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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Here's general info from the Help Guides on this: The values in the leaderboard are points (not posts) and content. Content can be forum posts (whether they start a thread or are made in reply of one), comments, reviews, database entries, pages entries, etc. Anything where the member writes something and it appears within the suite. Points are earned depending on your configuration. The guide above does a high level overview of the various options. You can change the time period in the upper right of the default leaderboard view. Look in the upper right here as an example: https://invisioncommunity.com/leaderboard/ There is a drop down that allows you to select the duration of time, as well as one that allows you to further narrow down to specific content types.
  2. The only issue with this is that the UX for purchasing a subscription that renews and a product that acts as a subscription is that they are in two completely different interfaces. Much improvement should be done here. If you go that route, it's probably best to make all the subscriptions products to keep things consistent.
  3. @Makoto have you gotten any feedback from IPS or is this still legitimately in their queue? This is one of our remaining extensions to start preparing for production upgrade.
  4. @Pavel Chernitsky: I vaguely remember thinking this was possible in 4.5 now, but I've not tested it directly. Check out this blog post:
  5. In the vast majority of cases, we'd be issuing a warning for a post hidden just before due to whatever the warning is about. I think the instructions @bfarber shared are to put them in a template hook (or modify the templates) that display the warning to the user, rather than include it in the "message to member" box. Alternatively, the template that generate the box for the moderator to enter the warning could be prepopulated via a template hook to be preloaded with quoted content. I have not had a chance to test this yet. Once we figure it out, I'll share here. 🙂
  6. This gets better in 4.5, and you are describing my experience in 4.4.
  7. We have identified a third-party solution in the event there's no built in functionality that can be utilized this way, however I appreciate the pointer! This seems like a good area for Commerce to expand into--something a bit beyond "I agree with the terms and conditions" checkbox.
  8. We looked at that, yet I'm not sure that there's a way to maintain a relationship between a "contract" and "signatories" where there'd be a one-to-many relationship. Contract A may have 20 people that have signed, as an example. The forms applications didn't seem to be a good use case for this. Thanks for the insights, Joel.
  9. @Woodsman, tasks are scheduled to run periodically. You can see a list of them at ACP > System > Tasks. By default, they run when folks visit your web site, which won't be happening typically on your local machine. That's why you're seeing the warning. As you mentioned WAMP, I recommend setting up a scheduled task on Windows (click the fix this button and follow the directions there for "cronjob") so that your computer will run these tasks on a regular schedule. You can open the Windows task scheduler on your machine and configure it so that it runs the php shell command (where ever it lives on your local machine) and pass it the parameters indicated in the cronjob option. Here's a quick StackExchange article that gives options for you that should help guide you: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9894804/use-php-to-set-cron-jobs-in-windows The damage that will be caused is that there is an expectation that tasks will run regularly in their design, and by not running, things can get unwieldy quickly in a production environment and the install will stop behaving as expected.
  10. I noticed today that accessing prior stable versions of the IPS platform is not possible from the Client Area. We store previous revisions in our source code repository, however I imagine some folks, especially at this time of transition, may be wanting to install 4.4.10 and not 4.5.1 Beta 1, which is listed as the current stable release. We obviously have different definitions of stable, yet from past experience with vBulletin, as an example, one could download the latest version of the files from each major revision along with any beta branches. Throwing out this suggestion for others, and providing a bit of a cautionary tale. What are the avenues available to a client that has a web server failure, and needs to grab the 4.4.x branch to restore/isn't wanting to upgrade to 4.5? Support request and files are provided or are those folks forced into upgrading?
  11. Wow, quite a backlog they must be working through. It's still not released!
  12. We have a need to have selected individuals read and sign legal agreements. Has anyone used IPS to capture signatures for things like non-disclosure agreements, etc.?
  13. Captcha on Contact Us form is in 4.5.0 per our tests. 👍
  14. How about a button that says "Not sure if I was there. Who are you again? Do I even know you?"
  15. Our tests showed this continuing to work in 4.5 without any noted issue (however, Marketplace will warn you that it is not).
  16. As an example, suppose a member creates a post laced with profanity. A moderator wants to issue a warning via the warning system to the member reminding them of the rules. We'd like to include the post the member made in the "message to member" that they view and acknowledge, as often these posts are deleted and no longer visible to the member. For example: We'd like to insert the problematic content within the body of the moderator message (or within the template) simply to add the context of "this was the bit you posted that was a problem."
  17. Is there a built in variable/placeholder that can be used to insert the body of content issued a warning by a moderator? This was a feature in vBulletin and we'd like to bring it back for IPS. I see that default messages can be included to the member, yet am looking for something like {content_body} or similar. I.e. you posted: {content_body}, even if this change is made at the template level and is universally used for all issued warnings.
  18. Hi Adriano, I'm meaning extending the existing feature for when whitelists or blacklists are used as well. Have the same settings you provide work if "all links or moderated" or a whitelist or a blacklist is provided. Looking at the way you implemented this, I think it's an easy change to look for the other values for ipb_url_filter_option and apply the same logic/expose the same settings.
  19. Can you go to your orders and cancel the renewal invoices?
  20. You should reupload your files. Sounds like something didn't transfer correctly.
  21. Is your gitlab down, @Makoto?
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