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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. A lot of members don't understand how to upload a profile pic. They go to their profile and click "Cover Photo" and their avatar ends up being a cover photo instead. 

    That little button at the bottom left of the profile pic isn't always obvious for some members. It seems that many just click their profile pic on their profile and expect to then be able to upload a new one. I wish we could click the profile picture to update it. 

    For example Facebook's interface is a bit more obvious: I can click my profile picture and this pops-up a little menu where I can choose to update my profile picture: 

    Could contain: Person, Human, Text, Face, Head, Smile, Id Cards, Document

  2. Many members don't have a profile picture. Most don't bother because they just join to ask one question at first. Others wouldn't know where to begin to set it up. 

    I wish there was a system set up to encourage new members to upload a profile picture. 

    I will be using the Alert System to encourage all new members to upload one and share instructions on how to do it, however the Alert System doesn't know which members already have a profile picture, and which ones don't, so that a new member who's already uploaded a profile pic will still get the alert. 

    Also it would be great to send a reminder alert to older members who've never set up a profile pic either. 

  3. When I try to access a specific private message I get the following error: 

    Error: Call to a member function forMember() on null (0)
    #0 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->manage()
    #1 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /home/logicpro/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/messaging/messenger.php(67): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #3 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->execute()
    #4 /home/logicpro/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #5 {main}


  4. 42 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    IPS uses multiple lists to check, and even their own list based on all IPS communities. They won't share how they return a 4 response though, or (real) spammers would have an easier way bypassing their checks.

    Ok I understand, thank you for explaining that. 

    43 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    ACP > Members > CONTENT MODERATION > Spam Prevention > Spam Defense Whitelist (button top-right).

    IPS should probably add the word whitelist to return this page in ACP's live search as currently it's not included.

    Thank you! And yes you're right as I did search in ACP before asking here because I couldn't find it. 

  5. 18 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Look in the spam defense logs. If his IP or email has a bad score, even if HE is human… his IP or email may have been flagged as bad. You would need to whitelist him in order to register. 

    Thank you @Randy Calvert! I looked in the defense log, I can see his four attempts to register over 2 days, and four times he got a response "4", however neither his email nor his IP is recognized by sites like https://cleantalk.org/blacklists

    I wish I had more info as to why the response "4" was returned? 

    How can I whitelist a user so they can register? 


  6. On 10/9/2022 at 10:13 PM, Miss_B said:

    You can post at that app 's support topic about your request and see if Adriano can add the notification option as well besides the pms.

    Thank you however I feel like this shouldn't be a 3rd party app but part of the core functionality of the forums app, so I would rather leave this here as a feature suggestion for a future update of the Invision Community software. 

  7. Just now, sibomots said:

    Does your plugin provide capability in this scenario:  (version

    1. Alice posts.
    2. Bob reports it (bad post Alice)
    3. Moderator Charlie is aware of the Report and moves the disposition to some state -- In work, or whatever the enumeration is.
    4. Bob is notified of the event that Moderator Charlie is working the issue?  
    5. Moderator Charlie works the issue and resolves it, moving the disposition of the report to "completed" or whatever the enumeration is.
    6. Bob is notified again by the system that this change of disposition has occurred.
    7. When Moderator Charlie closes (final state in the state tree of the Resolution), Bob is notified yet again that the issue is Closed/Finished/etc.. whatever.

    In other words, when the Moderator Charlie does "work" on the issue and the disposition (state) is changed, Bob is notified of those events.

    In other words, the Moderator doesn't have to literally manually notify Bob.   Mere changes to the state of the Report cause Bob to be notified?

    Is that what your plugin provides -- or close to it?   Do you have PDF (or web) manual of your Plugin?


    That is exactly the functionality I am looking for. In my opinion this should be native and not a plug-in. There should also be a notification in the event a mod posts a comment on the report, for example: 

    "Thank you Bob for your report. Indeed that posts from Alice looks suspicious, however I've checked and Alice isn't using a known spammer IP or a known spammer email, so I've reached out to Alice to ask for confirmation that she's a legit member."

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