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Everything posted by WP V0RT3X

  1. If you mean the text, it's a phrase. Go to Customization -> Languages -> Translate in your AdminCP.
  2. With "everything" you mean forum, gallery, ressource manager and elastig search (yes you have to pay extra for that)? But there's one thing you forget, XF has much less functionality compared to IPS. And I'm not talking about things like blogs, commerce and so on. Only for the forum you have to buy lots of third party addons for features that come with Invision out of the box. Also XF concentrates on the forum, XFMG and RM have been neglected for a long time. The gallery even got nerfed with the 2.0 release and is almost unusable at the moment.
  3. Simply move the Google code, you maybe take a look at the quickSearch template. If you show me the code, I can take a look later.
  4. Not so easy with that site too, they are protecting their content very good. Finding the sources on other video sites is much easier They also don't offer embedding in their sharing options, only the link with description.
  5. What EXACTLY have you done?
  6. In this case you don't need CSS edits, the code above is the modified template to make the card look like on the second screenshot. Just replace the whole forumGridItem template with that. If you don't like it, revert it. If you want to hide something via CSS it looks like this... .whatever { display: none; }
  7. There are at least two applications in the marketplace for additional social icons, afaik with one of them it should be possible. [edit] Quick and dirty? Replace template siteSocialProfiles with this ... {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles AND $links = json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_social_profiles, TRUE ) AND \count( $links )}} <style> .cShareLink_android { background: #689F38; } .cShareLink_apple { background: #F76BC1; } </style> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.android.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_android' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-android'></i></a> </li> <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='https://www.apple.com' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_apple' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i></a> </li> {{foreach $links as $profile}} <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='{$profile['key']}' target='_blank' class='cShareLink cShareLink_{$profile['value']}' rel='noopener noreferrer'><i class='fa fa-{$profile['value']}'></i></a> </li> {{endforeach}} {{endif}}
  8. It's all in the template forumGridItem ... {{if $forum->can('view')}} {{$lastPost = $forum->lastPost();}} {{$club = $forum->club();}} <div class="ipsBox ipsBox--child cForumGrid {{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) && !$forum->redirect_on}}cForumGrid--unread ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}} {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) && !$forum->redirect_on}}cForumGrid--read{{endif}} {{if $forum->redirect_on}}cForumGrid--redirect{{elseif $forum->forums_bitoptions['bw_enable_answers']}}cForumGrid--answers{{elseif $forum->password}}cForumGrid--password{{else}}cForumGrid--forum{{endif}}" data-forumID="{$forum->_id}"> <!-- Hero --> <div class='cForumGrid__hero'> <!-- Clickable area --> <a {{if $forum->password && !$forum->loggedInMemberHasPasswordAccess()}}href="{$forum->url()->setQueryString( 'passForm', '1' )}" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="forum_requires_password" sprintf="$forum->_title"}'{{else}}href="{$forum->url()}"{{endif}} class='cForumGrid__hero-link' aria-hidden='true'> {{if $club and ! $forum->card_image}} {{$coverPhoto = $club->coverPhoto( FALSE );}} {{$cfObject = $coverPhoto->object;}} {{if $coverPhoto->file}} <span class='cForumGrid__hero-image' role='img' style="background-image:url('{$coverPhoto->file->url}')" aria-label='{$forum->_title}'></span> {{elseif ! empty( $cfObject::$coverPhotoDefault )}} <span class='cForumGrid__hero-image' role='img' style="background-color: {$coverPhoto->object->coverPhotoBackgroundColor()};background-image:url('{resource="pattern.png" app="core" location="global"}')" aria-label='{$forum->_title}'></span> {{endif}} {{else}} <span class='cForumGrid__hero-image' role='img' {{if $forum->card_image}}style="background-image:url('{file="$forum->card_image" extension="forums_Cards"}')"{{endif}} aria-label='{$forum->_title}'></span> {{endif}} <span class='cForumGrid__hero-image-overlay'></span> </a> <!-- Forum info --> <div class='cForumGrid__forumInfo ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:end'> <!-- Title and post count --> <div class='ipsFlex-flex:11'> <h3 class='cForumGrid__title ipsType_reset ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line'> {{if $forum->password && !$forum->loggedInMemberHasPasswordAccess()}} <a href="{$forum->url()->setQueryString( 'passForm', '1' )}" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="forum_requires_password" sprintf="$forum->_title"}'>{$forum->_title}</a> {{else}} <a href="{$forum->url()}">{{if $club}}{lang="club_node" sprintf="$club->name, $forum->_title"}{{else}}{$forum->_title}{{endif}}</a> {{endif}} </h3> {{if !$forum->redirect_on}} <ul class='cForumGrid__title-stats ipsType_reset ipsType_light'> {{$count = \IPS\forums\Topic::contentCount( $forum, TRUE );}} {{if $count > 0}}<li>{lang="posts_number" pluralize="$count" format="short"}</li>{{endif}} {{if $forum->followerCount}} <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=notifications&do=followers&follow_app=forums&follow_area=forum&follow_id={$forum->_id}"}' title='{lang="followers_tooltip"}' class='ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_noUnderline' data-ipsTooltip data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="who_follows_this"}'>{lang="forum_follower_count" pluralize="$forum->followerCount"}</a> </li> {{endif}} </ul> {{endif}} </div> <!