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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. There is a button in the ACP that logs everyone out, yet I assume you're not clicking it. 🙂 Is your server time correct and accurate? Where are you storing session info? Redis? SQL?
  2. We saw a slowdown with 4.5 from 4.4 as well in testing on identical hardware as our production environment with only one user browsing (compared to hundreds on production). Also went from memcache to redis, though we switched to redis preemptively in 4.4 before upgrading. We turned off redis caching for guests entirely (where you have 10 minutes, turn it off or set to zero), and left sessions and threadviews on MySQL. Significant performance increase when we did that. Not sure why. Disk I/O was super high for redis before we made the change. I'd give that a try and see what impact that has.
  3. Good question. It'd be interesting to know what the development process, methodology, and practices are today, and what the roadmap is for the future.
  4. You'll need to install and enable each of the PHP extensions listed (the ones that are red). I'd also recommend the php imagemagick extension in addition to GD. You're missing: Curl (not needed, but good idea) DOM GD Multibyte String MySQLi SimpleXML XML Parser XMLReader XMLWriter Consider imagemagick Consider zip Consider exif
  5. @Egorkin, one thing that stands out is that there's no space between symlink and system, while all of the other functions have a space in between. I'm not sure if that matters to php, but just making an observation of something that stands out as different.
  6. IPS checks for 'exec', 'system', 'passthru', 'pcntl_exec', 'popen', 'proc_open', 'shell_exec'. Where are you putting the disable_functions statement? It must be in the PHP ini file and cannot be in your web server's configuration (i.e. not in apache's configuration, or .htaccess, etc.). Output phpinfo() and be sure you're setting it in the file indicated. https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.disable-functions
  7. You can add individual accounts or groups as moderators from ACP > Members > Moderators. From there you can set restrictions like certain forums or certain features.
  8. FYI, this is no longer needed as of 4.5.3+. It won't break anything, yet is now a configurable option in the ACP > Community Enhancements > Pixabay
  9. You probably want to open a support request then. That typically fixes things for most issues like this.
  10. Try going to ACP > Support > Something isn't working correctly. This will clear cache and rebuild those image links. Then see if the issue is still happening.
  11. When you approve a post, you approve the post and any future edits to it. This means, I could register an account, post "Enric, it's so good to be here. What a wonderful community," you approve it, and then seconds later edit it to "You all are a bag of poo." Are you sure this isn't what happened? Check moderation history to see if there were edits.
  12. CoffeeCake


    Completely understand, and yes you'd be stuck if you did not have a backup of your server's filesystem and database. However, on the long list of reasons why it's not a dubious idea to use an ecosystem that has shifted to a black-box of dependencies that get direct installed for a community, the idea that "I paid money for access to IPS services in the past, so I should be able to use Marketplace when my license period has lapsed" is not a consideration our team is concerned about. We'd have no issue with the requirement of having an active license to be able to download Marketplace items. If you don't have an active license, you don't have security updates, and your community shouldn't be online on the platform. In a circumstance where the IPS licensing is out of reach, it's time to migrate to a lower cost or open source solution that protects your community members interests by being accessible to security updates. Edit: To clarify, however, I think it's irresponsible to not provide security updates to all active and inactive license holders to address situations like your hypothetical, yet that's how IPS does business today.
  13. CoffeeCake


    I agree that the changes in marketplace 4.5 are problematic, but not for the reasons indicated here. We should be able to review resources before installing them in our communities. That said, the licensing IPS uses is standard faire. We don't "own" this software--we have a revocable license to conditionally use it. See: https://invisioncommunity.com/legal/license/ Marketplace terms, as of today, are: There's nothing that says you can't download things from Marketplace after your license expires, and there's nothing that says you can. The license scope and grant states: I suppose Marketplace, as changed in 4.5, is "a service." I think what changed was how Marketplace resources were made available in 4.5, and in the introduction of a dependency on an IPS service to get those resources that skips the part where you can download the things directly to your client machine and must instead retrieve them directly via an installation process.
  14. CoffeeCake


