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  1. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Alexander V in Marketplace Closure   
    So, to me, this is absolutely bonkers. 

    IPS' team has noticed that their plugin community is a fraction of what it used to be, thinks this is because everyone has switched to bespoke work (You sure it's not the other way around? People using bespoke work /because/ the plugin community has a fraction of the size it did back when there was a free version and before IPS was trying to be everything for every person by default?). 

    So they /murder/ pre-made plugins. No, we're not going to see thriving new marketplaces. Excited devs will start some, none of these will be as active as the current one, most if not all of these efforts will peter out quickly. Not having the marketplace in the panel, not having them vetted by IPS, not having people browse over them prior to purchasing IPS (and plan out a setup with plugins), not having their plugins listed on IPS' websites are all small cuts that together, cut deep. IPS' website was never a limiter on other marketplaces (they've always existed for themes and some plugins), but free advertisement to those who did have those. You're merely taking away an option and your stamp of approval. 

    And you do this brilliant move in the middle of a version, announcing it to your costumers roughly a month up-front. 

    Definitely not obvious you're springing it this way to ensure customers don't either, mass-hug a former major version to keep their plugins, or start planning migrations away from IPS between the time of announcement and release. 

    Now, months after it happened, I google 'Invisionpower plugins marketplace' and find nothing on the first page. 

    Sincerely, as someone who was a fan once of IPS, you people suck.
  2. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to ASI in Marketplace Closure   
    As expected yet another dev has abandoned it altogether. It is only becoming more and more effort, numerous different dev sites to sign up to, costlier to develop custom replacements, increased passing the buck chances.
  3. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to mountaininteractive in Marketplace Closure   
    It's sad to see the marketplace go, as long as they keep the commerce module going I'm super happy! We use it actively for our games, when a member subscribes to us on the website they get the rewards in the game. I love invoicing, dispute resolution, etc. Although I hope updates are focused on commerce in the future.
  4. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Chris027 in Marketplace Closure   
    I just don’t see myself looking at the providers page, then going to their individual pages, then looking at apps. Most of the apps I use were found by browsing here, not even searching. 
    I’m guessing I’ll gradually use the stock, less good, version of Invision Community. Kind of a bummer. 
  5. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Durango in Marketplace Closure   
    Just discover this
    sounds weird to me, App store, Google play store, Wordpress plugins depository, it makes sense to find all apps / plugins at the same place, rather than to have to check all devs websites...
    i am not sure that's a good move
  6. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Jim M in How to moderate all posts from a User Group and require admin's approval   
    Keep in mind that there is no feature to require administrator approval. There is the ability to require moderator approval. If you mean that, then you can do the below:
    ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Content -> enable "Require approval before content shows?"
  7. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from Joel R in Kartra integration with Invision Community   
    I was thinking of using the Kartra online application to manage my marketing campaigns, landing pages, forms, abandoned cart, upsells, etc. Invision lacks most of these important functionalities, so I need to look for alternatives, and Kartar impressed me.
    Can I connect Kartra with Invision and use the products in my ACP in Kartra?
    Somebody buys Invision Membership X in a list of products in Kartra and then a new user is added to ACP with the correct primary/secondary group I wish Invision had many of the basic functionalities of any shopping cart, like upsells and abandoned carts, but it doesn't. So how am I supposed to do that if I wanted to? Can Kartra do this with Zapier and Invision? Is this the way it would be done in Zapier? See screenshot.

    Thanks a lot for your help.
  8. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Jim M in How to create a custom Zapier   
    The integrations and data that you can insert into systems would wildly vary depending on those integrations. IE above you're asking whether or not you should add group to name. I am stating, it would be whatever provides you value within that application and accomplish what you're seeking to use it for. There is no wrong answer.
    I will answer some of your other questions more directly if that helps
    I would advise creating Zaps in Zapier if you're confused by what is in the ACP. There really is limited difference.
    You would need to use the available triggers provided. Otherwise, there would need customization.
    This is not something currently available and would require customization.
    This would depend on the trigger which is triggering the Zap. If the purchase is done on creation and the trigger is a fully validated account, yes. Otherwise, if purchase happens after the trigger, no.
  9. Agree
    OptimusBain got a reaction from dmaidon1 in products and subscriptions should have expiration and renewal end dates   
    Hello everyone,
    I hope IPS listens to my suggestions. I have read many other suggestions that should be implemented in the core and they haven't been added for years. Some great functionalities have been even eliminated when they were great and made the application better. Please, @Jordan Miller bring these issues up with the team.
    The products and subscriptions modules lack a few functionalities. A very important one is being able to specify the expiration date. There is no way to do that right now. A member buys a subscription or a product and there is no way to automate the expiration date 😞 
    I believe that Invision wrongly assumes that a product should never expire or the end of the product will be reached ONLY WHEN the user cancels the renewal. That's not logical.
    How can I do this?
    I offer a course that will be available for the user for six months or a year. After that, he loses access to the page where the course was located. The product has expired. He no longer can ask questions about it or access the learning material. A product can be paid in several instalments. Once the last instalment has been settled, the member will have access to the service he purchased forever There are so many uses, but none of them is possible right now because:
    ACP won't let you add an end date (expiration) for the renewals ACP won't let you specify the expiration date for the product/subscription See the screenshots to see how this could be done.
    Choose rebill times:
    No more charges: a single payment. No more charges will be made Charge second price (renewal) once. We could set a second price once, then the product expires or user has unlimited access Charge second price (renewal) X times. Recurrent payments that have an END. The product/subscription will end after X times have been charged Rebill second price (renewal) until cancelled. The member is charged X until he cancels the renewal
    See an example for charging a renewal only ONCE.

