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Everything posted by WP V0RT3X

  1. Have you tried the 4.4 addon in 4.5? Haven't tested that one, but many work without any problems.
  2. Just save the code as a bookmark in your browser (works fine with Chrome, others I don't know). Open the page you want to inspect and then that one.
  3. Okay, quick and dirty again... go to template forums -> topics -> post and search for {{if \count( $item->commentMultimodActions() ) and !$comment->mapped('first')}} <li><span class='ipsCustomInput'> <input type="checkbox" name="multimod[{$comment->$idField}]" value="1" data-role="moderation" data-actions="{{if $comment->canSplit()}}split merge{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() === -1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}unhide{{elseif $comment->hidden() === 1 AND $comment->canUnhide()}}approve{{elseif $comment->canHide()}}hide{{endif}} {{if $comment->canDelete()}}delete{{endif}}" data-state='{{if $comment->tableStates()}}{$comment->tableStates()}{{endif}}'> <span></span> </span></li> {{endif}} ABOVE that add <li><a href='{$comment->item()->url()}' title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="share_this_post"}" d='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class="fa fa-share-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> And there it is I don't have 4.4 anymore, so this is basically the new share post code, I only changed the text with a Font Awesome icon.
  4. There is an official tutorial for such kinds of blocks on YT.
  5. I can take a look tomorrow, already afk for today.
  6. https://prnt.sc/uv9vbe The group must have the permission to post HTML.
  7. Your code above works fine, but don't put it in "code", post it as HTML instead (click on Source in the editor) https://prnt.sc/uv6ipv I recommend creating an editor button with option for the Video-ID.
  8. In addition to that this bookmark makes it a little bit easier... javascript: (function() { let domStyle = document.getElementById('domStylee'); if (domStyle) { document.body.removeChild(domStyle); return; } domStyle = document.createElement("style"); domStyle.setAttribute('id', 'domStylee'); domStyle.append( ['* { color:#0f0!important;outline:solid #f00 1px!important; background-color: rgba(255,0,0,.2) !important; }'], ['* * { background-color: rgba(0,255,0,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * { background-color: rgba(0,0,255,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * { background-color: rgba(255,0,255,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * * { background-color: rgba(0,255,255,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * * * { background-color: rgba(255,255,0,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * * * * { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * * * * * { background-color: rgba(0,255,0,.2) !important; }'], ['* * * * * * * * * { background-color: rgba(0,0,255,.2) !important; }'].join() ); document.body.appendChild(domStyle); })();
  9. Should be possible with a theme hook. I use something like that to hide the offline notice in the AdminCP.
  10. {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles AND $links = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, TRUE ) AND \count( $links )}} <style> .cShareLink_android { background: #689F38; } .cShareLink_discord { background: #8C9EFF; } .cShareLink_apple { background: #F76BC1; } .cShareImage_discord { height: 20px; } </style> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.android.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_android' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-android'></i></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.discord.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_discord' rel='noopener noreferrer'><img class="cShareImage_discord" src="https://img.pngio.com/discord-transparent-server-icon-345018-free-icons-library-discord-icon-transparent-256_256.jpg" /></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.apple.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_apple' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i></a> </li> {{foreach $links as $profile}} <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}} Or simply use Font Awesome 5 https://fontawesome.com/icons/discord?style=brands
  11. With a custom pages database. A category is a "playlist". When you click on a category thumbnail in the overview, you will see a list of the videos. For the categories he is hosting his own images, the video thumbs are fetched from YT. https://munipramansagar.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-07-30-min.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UBTvTNoBxnQ/mqdefault.jpg His video thumbnails are simple links to YT, I would use them for records displaying the vids to keep your users on your own site. I could clone his setup, if you are interrested, PM me. An alternative would be SuperShow by @opentype https://www.opentype.space/supershow/supershow-demo/
  12. I use a little plugin for such links... https://invisionfocus.de/files/file/24-extra-footer-links/
  13. The lower navigation disappears automatically when it's empty. I mean really empty, remove all entries. Home is a part of the breadcrumbs.
  14. WP V0RT3X


    How about making backups? And stealing? Come on...
  15. I was looking for something like this last year too...
  16. You have a min-width of 340px in your #ipsLayout_sidebar. Change that and it looks fine again.
  17. Still works fine on 4.5 😉
  18. Have you tried to install it from the AdminCP?
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