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David N.

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Posts posted by David N.

  1. I have one main forum where 90% of the new topics belong, and several more specific, lesser used forums for more advanced users.

    I wish I could set up the Start New Topic button on the main forums page to skip the forum chooser (which confuses most of our visitors anyway who end up posting in the wrong forum) and instead post directly in our main forum. It's easier for moderators to occasionally move the rare topics that don't belong in the main forum than to constantly move topics that are posted in the wrong forum back to the main forum. 

  2. Thanks so much. So it was related to me moving the forum software from domainname.com/forum/ to domainname.com yesterday. The cron job still had an old domainname.com/forum/ URL inside so I changed it to the one suggested by the Invision Community software and now notifications are working again and Submit Reply is snappy again. 

    Once again, thank you so much @Marc Stridgen for all your help sleuthing these issues. I would have never have found out this issue without your help. 😃

    Still worried about that message "When this setting is enabled you MUST ensure that the cron is set up properly. If this setting is turned on but no cron is set up it will cause significant damage to your site."

    Is it possible that I've caused significant damage to my site? 😬

  3. 1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You would switch to "Use Cron" and set up cron on your server as shown in th emessage below it. If you are not sure how to set up a cron job on your server, you will need to contact your hosting company on this

    I didn't change anything before taking that last screenshot, so "Use cron (Recommended)" is already selected, and the cron was already set up. 

  4. Lately I've seen this happen where sometimes I'll type an answer, click "Submit Reply" and the "Submit Reply" button is dimmed to indicate I've clicked it, yet the post doesn't seem to be added (the text entry box stays open). If I refresh the page then I realize that the post had been added. When this happens, I can tell it's happening to others as well because they must click "Submit Reply" again, resulting in double or triple posts. 

  5. So everyday I get about 3 dozens new accounts flagged for admin approval because the spam defense returned a score 4. 

    How do you deal with these? 

    So far I've been checking the emails in the stopforumspam.com database and the IPs in the cleantalk.org database and if one of those returns that the account is a spammer, is it better to ban or delete the account? I'm worried that with banning I'll quickly end up with 10s of thousands of banned accounts in my database. 

    Meanwhile if I catch someone actually posting a spammy link I just "Flas as a spammer" on their profile. 

    I'm not sure I fully grasp which one of those three choices I should pick?

    1. Ban
    2. Delete
    3. Flag as spammer 
  6. 4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You can move that from the folder if you need to do so. You would simply do the following (after taking a full backup)

    1. Move all files/folders from the /forum/ folder, and put them in root
    2. Edit your conf_global.php file, and remove the /forum/

    Once thats done (if you are doing so) let me know and I can update your URL on the license

    Ok then I may end up just doing that in the end. Can I update the URL on the license myself? I can see a "Change Licensed URL" button in my Client Area > Manage this purchase.

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