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David N.

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Posts posted by David N.

  1. I am trying to understand how to create a simple page in Pages that would look like the content box of one of the default articles layout (white box with slightly rounded corners, text of default size), but without the header (title and author) and without the pagination or the comments at the bottom). 

    So really, just one white content box with slightly rounded corners so that the page looks the same as the articles. 

    I've created a page, set to "Page Builder", then in Page Builder I drag a WYSIWYG editor and type text, however I get no padding, no white background and the text is tiny (13px when my articles are 17px). 

    So I tried adding:

    <article class="ipsContained ipsSpacer_top ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull">
    	<div class="ipsClearfix ipsPadding">

    Before my text and that creates the white box. But the margin at the top is wrong, and I have to take care of the font size... before I go any further, is there an easier way to go about it?

  2. I would LOVE if there was a simple LMS added to my Invision Community. In its simplest form, it could be a table of content in the left sidebar, and some kind of "next" button at the bottom right, just like your own user guide already has - for example:

    That coupled with some kind of progress bar, and a way for the reader to tell where they're currently at in the table of content in the left sidebar (which ideally should be sticky or scrolled independently of the main content) would be awesome.

    After that, the next step is quizzes/tests, gamification... etc. But that can wait. 

  3. I've written an article in Pages, in the default "Articles" Page, however I can't seem to write any HTML in the WYSWYG so how can I use header tags such as h2 for my article titles? 

    I know I can create HTML pages but I want to use the Articles page with the WYSWYG editor because it has the layout I want (with the author card at the top, comments at the bottom...)

  4. Any idea why Google is giving me the following warning regarding Q&A structured data?

    Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Q&A structured data issue(s):

    Top Warnings

    Warnings are suggestions for improvement. Some warnings can affect your appearance on Search; some might be reclassified as errors in the future. The following warnings were found on your site:

  5. I recently converted my phpBB forum to an Invision Community forum. In the Admin panel under Get Support I see a Repeated Log Entries warning, and when I click it I see this: 

    Reoccurring system log entries may be indicative of a problem that should be addressed. A summary of the top reoccurring recent log entries are shown below. Review the system log for further details.

    • Message
    • Error: Call to a member function rfc3339() on null (0) #0 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/applications/core/extensions/core/MemberSync/System.php(410): IPS\_Member->apiOutput() #1 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(4029): IPS\core\extensions\core\MemberSync\_System->onProfileUpdate() #2 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(417): IPS\_Member->memberSync() #3 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(61): IPS\_Member->save() #4 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(1140): IPS\_DateTime::ts() #5 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\_Member->get_joined() #6 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(294): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get() #7 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(175): IPS\_Session->regenerateCsrfKey() #8 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(97): IPS\_Session->init() #9 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(412): IPS\_Session::i() #10 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(307): IPS\_Theme::currentThemeId() #11 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(54): IPS\_Theme::i() #12 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(823): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard::baseCss() #13 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(79): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::baseCss() #14 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #15 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #16 {main}
  6. Under System > Support > Get Support, I see a yellow recommendation in the "Logs" box saying "Repeated log entries". When I click it I see this: 
    Reoccurring system log entries may be indicative of a problem that should be addressed. A summary of the top reoccurring recent log entries are shown below. Review the system log for further details.
    • Message
    • 360
    • Error: Call to a member function rfc3339() on null (0) #0 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/applications/core/extensions/core/MemberSync/System.php(410): IPS\_Member->apiOutput() #1 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(4029): IPS\core\extensions\core\MemberSync\_System->onProfileUpdate() #2 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(417): IPS\_Member->memberSync() #3 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/DateTime/DateTime.php(61): IPS\_Member->save() #4 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(1140): IPS\_DateTime::ts() #5 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\_Member->get_joined() #6 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(294): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get() #7 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(175): IPS\_Session->regenerateCsrfKey() #8 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Session/Session.php(97): IPS\_Session->init() #9 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(412): IPS\_Session::i() #10 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(307): IPS\_Theme::currentThemeId() #11 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(54): IPS\_Theme::i() #12 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(823): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard::baseCss() #13 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(79): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::baseCss() #14 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #15 /home/logicpro/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #16 {main}
  7. 1 minute ago, teraßyte said:

    I actually just submitted a quick plugin to disable the topic preview. It's pending approval here in the IPS Marketplace and already available on my site:

    The plugin has only a setting to exclude certain forums, not themes though. Maybe I'll consider it for a future version.

    Wow you're fast! That's great. 

    I think if you're making a plug-in then ideally (if possible) it should have a simple switch for users to turn the preview on or off in their account settings. That way one doesn't have to create two themes just to change that setting. 

  8. 1 hour ago, teraßyte said:

    If you want to edit the template thought just find this code in "forums > front > forums > topicRow" (line ~113):

    <a href='{$row->url( "getPrefComment" )}' class='' title='{{if $row->mapped('title')}}{$row->mapped('title')}{{else}}{lang="content_deleted"}{{endif}} {{if $row->canEdit()}}{lang="click_hold_edit"}{{endif}}' {{if $row->tableHoverUrl and $row->canView()}} data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$row->url()->setQueryString('preview', 1)}' data-ipsHover-timeout='1.5'{{endif}}{{if $row->canEdit()}} data-role="editableTitle"{{endif}}>

    and replace it with (basically remove the data-ipsHover attributes):

    <a href='{$row->url( "getPrefComment" )}' class='' title='{{if $row->mapped('title')}}{$row->mapped('title')}{{else}}{lang="content_deleted"}{{endif}} {{if $row->canEdit()}}{lang="click_hold_edit"}{{endif}}' {{if $row->canEdit()}} data-role="editableTitle"{{endif}}>

    That worked great. Thanks again. 

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