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  1. Like
    Miss_B reacted to sousou in How to integrate a post template?   
    thanks @Miss_B that's what i wanted
    I will test as soon as I can thanks
  2. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from sousou in How to integrate a post template?   
    Have a look at my app:
  3. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Clover13 in Pre-fill forum topic from a template?   
    Thank you @Marc Stridgen!  I had no idea this even existed and fits the bill perfectly! 👍
    Not necessary for it to be pre-filled, the members can learn about the editor button and to import the template they're interested in!
    Also a good app idea, this gives you the prefilled new topic body on a forum level.  I found I also needed a reply template, which is why Marc's solution fit better (free, but also had the same workflow as the new topic body).  Thank you for letting me know about your app too!
  4. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Ravion in Pre-fill forum topic from a template?   
    Have a look at my app:
  5. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from bosss in Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics   
    I see what you mean, a total denial of the site until they read the topic set as must read as opposed to what it is now. I have made a note of it. 
  6. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from bosss in Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics   
    I do not plan to as I do not use those other apps that you mention. 
  7. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from bosss in Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics   
    No, once an user reads the topic set as must read, he/she will not need to re-read the same topic again, unless the read topic log is deleted for that user or for all users.
  8. Like
    Miss_B reacted to James101 in Advanced Fake Members Online System   
    @Miss_B - Just purchased this plugin! Thank you.
    I realized you need to add each member manually.. Is it possible to add a setting that would allow to add all members or selected user classes and add a setting to show how many to show online at once? Then the app can randomly pick 'x' members from all members and show them online?
    Thank you!
  9. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Daniel F in Where can I see all methods of IPB?   
    Once you enable IN_DEV, you can also use the hook editor to see all available properties and methods 🙂

  10. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: our new theme service is alive!   
    Hey team, happy Hump Day! I'm super excited about our new theme service and wanted to share the news with you. 
    I come in peace! With that said, I want to be transparent with you that this theme service is for those on one of our standard plans. If you've been contemplating moving from self-hosted to our hosting, give me a shout and I'll personally help you get set up. 😇 
    I wrote a blog post about the importance of branding, so just want to put that on your radar.
    I can personally attest to the power of awesome branding (if I do say so myself). I run a community, and members tell me all the time how much they love the theme / branding. It was created by our very own @Ehren, who will be working with you and me to dream up something you love for your community. 
    I know this may be coming off a bit salesy, but I really do love this new theme service, think it offers a lot of value and I hope you'll consider it. 
    If you'd like a little more information, check out our new theme service page. If you have any questions, drop me a line here and I'll respond!
    As always, here's a list of updates/fixes made by our developers in the last week:
    - Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.14.0.
    - Removed stripe.js from non Commerce related pages.
    - Fixed broken "reveal author" buttons when an anonymous user is deleted.
    - Fixed an issue where moderator logs may show untranslated content types.
    - Fixed few issues in archived QA Topics.
    - Fixed an issue where expanding nodes in the advanced search form node selector element could be slow or time out.
    - Fixed an issue where achievement ranks and badges were not exporting using the correct language.
    - Fixed the breadcrumb navigation inside Clubs.
    - Added support for IndexNow.
    - Bing Sitemap Support was removed because they deprecated the service.
    - Fixed the insert existing attachment page jump form not working in bulk mail.
    Looking forward to hearing what you think. 😊 
  11. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in How to add member to moderation queue from frontend?   
    As mentioned above, while not one click, you could set up a warning reason and action. Even if you wish for  it not to interupt anything that is already there, you could just set it higher than other actions.
    Go to Content -> Moderation  -> Actions Create a new reason there, and set the points to 100, along with whatever other prefs you wish it to add there Go to actions and create a new action that on 100 points adds moderation All done. You can then point at the user and give them that warning from anywhere you wish. 
  12. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Senior2323 in Anti Stalker Protection / Member Blocking System   
  13. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Mark H in new install, release: 4.6.9 dBase Set Up Failure   
    That 'access denied' error suggests that you may not have assigned the database user to the database, or that you did not copy down the database user name/password correctly.
    If you create the DB in cPanel, at the bottom of that page are the controls to add a user to a DB.
    Are you certain you've done so?
  14. Haha
  15. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Daniel F in OutOfRangeException: (0)   
    Please don't reinstall the suite, there's no point in doing this!
    Have you rebuild your cache?
  16. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc in OutOfRangeException: (0)   
    As mentioned by my colleague, you should not be reinstalling the software., If you are moving the site, you should be doing this in the manner described here. Its likely this is causing your issues
  17. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from OptimusBain in Manipulate Topic Data   
  18. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from Greek76 in What does this mean? uncaught_exception   
    It is part of the try{...} catch statement. It is used to avoid errors in the code by catching exceptions and continuing the process.
    You can read more about it here:
  19. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Greek76 in Convert Xenforo to Invision   
    Glad to hear that the conversion went fine. Enjoy your newly Ipb forum, as it is truly an amazing software.
  20. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Greek76 in Convert Xenforo to Invision   
    The conversion went swiftly and so far everything seems to be working fine. Invision's converter made it seem like a piece of cake once I figured out that I had to include the everything in the path. I want to thank everyone for their help.  
  21. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from Greek76 in Convert Xenforo to Invision   
    The P should be in small letter. i.e. public_html
    What folder is xenforo installed at? 
  22. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Daniel F in Convert Xenforo to Invision   
    Yes, you have to install the suite to run the conversion 
  23. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Greek76 in Convert Xenforo to Invision   
    So I managed to transfer the XF database and get it to work well. I just downloaded invision and I'm going to begin the conversion process in about 20 minutes. Wish me luck!
  24. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jim M in I'm getting Error code: 2T257/1 on my homepage.   
    I, as well, am a little confused by your question. Elaborating further will help us provide you with an answer.
  25. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Jim M in I'm getting Error code: 2T257/1 on my homepage.   
    Can you please elaborate a little as to what you mean by that? 
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