Everything posted by Jim M
Upcoming event disappear before start
Are events configured with the correct DST time zone? If so, can you pass the URL of an event we can look at?
Maintenance Tasks Nor Running
If this is a test site, I would presume you don't have traffic so this would be expected. Click around a bit on the front-end and tasks should run.
Clicking 'Accept Cookies' in the Cookie Bar leads to error page
Any different between when it was working and not? Have you tried switching guests to an unmodified theme?
Different IP
This would be the only way to edit the constants.php file to remove the IP address validation.
Menu not updating
You would need to view your front-end community using the 4.2 or 4.4 ACP themes.
Validation Link Incorrect
Likely that is coming from SendGrid. However, if additionally, you have any modified email templates in ACP -> Customization -> Emails. You will want to revert those as well to save yourself any headache.
Validation Link Incorrect
You would do this in SendGrid. If you need assistance with their platform, please contact SendGrid.
Accidently deleted a forum, can I recover it
You are currently speaking with us via a ticket. Please watch your email for updates.
upgrade stuck during the beginning of process
You would want to ask your hosting provider for assistance here with our backup if you attempted an upgrade of your live site. It is not recommended to upgrade live sites unless you are comfortable with errors that may come during a Beta phase.
How do I update to v5 beta
The 403 is coming from your server. You would want to check your configuration. These seem like permission errors at the bottom. Please make sure that your MySQL user has full permissions. The top looks like you already tried to do an upgrade but it failed, did you restore at any point?
adding a logo to my forum
Sorry, customizations are outside our scope of support. You will need to create a topic here for help from fellow administrators: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/500-design-and-customization/
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
You would need to contact the author for assistance then.
adding a logo to my forum
This would need to be incorporated with your logo or you would need to customize your theme.
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
That would be from the WordPress SSO plugin you have
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
Are there any third party applications/plugins being logged (shown at the bottom)? If so, disable those.
A user edited their post, can I revert the edit?
Hard to say how large that size would be as it would be highly variable to the variations of edits being logged. If you find value in that and people aren't editing the whole entirety of War & Peace into their post replies, I would guess that the average size is negligible.
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
Going into the System Log there would give us more info if it's even related. Agreed. Very good step.
Can't upload screenshots larger than 6k here?
This is due to your attachment storage is at 99%. You would need to delete things in Account -> My Attachments: https://invisioncommunity.com/attachments/
Issues after server migration
You can go to ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration -> View Tasks -> find the task mentioned and click "Unlock" (padlock unlocking looking icon)
Issues after server migration
This would be from the access log, not the error log. The error log is what is needed here.
Help with Spam settings please
Yes, you can post feature suggestion in our Feedback forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/
[[Template core/front/global/mobileFooterBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.
Jim M replied to AintNobody's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionGlad you're seeing some progress. Please let us know where you end up 🙂
[[Template core/front/global/mobileFooterBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.
Jim M replied to AintNobody's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionIs the new database you created _test? (left out the prefix for your privacy). If so, please check what database you restored to as it is empty. You will also want to check your conf_global.php file as the current one is connecting to your other database as well.
[[Template core/front/global/mobileFooterBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.
Jim M replied to AintNobody's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionDid you delete your previous database used for version 5 before restoring your version 4 database? You don’t want to restore over that as there would still be remnants of version 5 left. You want to delete the old version 5 database or create a new database to restore to.
[[Template core/front/global/mobileFooterBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.
Jim M replied to AintNobody's post in a topic in Invision Community 5: Beta Testing's Beta DiscussionWhen restoring your database did you restore it over your version 5 database or dump the database and perform a restore? If the former, I would try the doing the latter as this states that the table already exists in the current state so the database can't create it.