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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Are you certain it's not white text on a white background? Try the default theme.
  2. The issue is that core_members is a table that no third-party plugin or application should touch. Auto Welcome likely was using this prior to 4.5 and is now expected to move it elsewhere. The part that moves it elsewhere is likely what died on us, but all a big guess.
  3. Since I can't find anything in the developer docs on how to handle this, I'm not sure this is Michael's problem. I've posted here:
  4. Today @Michael.J's Auto Welcome plugin was updated with 4.5 support. As a part of the upgrade process in 4.5, an incrementing process runs to presumably move data out of a Not Good Place(tm) in the database into a place deemed acceptable by IPS Marketplace guidelines. As we have many, many members, this process was slowly incrementing, 50 at a time, toward the very large number of members that we have. This must have met the IPS standards and must have been blessed by IPS' review process. Unfortunately, my internet connection blipped out during the upgrade, causing the process to fail, and leaving the plugin in a state where it's not fully updated, it's trying to rerun SQL queries that were already run, and there's no way to move forward. I can't download the 4.5 resource to see what it's doing, nor can I restart or pickup the upgrade process. Maybe I could uninstall and lose all data associated with it through a reinstall, but that's ... less than ideal. What's the plan, IPS, for this sort of stuff? Who supports this? You? Michael, the third party developer? I'm out of luck? Thankfully we test rigorously before doing things in production, yet it seems that these sorts of things (moving data within the database) should be required to be developed as background processes that continue to run and aren't dependent on the administrator's internet connection. Is that not possible for plugin/application development? Are you not thinking to check for this? Did this get overlooked? Where's the developer documentation for background processes even located? No criticism of Michael here. He's doing good work, and making a good product. IPS needs to take ownership of this nonsense by making it impossible to see these issues in advance and locking out downloads from the Marketplace. This isn't the Apple experienced we were promised. And if there's a place where Michael could have learned about how to setup background tasks in the upgrade process for a plugin or application, then I should be able to find it when I look at the developer docs.
  5. Good questions, @SJ77. You had me until this bit. One cart to rule them all. Looking forward to seeing you overcome this limitation.
  6. Thanks for the update, @Michael.J! When we tried installing this in test, the "upgrade" process hiccupped and the plugin is now in an inconsistent state. We have upwards of a million members, and something was happening in increments of 50 at a time. Is this a bug in the IPS plugin/upgrade system or something else? Is there a way to hand this off to the background processes to avoid things like this?
  7. I believe what you're seeing in 4.5 is intentional with the revisions in the default 4.5 theme. Note that the hamburger menu is now on the same horizonal bar as the logo, where in 4.4 there was an extra navigation bar above the logo. This means you need spacing on the right. To get it back to how it was, you'll need to customize your 4.5 theme.
  8. It looks like 4.5.2 is set to blast out its availability to download more generally now, and I'm seeing the notification that an update is available on our production community. How can I dismiss this notification so that it doesn't appear every time I'm logged in? It takes up half the screen on mobile and we haven't reached the point where we can upgrade at this time. The notification is interfering in being efficient at moderation and administration duties. Thanks!
  9. Zapier integration is in Beta for CIC customers only on 4.5. If you are self-hosted, you don't have access to it at this time. If you are a CIC customer, ask support for assistance.
  10. Oh I totally misunderstood the question, @planetalk! I thought you were wanting to add Commerce to IPS. So sorry!
  11. Thanks! It would be nice if this didn't have its own top level icon in the ACP. Probably fits better under the Community area. Very much a set and forget type thing, if we're making wishlists 🙂
  12. Not sure if it's just us, but after our test today from 4.4.10 -> 4.5.2 with newly released patch, we got the following when trying to sign into marketplace via ACP. Support ticket was logged. There was an error authenticating with the Marketplace. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance. Error returned by token endpoint. (BAD_JSON)
  13. Any application with issue tracking would do. You can look at things like Atlassian Jira, Gitlab, Github, etc. We happen to use a suite developed by Facebook called phabricator.
  14. @TDBF - are you planning on a 4.5 compatible release?
  15. Not disagreeing with you at all. You and I and many of us have kept abreast of changes here. Heck, we look at changes in the actual source before even putting it on our test site. Every change documented from 4.4.10 to 4.5.<today> is merged into a single release note, with no way to see what has changed between point releases. Changes to oauth graphql server token revocation from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2? Completely undocumented: Some administrators are just running their sites and installing updates as they become available. It seems that some customers don't come here and get educated about what's new before pressing the upgrade button in the ACP. While I'm sure these administrators could do a bit more due diligence and be a bit more careful about things, I think it would be a good benefit for those folks to see improvements in alerting administrators with the sorts of things they should consider prior to upgrading. There have been people coming here and expressing surprise in peer-to-peer support threads that things stopped working. I think it's good if we talk about ways to help those types of administrators understand impacts before they get to that point. None of this to say that IPS is doing a poor job. Instead, sharing to help us think about ways to do that good job they do even better. In the end, it helps us all.
  16. Yes, of course. That's where I read about it. But whatever appears in the ACP for the folks who don't follow along here doesn't seem to be doing enough of a job of saying "HOL UP! Go learn about this and consider carefully before deciding to press that upgrade button." It's a pretty upgrade button that looks the same as all the other upgrade buttons and I think some folks are getting click happy, thinking it's a minor change when it's anything but.
  17. Try disabling your chatbox plugin and see if that error goes away.
  18. IE is a terrible thing that needs to die. However, if your members primarily interact with your site from places where IE is prevalent (look at your analytics to see what the impact is for you), then this becomes a problem for your site. IE 11 is maintained. The issue is not stability or security, but rather standards compliance. 0.33% of members on our community use IE, and that's a percentage we're okay with not supporting. IPS (I assume) has a wide variety of customers serving a wide variety of industries, and I would not be surprised if some portion of their customers cater to building a community that is used heavily by IE 11 users. Most of these users are probably not like @Chris89, but instead are prisoners of the enterprise they're employed by, and the blue "e" icon is their only way online. This right here. Or, probably a better approach long term would be developing/purchasing a custom theme on 4.5 that works well with IE. I think this was a surprise to the thread starter, and may be an indicator that the way potentially impacting changes are communicated when announcing the availability of an update could be reviewed.
  19. @Graeme S. you could rewrite the URL at your web server to remove the do=email bit. That's probably an artifact of the previous "e-mail this page" functionality that was found to be used by spammers and subsequently removed in an update to 4.4.x. You'd want to throw a permanent redirect in your rewrite to make sure that spiders don't see it as duplicate content. All that said--where are you seeing these addresses pop up? If in your error logs, it's not real humans and may be indicative of attempts to find and exploit unpatched IPS installs.
  20. This is a question that would vary greatly depending on your web host, and we'd be only taking stabs in the dark. Reach out to your web hosting company's support line. They'll be able to point you in the right direction.
  21. Yes, however you may need to set a special constant in your constants.php file if you are self-hosted to get it (USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS). It's presently in a soft-launch status, which means that not everyone sees the ability to upgrade in their ACP. You can download it from the client area, however there are major breaking changes from 4.4 to 4.5 and you'll want to make sure all your themes, language packs, applications, and plugin customizations are compatible before proceeding. Backup your filesystem and database before attempting to upgrade, and if possible, do an upgrade in a test install first to make sure things are working as you expect them to.
  22. Caveat to future time travelers. Your folder should be writable and readable by the account in which your web server (or PHP daemon) are running. 777 says "security be damned, open it all up, execute at will." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege
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