.0.0 (or we wouldn't release for another year!). Likewise, user generated content generates a lot of DOM elements and a broad platform such as a forum needs a lot of CSS and JS. But just setting up your server correctly will get you passing core web vitals and fetching a solid score on Page Speed tests.
  3. We have made a conscious decision to be less involved in helping people use budget hosting by adding features to compensate. For example, adding the default option, then adding methods to trim long indexes under the 767 limit, and testing, etc would probably cost around $10,000 in development costs - and we'd only do that to enable people to continue using hosts that don't give you the correct tools. We have added a lot of code and functionality in the past to allow a variety of hosting environments but we really want to be more firm in what we will support moving forwards. This may mean people need to speak with their hosts, or even switch hosts that support our needs (like our own cloud service).
  4. Unlike the final score at Hillsborough on a certain Thursday night in May, as a Posh fan. 😅
  5. Imagine a world where you no longer have to fight hosts, databases and server admin. A world where you can focus purely on building your community instead of hours of your life managing a server. https://invisioncommunity.com/services/switch-to-invision/
  6. We're working on an update to help combat this increased wave of spam.
  7. We have cleaned a lot of these inconsistencies with v5. I'll see if we can tidy up v4 at some point too.
  8. As Nathan said, make sure you're using a CodeMirror editor type, eg. $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Codemirror( 'theme_simple_header_settings', $this->custom_header, FALSE, [ 'mode' => 'htmlmixed', 'height' => 400 ] ) );
  9. It's probably caused by the opt-in/essential cookies additions in .11. We're getting a .1 release ready to fix the outstanding issues reported.
  10. Footage of me editing the template until we can upgrade our community with the .1 release.
  11. It'll be fixed in a .1 release that we're preparing to draw a line under the cookie issues reported.
  12. How is this related to a per-group setting? I'll sidestep how inaccurate geolocation is, and that VPNs exist.
  13. So you're not sure why you want us to add a feature? I can see the need for a global on/off depending where you're operating from, and to prevent confusion for when you use SSO and user management is remote. But a per-group option doesn't make any sense in this context.
  14. People go mad over cookies because at one point 3rd party sites could read them and determine your activity on other sites. Browsers have largely closed this down, but here we are with the need for cooke consent. Localstorage is not exposed to any layers that can take that data from another site's database that you have visited, so it's not much exempt as just a different technology that isn't governed in the same way cookies are.
  15. Why would you want to restrict some groups from downloading their PII or exercising their right to be forgotten? These are universally needed features.
  16. Yeah, it's been discussed a lot internally for years regarding cookie versus local storage. We do use local storage for somethings, but the downside is that it is not exposed to the PHP layer, which means you'd need to manage any preferences those settings control completely in client side scripting.
  17. Hi Patrick, Thanks for sharing your concerns. The QA process is a bit like being the goal keeper in a football game (ok, soccer if you insist). You're never remembered for the dozens of saves you make, you're only remembered for the ones you let in. We have developed a robust development process where every single commit we make is peer reviewed before being committed into our repository. We then test it on a private staging site, and then we release betas for a few weeks before releasing the final version. Unfortunately, a few things have slipped through and these have been fairly complex issues which are difficult to test with a small group. Fortunately, we do have a patch system that allows us to get fixes to you almost instantly via the AdminCP. We always review internally when things go wrong, and we will do based on the information you've provided.
  18. I do not think that we should be awarding points to private messages at all, so I'll discuss that with the team. Regarding the follow/unfollow - that is true but you can only do that once per content item/node. It is a design choice as we did not want to start removing points when content was deleted as it may drop people back down ranks. You can design the system to reward follow/react much less than posting, etc so anyone that wants to spend hours clicking buttons doesn't get a lot from it.
  19. Matt

    Support php 8.2

    Yes but during 5’s lifecycle we will be removing it and using native. Any new front end functionality is mostly native.
  20. Matt

    Support php 8.2

    From 2025 onwards, I would assume v4 will be critical fixes and security updates only. In terms of EOL, 8.0 becomes EOL in November, but I would expect that many thousands of customers would still be using 8.0, and we'd continue to use that as our lowest possible PHP version.
  21. Matt

    Support php 8.2

    Invision Community 5 will support PHP 8.2. We've spent a few weeks really cleaning up the codebase as PHP becomes more strict about typing. It's unlikely v4 will support 8.2 as it'd need roughly the same amount of work.
  22. No, but you can use the new modal view in your content items. You'll just need to drop in the template call in the relevant part of your template to add the button: {template="analyticsItemLink" app="core" group="system" params="$item"}
  23. Spam is very frustrating, and we've been having discussions at what we can do about it. In the mean time, the best way to avoid spammers posting publicly is to set your default members group to require post approval until 2 pieces of content have been manually approved. (ACP > Members > Groups > Content tab) Whilst it means you'll need to approve the posts of new members, it will stop spammers from getting visible content. Remember to flag those accounts as spammers so it feeds back to our system. We do use various tools to determine spam, including various honey pot databases but it can take a short while to catch up with fresh waves. We want to put more focus into post-registration spam capturing in the near future.
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