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Save Draft - IC5


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I am really hoping that Invision will see fit to include a save draft feature, at least for Pages, in IC5.  I have lost so much work over the years due to the lack of this simple feature.

I just lost 3/4 of an article I wrote because I was going to click another button, and some menu popup jumped in front of me.  But also, I have been attempting to work around this for years by setting the post date several days in the future, saving repeatedly, and then backdating it to the current time once I'm ready to publish. This workflow, frankly, is absurd in the year of our lord 2024.  Furthermore, it messes with block and new activity sorting by showing those articles that originally had future publish dates at the top of the list, even if they've been read or their backdated date has passed.

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Just popping in to add that I would second this suggestion. 

A "save as draft" option would be fabulous, particularly in Pages. We have a database set up for articles, and it would be SO much easier to have a draft option there. Multiple members have to go over articles for that area, so right now, we have to use a private Club area for those members to review and add to articles -- then transfer them into the Pages database.

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On 3/26/2024 at 9:14 AM, PinPics said:

Just popping in to add that I would second this suggestion. 

A "save as draft" option would be fabulous, particularly in Pages. We have a database set up for articles, and it would be SO much easier to have a draft option there. Multiple members have to go over articles for that area, so right now, we have to use a private Club area for those members to review and add to articles -- then transfer them into the Pages database.

Just curious, and off topic from the feedback (which I do believe has merit), why would you not create a category in the same database with permissions that are private for your review team? Why do you use a private club and then transcribe? 

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