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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This would be in the Client Area, not your ACP. I understand you're frustrated but we just ask for a few seconds of calming reading so that you can assist us, assist you 🙂 .
  2. Banning, whether temporary or permanent can be done via the warning system. You can set up thresholds at which at X amount of points, they are temporarily banned and Y points, they are perma-banned. Alternatively, you can give your moderators the ability to set custom restrictions on the user without that escalation period.
  3. Correct. Trials can t install themes or third party items. It is only for evaluation purposes.
  4. Please see the document I posted above
  5. Recovery mode is not done via the ACP. It is done via your server's file system.
  6. You will want to utilize recovery mode if this is present on the ACP login:
  7. How are you testing this? Are you just going off of what feels like a long wait time or are you seeing this hit an external RSS feed each time? Do you have an example we can take a look at? Looking at a simple example, I am seeing the cache be respected of my block settings.
  8. I would advise reading the blog mentioned above as it details the process 🙂
  9. Unfortunately, "cheat software" for games is rather vague. If you are stealing another company's Intellectual Property, providing pirated software, or selling ways for individuals to commit crimes/bad intentions (e.g. sell computer viruses) that would indeed violate our terms. However, if you are doing none of those things, selling digital goods is within the realm of our software. I would contact a lawyer if you are unsure if you are violating any laws or our terms. Sorry you feel that way. Font size can be changed through the theme system as mentioned, just we don't provide step by step instruction on how to customize themes. All that can be read in our documentation.
  10. Keep in mind that Pages templates are separate from Theme templates. Theme templates are what are being discussed here. A lot of what you mention there will be doable with CSS or the theme template hook system. Some of it will be available via the native software and not require adaptation.
  11. I’m afraid, regardless of whether the issue previously existed or is brand new, the steps would be the same to resolving. At this time, we do not have any further info than the bug is open.
  12. The task would need to run to delete these again. A lot of these deletion items happen on a task. It could be you changed it after the task ran yesterday and it hasn't ran yet today. It should be deleted on the next run if you keep these settings the same.
  13. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  14. 4.7.17 is the latest so you're missing bug fixes there. I can't really answer that because I don't know what exactly is installed/how it's used/etc... It could be simply the user in question has something different than the others. The easiest way to test would be to temporarily disable all of them.
  15. What exactly was deleted? Do you have an example user's ID or display name we can look at?
  16. Are you on the latest release with all patches applied? Have you disabled all third party applications/plugins and themes then had the user try again?
  17. We do not have a chat application. There are third party applications but we do not endorse them in any manner. We cannot advise really on the legalities of a given site. However, if what you're going to create a site which violates the terms provided, that would indeed not be allowed. This would require a customization of your theme which is outside our scope of support.
  18. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  19. This looks to be the report rather than the issue itself. We will need a link to the post which has the issue present.
  20. Do you have an example screenshot of what they are seeing? Do you have the version of iOS they are running and what browser?
  21. You would use Designer Mode in order to manage that. Also, in the hook manager, you can review the template in question you are selecting to modify.
  22. You will want to read through the blog below for full details:
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