-- Forum icon --> <span class='cForumGrid__icon-wrap ipsFlex-flex:00'> {{if !$forum->redirect_on AND \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} <a href="{$forum->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'markRead' )->csrf()}" data-action='markAsRead' title='{lang="mark_forum_read"}' data-ipsTooltip> {{endif}} {{if $club}} <img src="{{if $club->profile_photo}}{file="$club->profile_photo" extension="core_Clubs"}{{else}}{resource="default_club.png" app="core" location="global"}{{endif}}" alt='' class='cForumGrid__icon-image'> {{elseif $forum->icon}} <img src="{file="$forum->icon" extension="forums_Icons"}" alt='' class='cForumGrid__icon-image cForumGrid__icon--custom'> {{else}} {{if $forum->redirect_on}} <span class='cForumGrid__icon cForumGrid__icon--redirect' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> <i class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> </span> {{elseif $forum->forums_bitoptions['bw_enable_answers']}} <span class='cForumGrid__icon cForumGrid__icon--answers' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> <i class='fa fa-question'></i> </span> {{elseif $forum->password}} <span class='cForumGrid__icon cForumGrid__icon--password' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> {{if $forum->loggedInMemberHasPasswordAccess()}} <i class='fa fa-unlock'></i> {{else}} <i class='fa fa-lock'></i> {{endif}} </span> {{else}} <span class='cForumGrid__icon cForumGrid__icon--normal' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> </span> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if !$forum->redirect_on AND \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} </a> {{endif}} </span> </div> </div> <!-- Last post information --> <div class='cForumGrid__last ipsBorder_top ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsPadding_horizontal'> {{if !$forum->redirect_on}} {{if $lastPost}} <div> <ul class='ipsList_reset'> <li class='ipsDataItem_lastPoster__title'><a href="{$lastPost['topic_url']->setQueryString( 'do', 'getNewComment' )}" class='ipsType_break' title='{$lastPost['topic_title']}'>{$lastPost['topic_title']}</a></li> </ul> </div> {{else}} <p class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line'>{{if $forum->password}}{lang="no_forum_posts_password"}{{else}}{lang="no_forum_posts"}{{endif}}</p> {{endif}} {{else}} <p class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line'> {lang="redirect_hits" pluralize="$forum->redirect_hits"} </p> {{endif}} </div> </div> {{endif}} Just try yourself, I like it as it is by default.
  9. It's in the postContainer template (twice).
  10. Open /applications/videos/modules/admin/videos/categories.php and find... class _categories extends \IPS\Node\Controller { /** * Node Class */ protected $nodeClass = 'IPS\videos\Category'; Change to... class _categories extends \IPS\Node\Controller { /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE; /** * Node Class */ protected $nodeClass = 'IPS\videos\Category'; Same with other admin files than run into this error.
  11. Topic Summary Settings -> admin/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=settings&tab=settings
  12. <style> .revolvermaps { background: #000; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } </style> <div class="revolvermaps"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//rf.revolvermaps.com/0/0/1.js?i=5kq2jkw49ng&amp;s=220&amp;m=0&amp;v=false&amp;r=false&amp;b=000000&amp;n=false&amp;c=ff0000" async="async"></script> </div>
  13. Yes, just wrap your custom code in your own css.
  14. 403 ERROR The request could not be satisfied. The Amazon CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation. Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront) Request ID: iJWbqxmjC-E1VBf08jBtMOTBc2Ag57FpXaXxtuZW5PRZiT1Kx9cwmg==
  15. Re-enter your password and you will see this...
  16. Of course you can delete your buttons. Just click on one and scroll down...
  17. Something like this? https://www.revolvermaps.com/ You can find lot's of such scripts via Google.
  18. You can set up several social profiles in AdminCP -> System -> General Configuration. Looks like this...
  19. Quick and dirty... .ipsDataItem[data-forumid='2'] .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large, .ipsItemStatus:not( .ipsItemStatus_large ) { color: transparent; background: url(https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/arrioch/halloween/32/devil-icon.png) no-repeat center center; }
  20. Just place something like this in your custom.css template... #elUserNav > li > a { color: #ff0000; }
  21. They're called #elUserNav > li > a
  22. .ipsDataItem[data-forumid='2'] .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_large .fa-comments::before, .ipsItemStatus:not( .ipsItemStatus_large ) .fa-comments::before { content: "\f198"; } Have fun :)
  23. To be honest, I never really used it, always manual mode.
  24. There are some differences. XF-Staff reviews nothing and you can't buy addons there, you are always redirected to the devs website. The result are funny things like THIS. User buys an addon, gives a bad rating and the dev doesn't give him access to the download anymore
  25. Go to AdminCP -> Themes and create a new theme (manual mode). Then click on the pencil icon and compare the settings (colors etc.) of your old theme and use them in the new one. This should restore the basic look and feel. If your old theme has more advanced customizations, you should contact the designer.
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