    See an example for charging a renewal five times.

    See below an example to charge the renewal price until cancelled.

    I believe these examples are self-explanatory. Nothing has been done. IPS assumes that community owners will sell products that do not expire. Products/subscriptions should have expiration dates and letting users pay the service in several instalments is a must.
    Nothing like that is available. On top of that, the renewal price cannot be set different to the initial price. PayPal and Stripe allow you to do that (been doing this for many years).
    As I said in a few of my posts, I believe that the Commerce module is "abandoned" and users are not being listened to.
    Thanks a lot
    @Marc Stridgen could you please move this to the Features forum? I placed it here, and I believe it should be under Features. Thanks
  10. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to sudo in Marketplace Closure   
    No offence but this is crazy.
    what will happen for people hosting in the cloud? No mods?
  11. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to Daniel F in Create member via Zapier: Custom fields   
    Unfortunately our Zapier integration doesn’t support custom fields yet, but you could use the Zapier Webhook feature to send a POST request to your community’s REST API to update the created member.  
  12. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Jim M in courses application preview   
    We have our Free Trial system which you can utilize to trial our products: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/free-trial
  13. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to opentype in renewal price is not showing   
    Pretty sure that is not working as intended. The empty space there below the R means a variable output is missing. Could be an outdated template, a language string problem or something similar. Here is how it looks on one of my sites where initial term and renewal are specified independently, even though they are the same:

    It’s pretty clear. 
    I don’t think there is an easy way to change the display using the “/” for “per”, but that’s easy to explain in more detail in the description or even the product/subscription title. 
  14. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Marco Junior in Invision Community Insight: Low key news week   
    Do you think about revamping the default look of the default theme in version 5?
  15. Agree
    OptimusBain got a reaction from andavis in Our Picks module is not displaying the promoted items   
    Our Picks module is not displaying the promoted items. It's been happening for a few days now. I wanted to report it but I forgot about it. May it be related to the beta version that I am running? I can see the promoted articles in Our Picks URL, but I stopped seeing them in the custom block that has been sitting there for more than a year. It just stopped displaying the promoted items.
    See attachment. 
    What can I do to get them back?

  16. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from everzel in May Release Chat   
    Sorry, the tag option to mention other users is free to use by everyone. Please don't get mad at me! I did nothing wrong. I asked you about what you were doing, and you never replied. That's why. I won't tag you again, don't worry! If only you had replied to my previous message and other members about this, I wouldn't have tagged you. Have a nice day.
  17. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from everzel in May Release Chat   
    Same here! Self-hosted clients are being IGNORED and put aside again. And there is no excuse now; we don't need any special server to run the courses. It's just a premeditated decision to brush aside self-hosted clients.
    I've been waiting for a long time for a course/LMS in IPS. @Adriano Faria was creating one, but there is no news from him. And now that IPS has released it, I can't use it because I'm not a client using its expensive cloud version.
  18. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Adlago in error 500 posting any new topic   
    It might be a good idea to check your site for viruses, for example with this online tool
    And also check your site security
  19. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to LiquidFractal in Drip Campaigns Support   
    Update: I did hear back from rebraf via PM - as his license has currently expired he is unable to reply to the support message.  He says he will continue support for Email Drip Campaigns through 4.x but will have to evaluate the situation as 5.x approaches, depending on Invision's plans and the subsequent changes which may need to be made.
    So stay tuned, I guess.
  20. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to MediaDiGi in Drip Campaigns Support   
    Interested as well!
  21. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from steel51 in May Release Chat   
    Same here! Self-hosted clients are being IGNORED and put aside again. And there is no excuse now; we don't need any special server to run the courses. It's just a premeditated decision to brush aside self-hosted clients.
    I've been waiting for a long time for a course/LMS in IPS. @Adriano Faria was creating one, but there is no news from him. And now that IPS has released it, I can't use it because I'm not a client using its expensive cloud version.
  22. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from SjorsK in May Release Chat   
    Same here! Self-hosted clients are being IGNORED and put aside again. And there is no excuse now; we don't need any special server to run the courses. It's just a premeditated decision to brush aside self-hosted clients.
    I've been waiting for a long time for a course/LMS in IPS. @Adriano Faria was creating one, but there is no news from him. And now that IPS has released it, I can't use it because I'm not a client using its expensive cloud version.
  23. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from Daddy in May Release Chat   
    Same here! Self-hosted clients are being IGNORED and put aside again. And there is no excuse now; we don't need any special server to run the courses. It's just a premeditated decision to brush aside self-hosted clients.
    I've been waiting for a long time for a course/LMS in IPS. @Adriano Faria was creating one, but there is no news from him. And now that IPS has released it, I can't use it because I'm not a client using its expensive cloud version.
  24. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from MediaDiGi in May Release Chat   
    Same here! Self-hosted clients are being IGNORED and put aside again. And there is no excuse now; we don't need any special server to run the courses. It's just a premeditated decision to brush aside self-hosted clients.
    I've been waiting for a long time for a course/LMS in IPS. @Adriano Faria was creating one, but there is no news from him. And now that IPS has released it, I can't use it because I'm not a client using its expensive cloud version.
  25. Like
    OptimusBain got a reaction from NoobForumAdmin in May Release Chat   
    Sorry, the tag option to mention other users is free to use by everyone. Please don't get mad at me! I did nothing wrong. I asked you about what you were doing, and you never replied. That's why. I won't tag you again, don't worry! If only you had replied to my previous message and other members about this, I wouldn't have tagged you. Have a nice day.
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