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All Astronauts

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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 8:58 PM, HDiddy said:

    Content disposition which seems to be the issue for most of these


    On 6/12/2021 at 8:58 PM, HDiddy said:

    basically saying you are not allowed to do this anonymously

    And that's the thing that this plugin effectively "does", which won't work with, as you found out, a number of providers.

    Someone up-thread (or privately) mentioned that when a user tries to dl a file and hits the temporaryDownloadUrl method there is "something" and the signature is doubled or generated twice or ??? (it's been awhile...) and that might be part of the problem with not-Amazon services as well. 

    I just needed Wasabi to fully work, ran into the attachments dl problem, and threw this down to route around the problem. Everything else?

    No Idea Idk GIF by SWR3

  2. Its a special hell when services say they are S3 compatible and they are...mostly S3 compatible. Its the mostly that ends up being a hitch "somewhere".

    Reminder to all about this derpy thing. It does NOTHING at all, anywhere, other than when a user tries to download an attachment - then it wipes the signature in the temporary download url the user hits so they can get it when your non-Amazon S3 service chokes on the signature IPS generates (as IPS is locked in to Amazon exclusively).

    That's it.

    If you have problems using alt-S3 services (using the service at all, moving files, etc.), it's not on this plugin. 

    When you try a not-Amazon S3 service, run through the basics. Can you upload a file via the service through Invision Community? If uploads work, can you delete? If so, can you move the files this S3 service and local storage (File System)? If so, you are in probably in business. Then, for completeness, if your users might be able to download the files that are stored on this service (Downloads, Attachments, etc.) give that a try. If it fails, throw this plugin in and see if clearing the signature lets them through (something something public buckets etc.). If it doesn't work you are sol or you'll need to find someone to write a full new filestorage method. FYI, if you go this route, there be dragons. You should have a firm control of your dev ops at a minimum...

    If IPS support gives you grief if you submit a ticket regarding S3 problems because you have this plugin installed, then just uninstall this plugin and try them again (as stated above this plugin ain't doing much...). That said, I would not expect much from that request anyways as I'm pretty sure they are not going to help you with the S3 problems you have with your not-Amazon S3 service. IPS officially supports Amazon S3. Anything else is going to be outside IPS support scope.

  3. Pretty sure its fine as is.

    Apologies for anyone not getting responses to PMs here. I'm... behind.

    As to this, I need to take another run at this. The problem is IPS will NOT allow any columns added to their own tables any more. Period. Full stop. I have this fixed for Pages for record view, and category view (I think - been awhile). But database index view is a problem as they do not active record that stuff. Its a direct database query. I get a little leery the further up I go, getting closer to lower level functions, for hooking and changing things. I probably shouldn't worry; I usually bullet proof stuff enough anyways to not spill over. But this is not as simple as slipping into the AR routines as Pages is messy in this regard (probably because the entire thing is an abstraction itself)

    Anyways, I'll poke this bear. FYI most of my junk was updated to 4.6 but IPS staff are back-logged with MP approvals so might still be awhile.

  4. Just a note in this ancient thread that this was submitted for 4.6 (and 4.5). Still working like a champ. Note sometimes after editing the widget settings the widget disappears when you close out the widget management menu. Just refresh the page and you are back in business.

    Added a css one-liner to remove extra pricing information so now the widget is just the image and the base price. Nice and lean. Available when approved but as you can imagine staff likely have a massive backlog right now.


  5. Just about everything is being updated. A lot of it is already in review but you can understand that Daniel and Stuart and whoever else are swamped right now. This one was submitted two days ago? Something like that. Lies, just subbed it now. 

  6. 2.0.0 submitted. Avail when it's approved. For 4.6 and up, not for y'all lingering on 4.5.x

    • REMOVED! Lazy Load on userphoto template - IPS has included same natively with 4.6
    • FIX! Limiting attachments in forum posts was either slightly broke or just slightly broke on 4.6; patched.
    • NEW! Recent Status Updates widget now with three possible views AND you can customize the number of lines output per update - no more three line limit!
    • TWEAK! for when displaying both topic and post count stats together to add more room for larger counts
    • NEW! Remove the icon area from Forum index displays.
    • NEW! Append <new> badges at the end of forum titles when new content is within in index view - combine with removed icon area for a clean lean look.
    • NEW! Above also does the same for link forums and password-protected forums.
    • And the usual etc... and 4.6 compatibility yada yada


    New options to go ambient with forum views (on index, and forum blocks within forums). Remove the icon area, append badges instead of those dot when there is new content, matching badges for password and link forums, yes, on click, they will mark the respective forums read and so on. I do this on my sites and customs and got tired of hacking themes all the time so jammed it in here.

    status1.PNG.aca9bfc510487e84034c3ee30cfce4db.PNG     status2.PNG.39b204298cbe5a0f5ceb626d5ec60cdc.PNG

    Two new status update widget views. Expands the content to fill the block which is so much better and, because I wanted it and no longer could wait for it, you can customize the number of lines displayed per-update beyond the default three. I sound like a broken record but it is so much better being able to read most if not all of the usual updates people post without it getting severely truncated.

