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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. Considered and decided against it faster than a quantum computer could have managed it.
  2. Esther is probably the most trusted name in that space, so we do indeed have that covered.
  3. Already in v5. I think the sensible thing to do is wait for all the news of v5 to come out and then make an informed decision on your future. Trying to extrapolate v5 from a few dev blogs may lead to rash decisions. I'd love to keep you as a customer, but if you do wish to move to xF then on the plus side you won't need to worry about new versions and there being significant changes in your future. 😄
  4. That is correct, you can add, but you cannot remove or modify existing data. We do have a limited template front-end hook system (yet to be blogged) but that again does not have a replace option.
  5. What do you need to do that custom profile fields can't do?
  6. What other forms do you want extended? We did discuss internally the registration form where custom profile fields aren't powerful enough (in that there requires some PHP/SQL processing of input data).
  7. Oops, it was still set to hidden. Fixed! When downloading Invision Community?
  8. What would you like to see? We have our SEO reviewed quite often by our brand customers and while there is always room for improvement, most are very happy with the performance. We always watch changes to Google's algorithms and adjust where required.
  9. Yeah, this has come around a few times. We do have the option to put a single topic into post moderation, but restricting posting to some members would be handy.
  10. We did an analysis of all our customers to work out the average renewal cost and buying habits. We made sure that the renewal price point was as close to the average as possible (we actually went under). We discussed the pricing at length and shared it with a handful of customers in a focus group to get thoughts and feedback, and tweaked accordingly. We have been as fair as we possibly can throughout this process. Undoubtably some may need to pay a bit more to unlock all that new functionality, but most will pay a bit less. We've found a pricing model that ensures the self-hosting version is viable for years to come. Invision Community v5 is the start of the next evolution for our community platform bringing in many features to help publish content, monetise the community and more. Just selling a forum app is a market in a serious decline. But you do not have to do anything. You can stick with your v4 license for as long as you wish. This is not a choice you need to make now, or even this year. Wait until v5 is out and then decide what is right for you. If it's not right for you, then be assured that v4 will remain supported for years to come.
  11. Great time for my wifi router to reset. *Jabs submit over and over*
  12. Yes, so the concept of application still exist (the cloud app is still its own thing and removed for the classic version) and of course, after-market developers can still release and install applications, but we will over time likely merge all our apps into a single entity. This is not going to happen with v5.0.0 though. We want to talk about features moving forwards and not app silos.
  13. I fixed the bug in the DB, which the bug fix fixes before it gets to the DB.
  14. For now.. dum dum duuuuuuuuum. We have no plans to remove it.
  15. Yes. It's unlikely we'll make huge changes to the JS for 5.0.0, but we will slowly migrate across to native over several versions.
  16. Great modification, and that will still be possible in v5.
  17. I'm not really sure what is driving customer habits beyond what we're seeing as trends in the industry. The community market has become more professional and hobbyist communities which used to keep the marketplace alive by spending $5 to $50 on something they felt they needed for their members are being consumed by social media or other hosted apps like Discord. My hope is that after market developers focus on few projects but more impactful ones. Wordpress has WooCommerce and Yoast which are incredibly popular and generate a lot of revenue. Proxy classes/code-hooks just couldn't continue. Our code base was years overdue a clean up but it would have caused massive support overhead and massive after market development headaches were most of the marketplace needed updating. What modifications do you have?
  18. I agree. It wasn’t to suggest mods aren’t popular just that statistically more people choose to run “vanilla” installations. There has been a shift downwards in new applications for sure. I think that is just a byproduct of the forum market maturing and changing.
  19. I’m unsure what the question is there. 🙂
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