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    SeNioR- reacted to Randy Calvert in Upgrade FUBAR!!   
    New versions of IPB do not run on PHP7.4.  It's been end of life by the authors of PHP for almost a year and a half.  You need to be on PHP 8.1 and make sure that version has all of the required modules installed.  (Check the compatibility checking script to confirm.)
    Once on PHP8.1, you would want to do a manual upgrade because the auto upgrader WILL fail.  (Upload a set of files from the IPB client area and then run domain.com/admin/upgrade)
  2. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Dreadknux in Suggestion: Assign Calendar Events (or other Node Content) to Topics/Pages   
    Just a quick idea that popped into my head this morning - a lot of my community users rely on making new topics for everything. Whenever a new piece of news drops, or the release day of a particular product, that sort of thing. It tends to clutter my forum, and I'm thinking of ways of how to change the culture a little bit so people use the Calendar a lot more for release reminders (this was one of the reasons given when users are asked why they make potentially redundant topics; that they use the threads as a means to remind themselves that something has been released).
    With that in mind, I think it would be useful if there was a functionality to assign one (or more) Events to a Topic (or Page), at the post editor level as a new field (it can work a little like database relationship, only you search for items within a different IPS app?). The resulting calendar entry could appear as an ipsBox widget above or below the first post content area, in a scrollable box similar to that of the Our Picks horizontal widget.
    I think you could also do the same thing with other apps/nodes across the IPS suite (maybe have a widget listing galleries that a topic author might think is related to the subject they want to talk about? Or assign a database Page to a Topic in a forum designed for user collaboration over updates to that Page, like Wikipedia's 'talk' function?). But Calendar is what popped into my head, so Calendar is the ask. 🙂 The other apps would be cool too though.
  3. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Allen Bradford in Blacked out photos…iPhone 15…   
    * I searched for a resolution to this and only found one Topic that was never followed up on or resolved. My apologies if I missed something, 
    Since my daughter got an iPhone 15 all the photos she texts me will only upload and post as black on my Board.  (I typically save those photos to my iPhone 7 photo gallery and access them from there.) They upload but appear as black boxes as the thumbnail and when posted. It’s only her iPhone. Photos taken with her iPad and her husbands IPhone 14 upload and post fine.
    I had her email me photos from her iPhone to my business email and my gmail account. When saved to my iPhone gallery from business email they still uploaded as black. When saved to gallery from gmail they uploaded and posted fine although at a lower file size.
    Anyhow…I’ve attached a photo here from her iPhone that uploads as black on my Board but uploads fine on this community Board. Now I am truly bamboozled. Is there a setting in her iPhone that can be changed or a setting I can set in my Board software to resolve this?

  4. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Matt in Challenge: we tried to register for the trial ;)   
    Thanks for the feedback. We do have robust spam management in place because a trial account is a full account which costs us a not insignificant amount of money. The trial is just for you and you have the option to convert it to a full account at the end of the trial. 
    I'll see if we can tweak things a little though.
  5. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to DawPi in Inquiry about a feature   
    I have something very similar - https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/818-dp45-buy-new-topics/
    You can buy "new topics" packages and use them to create topics in selected (paid) forums.
  6. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Sharing a thread on X. Bug?   
    Unfortunately, I don't have an Android to test this on but knowing that Android 14 is the latest release of Android, it may be that X's app is optimized for that, thus, creating this problem for you. Updating Android and X may be your best bet here.
    Testing this on computer and iOS devices things seem stable and working as intended so I imagine this is something local to the device as this doesn't use device specific code here on our end. In fact, all we do is tell the browser to open X in a new window. It is the app itself which is translating this to opening the app.
  7. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Nathan Explosion in Possible to change order of Emoji groupings?   
  8. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Randy Calvert in My forum crashes every few minuets   
    You can generally tell when there is a big issue with the software because dozens of people are here with the same issue.  This topic was created a month and a half ago and there have not been any type of swells of "me too" type messages.   So it's likely not a basic code issue that is impacting the majority of users.  Now... there could be a problem with how your specific server configuration is setup with the latest version of the software, but that would require you to dig into your server logs to understand that.  
    .GZ are like ZIP files.  They're compressed files that contain data. So no, they're not real time.  At the end of the day, you need to figure out where or even if your server logs PHP errors to and review those.  You theoretically could watch those files in real time if you knew where they were.  We can't tell you where those files are because there is no one specific spot for them.  It depends on how your specific server was setup.  Different OS put files in different places and if you use a control panel, it could be somewhere else even different from the OS default.  You may need to hire some sort of server administrator to dig into your server configuration for you if you are not familiar with getting the details of your specific setup.  
    Also...  if your board works for a bit and then a few hours later stops working, it's possible your server can't handle the volume of traffic and either needs more resources or needs the server configuration to be optimized.  (For example, improving the mySQL my.cnf file, or optimizing the number of Apache processes for the amount of resources of the server.)  
  9. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Eleeist in Deleting post when it's selected for multimoderation does not decrease the selected count   
    Steps to reproduce:
    Select post in topic with a checkbox for multimoderation With post selected, click the ellipsis and delete this post from there The multimoderation action bar on the bottom of the page still shows that there is one post selected
  10. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Deleting post when it's selected for multimoderation does not decrease the selected count   
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Joey_M in Use ImageMagick to convert uploaded images to WebP   
    bump! we need this converter
  12. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Matt in will IC5 support PHP 8.3?   
    It does.
  13. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Feneroin in will IC5 support PHP 8.3?   
