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    Miss_B got a reaction from Mike456 in Help with fixing database before update   
    First, make sure that all the files mentioned in that screen are overwritten with those from the latest package. If you still will get the error, you should try and chmodd the aforementioned files. 
  2. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from AlexJ in Upgrade from IPB 3.4.x   
    As mentioned previously, it looks like the upgrader can't find the members table. If I were you, I would try to start the upgrade again.
    A word of advice, if I may, make first a duplication of your live forum to a test forum and then upgrade the test forum first to see how things will go. Like that you can take all the time to troubleshoot the errors that might pop up without disrupting the main forum. 
    Once the test forum has bene upgraded propery, you can proceed with upgrading the main forum. 
    Hope it helps and good luck. 
  3. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from AlexJ in Upgrade from IPB 3.4.x   
    I am not sure either about it being the last version of the 3.4.x series or not. 
    Regarding the error that you posted above:
    If you run into it again, the best way to go about it is to assign a default value (usually NULL) to the database column mentioned in the error message. That should fix the issue.
  4. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from AlexJ in Upgrade from IPB 3.4.x   
    The upgrader should add them automatically. Did you upgrade directly to the latest version,  4.7.6? Can you try to first upgrade your forum to the latest version of the 3.4. series and then to  4.7.6?
  5. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from VaBeach_Guy in How to re-create/import a thread from a different (now defunct) Invision Board   
    Yes, that is correct. 
  6. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from mryang yang in Can mod/admin see username of anonymous posts?   
    it is a moderator permission. You can find it under the Content tab. For more please see the attached screenshot.

  7. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from SeNioR- in Can mod/admin see username of anonymous posts?   
    it is a moderator permission. You can find it under the Content tab. For more please see the attached screenshot.

  8. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Charles in Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance...   
    I would be wary of any host that tells you to use an unsupported, including for security updates, software package like PHP 7.4 
  9. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Canis in Can mod/admin see username of anonymous posts?   
    Many thanks @Miss_B
  10. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from zenzoidman in Shared Login Detector   
    Yes, if you remove the app, its database table and all the data in it will be removed automatically.
  11. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Website crippled every once in a while with template errors...not sure why   
    I know that and I didn't mean to imply that. I wanted to bring it to the OP 's attention so he could disable them and see if one of them was the culprit.
  12. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Adriano Faria in Website crippled every once in a while with template errors...not sure why   
    That doesn’t mean ALL these resources has issues. The error is indicating and showing all hooks that extends same class. Usually the error is in the #0.
  13. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Gary in Invision Insight: Invision Community Team Q&A   
    Welcome to this week's Invision Insight!
    Whilst the weather gets warmer Down Under and colder to those in the northern hemisphere, we are nearing the end of our 20th year of Invision Community! So much has been achieved through the years and 2022 specifically is no exception.
    I felt it couldn't be a better time to approach our team to participate in this week's Invision Insight. I'll share their take below.
    Before we get to that though, if you didn't get a chance to attend yesterday's Content Curation event, don't fret! You can watch the video and discuss your thoughts below.
    Invision Community Team Insight
    During the week I took it upon myself to annoy our busy Invision Community staff members and take them away from their work (momentarily of course). All for good reasons! 😇
    I asked them to weigh in on one of three questions. This gives us a glimpse into their minds and is a fun opportunity to hear directly from those that make Invision Community great. As usual, we are all very proud of the work they have produced; the results really do speak for themselves. Team, a huge thank you for playing along and taking the time to get your answers to me.
    What is your favourite thing or feature we delivered this year?
    @Jim M - My favourite feature we delivered this year was the real-time viewing/typing. I feel like this added a whole new level to our software to know in real-time that someone is viewing/replying the same time as you. Really helps with continuing the conversation, as if I reply and see someone else replying back, I'll stick around a few more seconds rather than moving on. For our support usage, it is also nice because we can see if another staff member is already replying and follow up with them internally before going to the client if we have something to collaborate.
    @Lindy - The new Image Scanner (https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/our-new-image-scanner-and-discoverability-ai-keeps-your-community-safe-video-r1263/) is my favourite feature/service that we've rolled out in 2022. I have been in the technology sector for 30 years (ouch!) and have watched the evolution of so many incredible technologies, but AI-driven technology continues to blow my mind, truly. I love that we are among the first to begin developing AI-based features within community platforms and I look forward to our brilliant team incorporating more of this technology as we move forward.
    @Mark H - I'd have to say my favourite enhancement was the "Who's Typing/Viewing" feature that others have already mentioned. It encourages more engagement among both members and staff, and for us techs, also reduces doubling up on an issue. A runner-up favourite would be the Image Scanner feature. It's quite effective when pre-moderation of content is a necessity and reduces the workload of community managers.
