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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. I had this same issue last week. It's specifically the @Paul E. usertag type stuff, and the names that appear in quotes. The HTML is all pre-parsed in the post table for these names, so it takes (as of the current architecture) a search/replace of the post's text in the database. Usernames attributed to posts are an easy fix--there's an ID that can be matched. Reparsing the content of posts is a bit more of an infrastructure change, though I think necessary. Perhaps as a background job.
  2. It's slow in the same way this very community is slow. Multiple seconds to navigate between pages. On a 1000 Gb up/down fiber connection. If I go to Xenforo.com, instant load, click on their community link, instant load, click on a thread, instant load, paginate to another page, instant load. That is not the IPS experience here.
  3. That's exactly my aversion to it. However, without a doubt, IPS is too slow. We're using Cloudflare now, yet even there, it's still 2-3 seconds.
  4. No, however you can limit membership to clubs through a manual approval process. Nothing built in that says "only one club allowed at a time."
  5. Speed is a constant alert we receive as well from Google's Webmaster tools (and Analytics). I'm wondering how much of this is related to the default theme. Looking at some of the themes available from other providers, it seems that they score higher on things like PageSpeed Insights. I'm sure ads are an issue for @breatheheavy, yet I'm not sure they are the only issue, and lots of sites with ads are able to load without issues. Following this conversation as I'm sure there's lots of us that could have improvements. I've debated trying mod_pagespeed, yet am a bit reluctant as precompiled *.deb nginx versions aren't available direct from the project.
  6. From the links provided and looking at Google's developer docs, it looks like there is a noted workaround. Using www.recaptcha.net instead of www.google.com as the domain: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#can-i-use-recaptcha-globally Taking a peek under the hood, it looks like IPS is hardcoding the domain.
  7. Pagespeed insights is showing atrocious values for the default IPS theme.
  8. This entirely depends on the content of your community and what you or other people can upload into the system, and the infrastructure required to support. What might work for a community that uses images and videos heavily may be entirely different from a text only community. Think about backups, cost for storage, and whether or not complexity beyond your web server's filesystem is necessary. I don't think there's one correct answer here.
  9. I wouldn't recommend the use of Flexible SSL on Cloudflare. https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170416-End-to-end-HTTPS-with-Cloudflare-Part-3-SSL-options#h_4e0d1a7c-eb71-4204-9e22-9d3ef9ef7fef
  10. This. Don't do it. Use 6 until they fix the problem.
  11. When selecting things in the UI, and my selections are not remembered across pages, I twitch. Can we get some love on the selection abilities across items and please, for the love all things javascript, a "deselect all current selections" button. I can't tell you how many times I've navigated over pages in a thread trying to find out where the checked items were. Select All Select All on this Page Deselect All Deselect All on this Page etc.
  12. The absolute nonsense of selections not happening across pages of items is such a UI blunder. I will sign your petition.
  13. I don't think that's how it works. The app is essentially an alternative view to what you see via web. You could restrict your web site content (or parts of it to subscribers), and then I believe that would carry over to the app. But, as of right now, the app doesn't have separate permission controls, so if a regular member can see something on your site, they'll see it on the app. Right now, the app is not specific to your community, and does not support any ad revenue. If you make it available, whoever uses it will get an ad free experience.
  14. I guess the learning technology learned to hide it from you. Is the video that loads in the corner an ad too?
  15. You probably want to open a support request.
  16. This sounds like it would be better implemented in Pages than as forum threads.
  17. This is verbatim what the sales rep I spoke with recently told me.... Ezoic? Is the logic such that it detects you being in the fifth circle of hell and then inundates you with the non-popup version of popup ads?
  18. Also, while @Matt gave us great insight into the process, I think the answer to @Dave Baker's question can be inferred to be "No, we don't use a test suite or automated testing."
  19. This has been the norm for sure. I can't recall a release that hasn't had a patch available within a few days. It would be nice to know about these patches without having to Support > Something's not working correctly. Since visible version numbers aren't incremented when new changes are made anywhere that's visible through the interface, what's on your roadmap for improving that (so we don't have to unnecessary clear cache regularly)?
  20. When using AppServ on your local computer, the path you'd type in your web browser would always be http://localhost/ "Localhost" is a special name that your computer recognizes as "me."
  21. You can do this but you need to make the translations you're referring to, and if you'd like the URL to change, edit the clubs friendly URLs in ACP > Settings > Advanced Configuration > Friendly URLs.
  22. Hi Bob, You should be able to access your local test site at http://localhost/ Localhost is a special name that means "the computer I'm attempting to access this from." If I visit that address on my computer, it connects to my machine, in other words, and not yours. You do not need or want another domain name to run a test copy on your computer. You'd only need that if you wanted to put a test copy on a server on the internet somewhere, and you could use a subdomain to accomplish that (something like test.home2000.com). Your IPS license allows one test install on the internet and unlimited localhost installs, so long as they are blocked from general access. You should be able to unzip your IPS files into the c:\AppServ\www path and then go to the localhost link above. If everything is working right, you should see the IPS installer info.
  23. This is not currently a feature, however I agree that it is sorely needed.
  24. I think this is a separate issue related to the background tasks you're seeing that appear to be stuck (based in the screenshot in the first post in this thread). You might want to check cron and make sure it's correct. Have paths to php changed in your upgrade to 7.3, for example?
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