    In the event of a catastrophic loss, the issue would be resolved by restoring from the last backup of the filesystem and database. Reinstallation of resources would not be required, and everything should work exactly as it did at the time of backup. You should test these disaster recovery plans in advance of the disaster. Make sure your backup strategy works, as does your plan to recover.
  15. Hi Bob, I think your screenshot may have sensitive information in it. You should edit your post and remove it. Rather than copy your files, just download a new copy of the files from the IPS client area. That'll be the easiest way to resolve it.
  16. I assume you're talking about making sure that URLs in your Xenforo install will end up redirecting to the correct place in IPS. For example, https://example.com/community/threads/how-to-remap-conversion-ids-xenforo-2-to-ips-transfer.123456/. In this case, XF thread ID 123456 will redirect to wherever the thread ended up after your conversion. It might be something completely different like example.com/forums/topic/345678-how-to-remap-conversion-ids-xenforo-2-to-ips-transfer/. This is handled by the conversion scripts that will be a part of your install, even after the conversion is complete. The logic is hardcoded and not handled by the furl system. See /applications/convert/sources/Software/Forums/Xenforo.php and look for the checkRedirects() method to see how forum URLs are handled. There are similar methods in core for things like member profiles, etc. IPS will see the URL pattern that matches Xenforo and automatically redirect to wherever the content ended up post conversion. IDs will likely be different for everything, but as you found in those tables, a one-to-one conversion is stored to do the translations.
  17. This should work magically. You need to make sure that you select the converters when downloading the IPS files (assuming you're self-hosted). If you follow a link from your Xenforo install, the URL should be automatically rewritten to the correct path in IPS. It will likely have a different ID associated. No additional scripts are needed, assuming you are installing IPS in the same location as Xenforo. If you've changed the path, you may need to rewrite your URLs and pass them to IPS with the old path.
  18. Yes. Though it's not as bad as it was 30 minutes ago.
  19. No. You should only see one per item. I think you had an issue with your Marketplace onboarding process. You may want to open a ticket with support. I noticed your production site is running very, very slowly.
  20. I submitted a ticket, yet I was asked to try with redis turned off. I don't want to impact production like that. Will need to spin up dev or test environment later and try. This was happening when editing the database entries in the ACP. #67394 is the ticket.
  21. I'm not sure support got this right. Looking at 4.5 source, I see that there are explicit attempts to store this value in the database and retrieve it. I think this functionality is not working properly in some instances and there is a possible bug. getMemberListView() makes an attempt to read this from the database, and setMethod() makes an attempt to store this in the database. Values are stored in the forums_view_method table. Going out on a limb here, I think the bug is the following: Member sets value while logged in Member clears cookies due to incognito browsing Member returns to site in incognito browsing, cookie is set with default value that does not match member's preference Member logs in and code in getMemberListView() sees that a cookie is set (the default that was set before logging in) Member's preference is ignored. I think the fix is moving line 1935 in applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php where $method is set needs to happen within the catch at 1949 after the value is retrieved from the database. If not found there, use the default forums view. Right now, if I'm understanding the flow correctly, the logic is "if a cookie is set, use that" instead of looking at the stored user preference first.
  22. Members would like the choice to select from one of the available forum views (grid, traditional forum view, simplified listing with filters) and have that value persist across sessions on their member account. After submitting a support request, we were informed that this setting is stored in a cookie. Members clearing cookies, using multiple devices, or browing incognito are not having this value saved. This should be a user account setting, restored upon login regardless of whether or not cookies are stored.
  23. That may not be good. https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/68187/mysql-wrong-bytesec-0-0-0-at-linkstart-0 Do you have backups from before the corruption? Are you using MyISAM instead of InnoDB? SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'breathh_invision'; Do any of the results of the above query tell you MyISAM? This looks to be a non-core table--something to do with a 3rd party plugin perhaps? How important is the data in this table? What is it?
  24. We encountered this issue and opened a support request noting it as a bug. Upon adding images to a database entry, and then going to a new entry, the images remain in the editor and get appended to the next content item. Steps to reproduce: Create a database entry and upload images into the content Create a new post / database / thread entry and observe that images are retained in the editor. User must remove images from editor or they are embedded in content Expected results: Each new content item will have a cleared editor, with no previously uploaded images selected to insert.
  25. You may want to file a support request. They'll be able to assist.
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