    @Marshall Slemp - My favourite feature that was delivered this year has to be the Live Features (Who's Typing and Who's Viewing). It's really cool seeing new technologies being introduced into the platform and being leveraged to add that real-time experience. I think it's been mentioned before that even though the outcome seems simple, there is a lot of work involved in getting to this point and this is just the beginning. The devs (not me) have been working tirelessly to further utilize these new technologies to bring more real-time features such as Live Topics. Also, JavaScript is heavily involved and who doesn't love JavaScript?
    @Matt Finger - Obviously Live Topics. It has taken up like the last third of the year for me and I am super excited for it to go live. This year though, I think my favourite thing as a developer was the existing real-time stuff; Who's Viewing and Who's Typing. From the user's perspective, they seem small and simple, but from my perspective we had to put in place a lot of newer technologies (new to IPS at least) such as Node.js, WebSockets, and dozens of AWS tools. With that robust, performant and secure foundation it opens up all sorts of avenues for where we can take our software in the future.
    @Olivia Clark - We have such a great team! Our ability to work and deliver great product and service with togetherness only continues to improve. I know that sounds cliche but we are improving processes, getting the software is ready for those next great things, and testing new waters - together. Our customer support team serves our customers so well and is always looking for ways to do that better. It is fun to hear the developers working on projects that they cannot wait to sink their teeth into, areas that have been a paint point of theirs for years and areas where they see potential. I love the enthusiasm, the willingness to help those of us that are not as technical and the genuine passion for Invision Community. So, that's my favourite 'thing' delivered this year - greater cohesion and even more enthusiasm amongst our team.
    What are you most excited for in 2023?
    @Ehren - Funnily enough, one of my favourite features from this year is something that'll actually be available in early 2023, our refreshed Gallery. Andy and I spent a few months giving the Gallery a much-needed makeover, deleting a bunch of redundant code and replacing it with a far more modern approach; one example is the new masonry grid, powered completely by CSS! We worked on a new UI with a better focus on features images, we improved support for videos and added some nice new features such as a NSFW filter. My very biased opinion thinks we've made some really nice improvements that our customers will love, so fingers crossed they agree! Just like a Spring clean, I've always found it quite satisfying diving into an old framework and refactoring it using modern techniques. Looking towards 2023 and beyond, I'm really excited to take things even further with not only other application updates (I'm looking at you Downloads and Commerce), but Invision Community as a whole!
    @Marc Stridgen - I'm looking forward to that next jump forward in look for the suite. It always amazes me that just as you think the software looks modern, that next evolution comes along and makes everything before it feel old. It gives a real feeling of moving forward and can pump a new lease of life into every community.
    @Ryan Ashbrook - I think I am most excited for our infrastructure improvements we have planned for 2023. Our development of things like live community, real-time trending content, image scanning and so forth has allowed us to learn and grow how we deliver new features efficiently. But, in addition to that, I am looking forward to improvements to the overall software as a whole - such as the upcoming Gallery refresh. I'm really excited to see all of the applications get the same treatment as Calendar did (which is also one of my favorite things we've done this year).
    @Stuart Silvester - The most exciting thing for 2023 for me is the new Live Topics feature, it's really awesome. The team working on that are doing a great job and I cannot wait for us to share it with you. Besides that, I feel like 2023 is going to be another great year, we've got lots of things coming to the software in the foreseeable future and I'm excited to be able to get new features out to our customers.
    What was the most challenging obstacle you overcame this year?
    @Andy Millne - It seems like more than a year ago but implementing Trending Content was challenging. We wanted to make sure trending items were not just ranked on dumb count of views. What we came up with is really quite clever and takes account of a number of metrics like replies and reaction but also recency. Doing this in a way that reflected real time results and was still performant was challenging but rewarding when it was proven to work.
    @Matt - The biggest obstacle we overcame this year was the PHP 8 transition which impacted our self-hosting clients. Invision Community is built upon several server level software languages, and occasionally there are major updates which cause breaking changes. PHP 8 is a significant upgrade from PHP 7 as it is stricter on how to work with it. Given the size of the Invision Community codebase and the flexibility it affords for after-market code additions, it was a step we had to plan well for. We built tools to assist third party developers and created a multi-step process over many months to ease into the final step of cutting off PHP 7 support. It took a big, coordinated approach with several Invision Community teams and our third-party authors.
    Forum Showcase Prune
    In an effort to ensure we give our community the most accurate examples of the Invision Community product suite in practice, I spent a few hours going through this topic. All links to communities that have since moved on to another software and/or contained links to blatant advertising and explicit content have been hidden or removed (I went the extra mile and removed the same links from quoted posts). If you find something that isn't quite right that I may have missed, please do shout out so I can sort it out.
    Otherwise, feel free to post a link to your own communities below! We would love to see what you have done! Going through the topic made me realise just how far some communities have come from the very beginning, sharing links to their communities for the first time.
    Here's what the dev team have been working on over the last seven days:
    See you in the community and early in January right here for another Invision Insight! I look forward to hearing from you all! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄
    Thank you everyone! 🦘
  14. Agree
    Miss_B got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Friendly Urls temporarily gone - Troubleshoot with google untill issue fixed?   
