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Posts posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Understood @Jordan Invision.

    4 hours ago, theipsguy said:

    even customise which emojis show in the emoji box, rather than a simple yes/no of whether to show emojis. Right now you either have to have thousands of them, or none of them. 

    This could be interpreted many different ways.

    "I disabled the poop emoji, but my members are still posting it! BUG! HELP!!!!! I PAID MONEY FOR THIS!!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??!?!??!?1!?!1111one one one 💩"

  2. 15 minutes ago, Jordan Invision said:

    My logic is that most people are on their phones, so they can just use their emoji keyboard versus selecting it above.

    What happens in this instance? If you turn off the emoji selector, are emojis stripped out of mobile input? What's the expected outcome here?

    I can see at least four possible user stories:

    • As a community manager, I want to be able to add my custom emojis into preexisting categories or new categories, and select the order in which those categories appear in the emoji picker.
    • As a community manager, I don't want my members to be able to insert emojis in the text of their content.
    • As a community manager, I want the emojis available to my members to be limited to a set of pre-approved emojis and disallow the inclusion of anything not on my pre-approved list.
    • As a community manager, I want the list of emojis in the emoji picker to be limited to a select group of pre-approved emojis, still allowing a member to insert emojis using their native keyboard.
  3. The app is not something our community would consider without having the ability to make changes ourselves. We have not enabled it for testing, nor do we plan on that until/unless its source code is made available for licensing in white label form for us to review, develop, build, publish and have the ability to maintain as needed going forward.

    It would otherwise be a disaster to encourage people to use it, and then have it stagnate or go unsupported or be limited into only whatever IPS decides should go into it into the future either because we're limited to only what IPS can do and cannot integrate other third-party applications and services, or because they change course. Not sure what this model would end up looking like.

  4. Currently clicking "resend e-mail" 2,000 times after a short outage with our e-mail provider. Each click I think less positive thoughts about whoever is responsible for this design.

    Please add an option for an administrator to requeue e-mails using a task. Something like "Reprocess E-mail Queue" and perhaps a setting for how many to attempt to send in each batch.

    Diana Prince Dog GIF

  5. @Makoto, for reasons unknown, when clicking the Ban button in ACP for a member, we get the following:

    Error: Call to a member function getTimestamp() on int (0)
    #0 /path/to/ips/system/Member/Member.php(2398): IPS\deactivation\extensions\core\IpAddresses\_Requests->findByMember(Object(IPS\Member))
    #1 /path/to/ips/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(2757): IPS\_Member->ipAddresses()
    #2 /path/to/ips/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->ban()
    #3 /path/to/ips/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #4 /path/to/ips/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #5 {main}



    5 hours ago, bradybarrows said:

    There is a feature in vBulletin that I have always thought intuitive, where they show Members X (which is usually huge) amount and Active X amount (which is very small) at the bottom of of the site. 

    Is there a way we can do this with Invision Community?  If so, what would an 'active' member be by definition and what would an 'inactive' member be according to IC rules?

    You just made the thing up, so I don't think IPS has a definition for this. What's your definition? It's been a while since the nightmares surrounding what became of vBulletin stopped waking me up in cold sweats, but I think you may be referring to the number of members that are registered (the big number) and the number of members that have an active session, or are "online" right now (the smaller number).

    If that's the case, you can add an online visitors block and a statistics block that will do this same thing. Log in as an administrator, click the little plus sign on the left, find and add your blocks away. I'm sorry but I don't remember what the block or blocks are called, but it's in there somewhere.

    If you're wanting to move people into a group based on some conditions, the feature you're looking for is Group Promotions. The documentation for that lives here:


  7. On 2/24/2021 at 10:51 AM, Mark Round said:

    We are both logged in 

    So on your machine (presumably in the UK), you see your system clock set to UK time, and then looking at someone's screen in Pacific time zone (UTC-8), you see that their system clock is reflecting correct Pacific time, yet the date and time expressed on the page you're looking at is the same?

    Can you post a screenshot of the date?

    Many (all? Not sure) of the date references here are <time /> elements that are set to UTC time. Javascript translates that to the local time of the web browser accessing the on the front end. But, if you're looking at something with broken javascript (custom theme issue?), perhaps this conversion isn't working.

    In many cases, it's showing "X hours ago" and you need to hover over it to see the actual time.

  8. This is a lovely feature request. May it one day appear on the radar of things.

    Let's also throw in "Recent Visitors Block" -- that should be configurable as well. Maybe creepy stalkers aren't a thing in other places.

    Well, however, you can control some of this. You'd need to control viewing permissions of the database level. If you want someone to be able to see businesses in general, they'll see it on profiles. If a usergroup can't see businesses at all, then it won't show anywhere.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Jordan Invision said:

    I installed it but I'm not sure I see any changes?

    I went to your web site. I had a fight with the thing angry at me that I had an adblocker. Lied and told it I disabled it. It sensed my deceit.

    Then I clicked to find a forum post--any forum post. Found one. Conservatorship. Clicked on a topic, and then had a fight with your web site telling me I've had my fill of free content for the day and inviting me to register. While a video played. In the corner. And there were flashing lights.

    I tried. 🙂

    It should add, in the locations Gabriel Torres mentioned here a loading="lazy" attribute to reaction images, reputation images, and avatars. But, I'm not sure how/if it would work with the custom theme you have installed. There will be nothing visually different, however if you inspect the img tags for those locations, you should see loading="lazy" added, as shown below:

    <img src="/path/to/avatar.jpg" loading="lazy">


  10. Not really. There's a significant learning curve for some, and it would be nice to have a guided onboarding flow.

    You may have seen some tools that highlight areas of the interface and help a new person understand the basics of a service, site, or product.

    None of that exists here but would be a welcome thing.

    You could use the Pages application to create illustrated guides, or to embed an introductory video from YouTube, but you'd be creating these yourself.

  11. Just an update. We had separately received a similar report and created a ticket here, and it is being investigated. There does appear to be something not working properly, though for our case it is manifesting itself in the forced invisible setting at the member group level. Some things to note though:

    On 2/5/2021 at 12:28 PM, PokemonMillennium said:

    One of my members just reported the problem again and he pointed out that although he's still not visibile in the Who's Online list, other members can still see his Online Status by visiting his profile. The crossed out eye also disappeared. I checked and I can confirm what he's saying. I also looked at his devices and all his recent ones have anonymous login enabled. 

    • We noticed that in the default theme, the crossed out eye has template logic in the profile to only show to the member whose profile it is. It will not show to administrators. I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design but my assumption was like yours that it would show for administrators too on the hovercard and profile. That's clearly not the case.
    • There is logic in the application source code to reset the device anonymity setting at various points. If you edit a member and place them into a group with forced invisibility, as an example, or if the member adjusts their personal hidden/visible setting if they have access to that. This doesn't appear to happen in all conditions, yet my read of the logic that sets the session to anonymous should make this a non-issue. I'm not sure if somewhere else the device setting takes priority. For the members reporting the issue, they had a mix of anonymous and non anonymous known devices, which... if the logic is supposed to reset them all to match the setting doesn't make sense.


  12. 3 hours ago, Pavel Chernitsky said:

    Hmmm.... This could be a thing, but I can't think of a way to do this from the top of my head. I'll need to think about it. 

    You might make a very crude "rule" with a free subscription that moves people to one of groups, but that sound really ass-backwards LOL 

    I meant using group promotions:

    Set "has blog to yes" and then add them to the secondary group with your workaround.

    It's not instantaneous and you have to wait for the scheduled task to run, but it's better than manual work!

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