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All Astronauts

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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. 4 hours ago, EmpireKicking said:

    this is not really needed anymore and I was thinking removing this addon

    All the plugin has done for a few years now is just touch up some areas that were overlooked (and that word is probably too harsh - not every area/thing has a need for a formattable name so this is more of an enhancement rather than a fix thing).

    To those not on the ball, all the junk will be at allastronauts.com when I turn the lights on. Until then you can enjoy viewing spectacular computing ability, albeit in repetitive GIF form, courtesy of the Legion of Doom.

  2. 16 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    Not just post content.  We have MASS #'s on spam accounts with no spam just just drop url ridden info in profile fields (incl profile photos)

    Profile "about me" stuff was rampant a few years back. And phone number parsing is easy enough.

    As bad or not bad as it may, you are probably not targeted directly. When you get ID'd as a primary target for a spam campaign due to the content your site puts out (niche, whatever); that's when it gets fun (for some values of...)

  3. A few updates:

    FYI to those lurking, the above stuff was resolved a long time ago via PMs.

    Lots of moving parts behind the scenes these days and Invision Community 5 exists in a quasi-state of both being months and months away but also coming on a LOT faster than you realize. Many of my big things will require new purchases for a variety of reasons including but not exclusive to:

    • a somewhat new codebase
    • what may or may not be possible to do in the new version
    • and other probably secret things 

    If you are punching renewals on this, thank you as always, but I'd request you actually hold off on those for now - ditto for any other apps/plugins of mine you have until the sun rises on a few things. You'll have clarity soon enough. Things change, the world ever turns, and all that, but I'm not going anywhere. 

  4. I've got a few spare licenses that are not in use at all - no domains attached, not actively licensed. 

    Any chance these can remain "parked" until I activate them for actual use and then the "keep up with renewals or else" stuff kicks in? I'd hate for these licenses I paid for to go extinct for lack of use (rather than in-use but lagging on renewals). If the current opt-in thing for the new way stays in place for all these oldies; then I think were good because I can just "opt-in" when they go active; but getting clarity here would be nice. I think this is/was clarified above... still gonna ask about this specific use (non-use) case.

    Also, while we're here... some of these changes I wouldn't mind seeing applied to the Marketplace. I've got people renewing stuff for super cheap simply because the renewal price was cheap years and years ago but new renewal prices do not apply to them. Also, if staying current with renewals is the new model, having that for Marketplace purchases seems a fair option for us to apply to our stuff as well. Granted; probably some dev on your end, but I'm thinking both of these requests would be welcomed by most if not all the Marketplace participants. This would also allow us to adjust our pricing downwards if we knew we'd be getting a more steady stream of revenue.


  5. Bit of a deep cut this, and probably been there forever, but it would be nice to get this patched, if not in the 4x line, then 5x.

    _showImage method, line 305 (or approx) in ips.ui.lightbox.js

    			// Build meta info
    			if( image.meta ){
    					.html( ips.templates.render('core.lightbox.meta', { title: image.largeImage } ) );
    			} else {

    Any alphanumeric/variable we pass in a front-end template through the data-ipsLightbox-meta bit, (e.g. data-ipsLightbox-meta="DERP"), will never display as you have the title variable in the render call hardcoded to image.largeImage instead of image.meta.

    image.largeImage is just the url to the image; once patched we can throw titles, descriptions, whatever at this. Loads better than staring at a full url. Easy fix to boot.

  6. There ya go. It's usually a week+ for approvals (for me at least) so right on time. Viewers users will probably need to wait until after the July 4th holidays for that update.

    Enjoy searching and blowing stuff up (if one does that).

    BTW, just throwing this old thing out there (I poked this months and months ago) in case it ever occurred to you:

    Elasticsearch does have a similar to/spellcheck type feature. Like you misspell a word and ES will be like, you probably meant this one, and so on. It does work with Invision Community... after a fashion.

    Long story short, a new, separate index would need to be created along with additional code changes in the indexing and query code to make it really happen. I could give you an option to enable it and it would work 100% right now with SINGLE WORD queries. The moment you add a second word (or more) to your search query it clown cars - everything is seemingly a mis-spelled word and the results returned are entirely property tax paying residents of loltown. Hence the need for the aforementioned changes above, which will not be happening.

    I have, however, created the application version of this plugin. Haven't done anything else to it at all, but it is there, staring at me, from the Island of Not-Finished Applications, along with <gestures widely>... A few things from ye'olde Social Search will get folded in and barring this plugin not needing any updates to breaking changes, the next release will be that app, replacing this plugin. Just a replacement, not a new MP release or anything like that. You get an app, and you get an app, and...

    Could contain: Head, Person, Face, Happy, Adult, Female, Woman, Laughing, Photography

  7. Fairly caught. In the member data export extension, I wrongly assume the Blogs app exists. In your case, obviously etc. etc... That's on me. Easy patch though how long it takes to get approved and in the Marketplace... I'll take a gander at the other areas and makes sure things are copacetic before submitting. 

    BTW, the data export stuff has existed within the Invision Community system for awhile now, new stuff is on the front end for members to say gimme 🙂

  8. Okee-dokie. So, for this to work, I had to add another hook so I could merge the two cookies I have into the essential cookies array. FYI these two cookies exists for, honestly, just a few seconds. When you are on a search results page and click a result to go to, its sets one cookie saying "Hey! Time flag some query terms" and the other cookie is those query terms. Once the content page you clicked to loads, the cookies are read, and then immediately removed. Can't get much more benign than that!

    And the search light search terms highlighting is working on the latest - except when you have a single hit - if you have more than one hit, the term navigator appears on the side, but not with just one term - so I need to look at that (probably just a poor eval on my part now).

    These two cookies will appear in the cookies list as well:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    So, I gotta patch the whatevers first, and then this gets submitted. No idea when the update appears. I imagine there will be a flood of app/plugin updates with the cookie changes.

    Oh - I'll check the truncate stuff now - hang on...

    EDIT: Yep - truncate works great and everything is perky.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Clover13 said:

    I use an Activity Stream as my site(s) main landing page and as such the speed improvement this offers was of interest.  I read through the notes and history of IPS relative to this application, but wanted to verify this is still an impactful (i.e. speed gain) for Activity Streams on 4.7.11+?

    I put the truncating in long ago, then IPS did their own so I took mine out, then they took theirs out so I put mine back in. Worth a look at least to see if there has not been any silent changes there. Give me a bit.

  10. @SJ77 This plugin will NOT be updated. It's old hacky whatevers. I mean, it worked - right? But time marches on. People are still using it just fine though so if you have it carry on and so forth.


    New thing submitted tonight if I feel it. IPS approval time runs about a week if there are not any problems (and Daniel and/or Stuart are not crushed with other work). Then you can give me some money.

    Backblaze, Wasabi, DigitalOcean, iDrive. Vultr too (if you count tests ran six months ago - I don't wanna spin up another $5 to check again). All tested out. 

    Things are still derpy but more professionally so. Everything still piggybacks on the internal IPS S3 code. Oh, and Backblaze is solid (I bypass the S3 stuff and use the BB API directly for attachment downloads). And since those guys finally pushed out a status page (albeit a not-too-great one) you get this too:

    Could contain: Text

    Obviously a new support topic and so on but that will come post-release.

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