    I read your other topic and it is my understanding that you have 2 forums in the same server, but only one has this issue. This tells me that something has been miscunfigured somewhere in the forum where the issue is happening.
    You were given a lot of helpful/useful tips at your other topic, but the thing is that without looking directly in the forum/server where the issue is happening, all one can do is guess. 
  15. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from MeMaBlue in How can I delete large topics (10K posts each) but keep first 2 pages+ url for seo purposes?   
    Deleting topics is not an accurate term in this case. This would be more like deleting posts. That being said, there is no buil in option to do this a.f.a.i.k. This will require a custom app.
  16. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Caedis in Forum Ban   
    I don't know why it is locked. It is already compatible with Ipb 4.7., but I will do a double check to see if it works correctly with php 8.x.
  17. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Jim M in Php 8.1   
    Sorry, I am not quite sure I understand what you mean. Our latest software, 4.7.5, is only compatible with PHP 8.0 and 8.1.
  18. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from James101 in Forum Ban   
    I don't know why it is locked. It is already compatible with Ipb 4.7., but I will do a double check to see if it works correctly with php 8.x.
  19. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from OptimusBain in Have the same topic in two places at once?   
    Not by default a.f.a.i.k. This will require a custom app.
  20. Thanks
    Miss_B got a reaction from beats23 in v4.7.5 Has issue with new members account.   
    What I meant is that the error you posted, suggests that the code mentioned there is not compatible with php 8.x
  21. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from SeNioR- in More upgrade woes   
    If that was the case, then the aforementioned error clearly shouldn't have happened. It is clear that the issue here lies with your host. You don't like to hear it obviously, but that is the truth. 
  22. Like
    Miss_B got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in More upgrade woes   
    If that was the case, then the aforementioned error clearly shouldn't have happened. It is clear that the issue here lies with your host. You don't like to hear it obviously, but that is the truth. 
  23. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Marc Stridgen in More upgrade woes   
    Sorry to hear you wish to cancel. I have removed all renewals on your software, so you will no longer be charged.
    It does need to be noted here, you are unfortunately venting frustration in the wrong direction. No matter what software you use, you will get that very same error when trying to write temp files. That error being mentioned is not coming from our software in any way. It's coming directly from the operating system on your server. Unfortunately there physically no way for us, as the software company, to resolve this.
    I would mention here, if you do decide you wish to move forward again in the future, our cloud solution may well be a better fit for you. It would mean you do not have to worry about the hosting at all, as that is all managed on your behalf
  24. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Randy Calvert in More upgrade woes   
    Well… let’s think about this for a moment.  If there is no space let on a device, what is the software going to do about it?  🙂
    If they’re saying it’s a software problem, you REALLY need a new hosting provider. This should be 101 level stuff. 
  25. Like
    Miss_B reacted to Gary in Invision Insight: Debut!   
    Welcome to the very first Invision Insight, hosted by yours truly! 😎
    I'm excited to connect with you each week to share what's happening inside Invision Community. For those that haven't yet seen me making my way around this community, I'm Gary, and I have just recently joined the Customer Service team at Invision Community.
    We are currently working hard to close out our 20th year in business on a high note!
    There are still so many things to look forward to before the year is done though, and I wanted to give you all a few things to keep your eyes out for. It truly is a testament to the hard work, motivation and dedication of the entire team, and we thank each and every one of you for your contributions, suggestions, feedback and overall engagement within the Invision Community space. We have you to thank for the past 20 years, and we hope to still bring you a dynamic community platform for the next 20 (and beyond)!
    New Version
    Invision Community have released their most recent beta, 4.7.5 Beta 1.
    This release is our December release and focuses mainly on providing bug fixes and improving stability in the software. This will be our last release for the year as we prepare ourselves for some new features in 2023!
    Please click here to read up on the full release notes.
    Earlier this week, I posted my first blog entry providing insight on how keeping it simple provides the best experience for the users of your community. It would be awesome if you could check it out if you obviously haven't already done so!
    This makes up the first of a mini-series of blog entries I have planned, so stay tuned to read more in the next few weeks.
    Upcoming Event
    Want to hear from Olivia, Charles and Matt as they discuss what we have delivered this year? How about getting your eyes on the roadmap and what we have planned for next year? Join us for this very special December Release and Year in Review Chat, due to kick off in just a week's time!
    It'll be 2:30 am my time, but I'll try my best to be there too!
    And just to keep you all in the loop, and because we know you love what our outstanding development team are doing each week, I thought I'd steal @Jordan Miller's idea (😈) in providing you all with a list of updates and fixes made to Invision Community in the last seven days:
    See you in the community and next week right here for another Invision Insight! I look forward to hearing from you all!
    On a side note, if you have any ideas for future Invision Insight content, I'm all ears! Feel free to send me a private message if you don't want it mentioned publicly.
    Thank you everyone! 🦘
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