    I know it'll support 8.2 but how about PhP 8.3?

  14. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to WebCMS in Spam message using valid email?   
    A guest sent a spam message through Contact form using a valid email address (admin's personal hotmail that is not associated with any member) and we receive a "Verify your email" notification at the personal email and after verification, we get the spam message delivered. How is this possible?
    "Verify your Email" received at admin's valid personal email address (not associated with any user) - you can replace the "domain" with our domain name to derive the email address:
    After clicking on Verify, the spam message is received at "Incoming email address"
    In essence, I'm verifying my own email address to receive a spam message sent by someone using my personal email address. The spammer doesn't need access to my email account or password - just the email address to spam me as I'm verifying the message as valid because I wanted to see what it is. Did they grab my personal email address somewhere which is brand new and I never used it anywhere?
    How do I prevent this spam in future now that the user knows a valid email address that I verified already?
  15. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Spam message using valid email?   
    Sorry, it is a little confusing as email verification and the Contact Us form are two separate things. Also, the link you provide there has keys present which are specific to an instance of an email verification. It sounds like the user has attempted to register or change their email address and receive the email verification email which is correct and not "spam" as you're stating.
    To prevent further confusion, could you please share a screenshot of the email? 
  16. Agree
    SeNioR- reacted to AlexJ in General Q&A - Allow users to enter a comment   
    Currently only active customers can comment. Before majority of IPS customers, used to ask question through IPS ticket system. Now it's through forum first. 
    Can you enable commenting on existing topic/post, so even though I am not 'active' license holder but I still hold 6 licenses and hence allowed to comment. This way, I can help others because certain times in last few weeks, I thought, I can help but wasn't able to. 
    It's understandable I can't create a topic but disallowing other users to help your existing customers, seems counter productive. 
    Just a minor feedback. Thanks.
  17. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to CheersnGears in Save Draft - IC5   
    I am really hoping that Invision will see fit to include a save draft feature, at least for Pages, in IC5.  I have lost so much work over the years due to the lack of this simple feature.
    I just lost 3/4 of an article I wrote because I was going to click another button, and some menu popup jumped in front of me.  But also, I have been attempting to work around this for years by setting the post date several days in the future, saving repeatedly, and then backdating it to the current time once I'm ready to publish. This workflow, frankly, is absurd in the year of our lord 2024.  Furthermore, it messes with block and new activity sorting by showing those articles that originally had future publish dates at the top of the list, even if they've been read or their backdated date has passed.
  18. Haha
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in [BUG 4.7.16] Announcements allow an end date before the starting date   
    Dear users living in the past, please be made aware of this. Love, Administrators.
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to teraßyte in [BUG 4.7.16] Announcements allow an end date before the starting date   
    When adding an announcement it's possible to select an ending date before the starting date. When that happens that announcement will never show.
    Start date: 26 March End date: 7 March (instead of 7 April)  
    When adding/editing an announcement, it should throw an error if the end date comes before the starting one.
  20. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Stuart Silvester in Lazy load turn off?   
    Yes, search for 'lazy' in the admincp to find the setting.
    Lazy loading does offer a substantial performance improvement in embed and image heavy sites, so you may want to reconsider.
  21. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Cyberattack: a threat to self-hosted and cloud?   
    We really can't advise on self-hosted as our support really is limited to only our software, not the underlying infrastructure. The best idea would be to review security best practices with your hosting provider if this is a concern for you.
    Of course, there are obvious best practice items that go agnostic, whether you're using software or hosted services:
    Use unique and secure passwords for accounts, even from your hosting panel to your ACP, these should never repeat 🙂 . Always use Two Factor Authentication where it is offered. Only allow access to sensitive areas (your hosting panel, server, ACP, etc...) to those who require access and are trusted to do so. Limit areas of access to only accomplish items which that user needs to. Etc... Regarding our Cloud, we have numerous layers of security in place to thwart attacks, from our Web Application Firewall to underlying infrastructure controls and setup, there is a lot going to keep our clients' data secure and their communities online. We have some series in our Invision Community Insider forum which @Charles discusses a lot more of these features in depth. If this interests you, I would suggest reading through it.
  22. Like
    SeNioR- got a reaction from Jim M in Missing url field in Q&A and Discussion forum   
    Right. I've figured it out. Warnings appear for posts written by guests. Guests do not have a profile page, hence the warnings.
    Solved 🙂
  23. Thanks
    SeNioR- reacted to Jim M in Unrecognised field 'interactionStatistic' on User Profile   
    I've tagged a developer to this to shed light on why Google is marking this as such. It is indeed valid schema.
  24. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to TDBF in Passkeys instead of passwords   
    Sorry Marc, my comment was a little tongue in cheek. 🙂 
    However, Google also uses Passkey now.
  25. Like
    SeNioR- reacted to opentype in New member email confirmation not sent/received? [DMARC?]   
    The initiation method isn’t the most important part. The optimization methods apply to all of them. 
    Looking at the screenshots, your system mails go out directly from your server. So you need to make sure your DNS settings are optimized for that as well, not just for the external services like ConvertKit you use. In fact, it could be that adding DNS settings for those external service actually deligitimized sending mails from your own server. You need to make sure that all sending options are included in your DNS settings. 
    You can check with your host. They probably have settings and information directly relating to SPF/DKIM/DMARC …
    I always optimize this stuff using the Mail Tester website. By the way: You can do 3 tests for free per day. You should end up with at least of score of 9. 
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