    For those tracking my updating for 4.6, Spacious ACP is probably next, then Viewers, then I need to look at some older plugins that had some problems officially coming up to the 4.5 line.

    Toodles. 👩‍🚀

  7. header.thumb.PNG.d64551d75cfa309a3cf0aaf669d89b56.PNG

    As I said, it's just an E_NOTICE while I'm IN_DEV but it did stop me from accessing that particular member (and only that member :shrug:) - it's just the += choking so I cleared it with:

    $rows[$row['time']] = $row['count'] + ($rows[$row['time']] ?? 0);

    Maybe worth same on your end, or not, ehh...

    EDIT: 4.6.1 but I looked and is same in 4.6.2

  8. 4.6 tools are not going to work with 4.5... not sure why you thought that.

    Go here:

    Click on the changelog:


    Choose the CORRECT version for what you have installed, then download those tools.

    NOTE: Pretty sure you'll be alright once you get the correct files into your install. DEV TOOLS are essentially the root javascript files, and then each app's DEV folder which just have again, more js, plus css, and templates, and such, but none of the core "code"

  9. @OptimusBain In the forums section of KS, set number of attachments on or off, toggle it on, and then set the subsequent number of attachments field to a high number (whatever you like). Either I spaced that being zero = unlimited or something changed in 4.6 (I'd bet a lot more on the former than the latter - in fact I probably spaced setting it at zero as a default at all)

    Patched in the new version but that should (???) get you going again.

  10. Whew, almost one year later. Quality bump.

    V19 inbound once approved, but you can see the changes in the MP description if you like (I just went ahead and changed it)

    Had to adjust the hovercard hook for Invision Community 4.6 and then killed some time before going to bed (now...) by adding in a new formatting option: anywhere a template calls the template plugin {member='name'} you can format those universally with a new setting. All or nothing with those right now though I *might* let you filter out (or conversely allow specific) apps later on.

    EDIT: July 1st this was approved and is now available in the MP. 

  11. And here we are with 4.6. Y'all read the change log at all? There is something of some interest in there that affects Sound Board.

    Namely, notification sounds (for the old ones Sound Board is for, the ones you get while you are on-site and they float up from the bottom of the page) are out. So... Yep. I shall miss them on my sites. Hearing the Gauntlet key pickup sound, or Galaga bonus stage start, let me know stuff was going on on sites of either my doing or frequenting. Alas...

    Now, could I lobotomize myself and re-insert it this sound making stuff? Probably. The JS library is still there in the IPS software. Are devs allowed to re-enabled/recreate features explicitly removed by IPS in our Marketplace items? No. Once they pull something (feature, code, - ftp file storage for example), we are not allowed to stick it back in. Even if it were allowed I'm not really feeling it. Why fight it?

    Now, with the new fancy browser notifications going on in 4.6, you're thinking - hey, why not those? And you would be right! In fact, those rich browser notifications are already spec'd out with audio classes, all ready to go.

    Have ANY of the browsers enabled support for that stuff? lol...

    So, *eventually* you'll get those notification sounds back. Maybe. One day...

    So this thing. For one, its fine with 4.6, upgrade your site with no worries. Your users will just have a little happy sound thing on their profile pages. On the plus side though, me no longer waiting for audio attachment players to show up natively means you got that with Sound Board, and going forward that will be the emphasis (until IPS does include it natively in which case that will be that, pour another one out, etc.). Maybe I turn this into the music player/downloader/album browser of my/your dreams? Wouldn't take that much..., aside from the API grind with the various services.

    Anyways, that's where this is at. Its fine as-is for upgrading. I'll get around to a "formal" 4.6 version later, but right now, the 4.6 upgrade backlog is rather long.

    @kmk on an entirely different note, I wrapped up a somewhat involved custom involving more or less your junk. Browser record audio, stored in Invision Community, and then voice-to-text extracted by various API cloud services, etc. So maybe? Though right now that code, albeit bulletproof, is a grim wasteland of suckitude I don't want to look at for while, though I will have to anyways to clean up (yes...), and add in new features. When I hit that again, I will remember your request - and probably shudder - but  yes, take a look at what I can do. Still might be better as a separate thing though.

    EDIT: FYI I've been AWOL for a month or two now for reasons, I gotta backlog of comms, if you are in them it might still be a bit before I get back to you.

  12. Been on a bit of break for awhile. Will take a bit to catch up on emails and pms and so on (note - this still might take a few days). Anyhoo, the first update of many of my apps and plugins for 4.6 (fyi just about everything is "fine" if you are upgrading - nothing has exploded on my end at least)

    This is in the approval hopper so you'll see it when you see it.


    Yes, you can still output profile fields of your choice. Naturally, as you can see, you might want to reconsider what you stick from the profile on here as it may just blow out the display. Probably best to just output small things instead of long things.

    Customize the badge count on the card, height of the cover photo, a few other things. I *will* be sticking in a dark-mode for these sometime... it's on the list. Beyond that, I had some thoughts while upgrading this and any steps forward feature-wise will probably push this over into a new app. Fairly warned be thee says I.

    Now to give the Sound Board people some news...

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