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All Astronauts

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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. FYI I didn't think final was coming out today - so... 4.7.2 has breaking changes with the whole PHP8 checker thing. This app is the only one of mine mostly caught up in this. It's patched but I have to submit again, etc. So if you do upgrade, do not be surprised if it gets disabled.

  2. All written up. Even handles them when a new post is made and the post is ajax'd in.

    Do I resubmit now? Pretty sure Daniel et.al. are sick of seeing this already. Either way, this will be fixed forever and ever... in the next release.

    Shining Stephen King GIF

  3. FYI anyone reading this. It's an unsolvable problem: when something else is in the first position of that post menu.

    Alas, the :has CSS selector is still in its infancy and not quite ready for mass adoption yet so... grumble... , I'll eat this and add some derpy Javascript code to deal with this once and for all.

  4. Eh, I'm just puttering on various things on the back deck right now (upper 70s, low humidity, nice breeze - yes...) so shoot me a PM with your site (and ACP access which I imagine I've already done with you before) - and I can look closer. At least maybe see what bookmarks is doing there to muck it up.

  5. 6 hours ago, Olmyster said:

    Hi @All Astronauts. I have just noticed that the "Viewers" application, although correctly installed on my site, does not work anymore. It is invisible. The options are no longer accessible in he backend and on the frontend forum, it does not appear.

    PM me an ACP account for me to take a look, based on what you said I'd have to pop in and check directly.

    Are you on CIC or self-hosted?

  6. It's going to be Bookmark. Specifically, because it stuck itself at the front of the list. I was doing an even/odd thing in the CSS to hide this and appending this button to the front breaks that. This whole area is a hot mess when it comes to multiple third-party hooks and such. Although... I haven't changed this code in ages - maybe there is better targeting available now? Checking. 

    EDIT: So now I remember why. The targeting with competing plugins back in the day was hell so I just gave up and did the even odd thing. I can still do this with CSS using nth-of-types now (maybe before too - the mind blurs when you are down some CSS rabbit holes)

    I'll submit a new version - gives me a chance to get the version language strings right internally.

  7. I've just toggled on and off (and saved) the settings you have posted up in the off-chance something was spilling over, or I mis-wrapped an if-check in the CSS. I'm not getting this.

    Is this happening on the default theme?

    Also... toggle off the Bookmark and Tutorial apps when testing. It would not surprise me if we were stepping on each other's toes here. While you are doing that I'll look at the hook more closely and see if that is the hitch here.

  8. Version 3.0.0 submitted, available ???

    • 4.7.0 Compatibility Sweep
    • NEW! Added to Font Awesome 6 to the Font Awesome chooser. Font Awesome 5 remains as an option.
    • A few CSS patches here and there.

    If you are using the Font Awesome chooser in KS, you are using FA5. This KS now supports FA6 and at a glance, it is more sizing-compatible with FA4 than FA5 was - that is, some FA5 fonts that swapped in for FA4, the sizes were a little off; that's no longer the case (mostly, have not looked at every FA instance). I'd switch the FA6 but I left the FA5 option in place as some of you might have "stuff" going on.

    Couple CSS changes I'd probably only notice.

    Uhhh... made sure everything was working? Tested on 4.7.1 107021, PHP 8.0.13. 

    Oh, and I forgot to change the version number on the internal language file so the ACP settings area will say 2.2.whatever. Already patched for the next release.

  9. Probably another day or two before approval so hang tight.

    Also for those watching I'll probably let people set the quicksearch default to whatever they want in the next version after this  - I just made the option for forcing Everything without thinking anyone would want to hard-set it to anything else.

    With the IPS current policy of pushing big changes asap you can probably expect said changes breaking more 3rd-party stuff with any point release going forward. You'll have to pay attention to the app/plugin description for any point release warnings since we can only flag out major versions and not the last point.

  10. @HDiddy 4.7.1 has changed up the underlying code for generating those Quick Search (QS) options so do not upgrade yet if that is important to you. 


    SSSR 7.1.0 to be submitted probably this evening some time:

    • For Invision Community 4.7.1.x + due to underlying 4.7.1 changes
    • FIX! Quoted search terms that had a comma within that quoted text were breaking Search Light, only marking the first portion of text up to the comma. This is fixed now.
    • REMODELED! With the new 4.7.1 Quick Search I had to revamp both the latest searches appendage AND the search filter filter stuff. All good again.
    • NEW! That new 4.7.1 Quick Search FORCES the default option to whatever content item you are viewing. SSSR now provides an option to force it to Everything all the time.

    The utility of the latest searches next on the QS dropdown is a bit lessened with the whole minimal thing going on. For now I've patched it up to still work along side it but I may just make an optional micro button thing along side the QS to just pop up popular searches, latest searches, etc... some time down the line. This is also now limited to displaying the latest ten searches.

    Caught a bug with the Search Light marking - if you made a quoted search, and the quote itself had a comma somewhere in the text, the mark was breaking at that point and not marking anything after that. All patched up.

    And, with the latest QS changes, it is now forcing the QS area search to whatever app you are in instead of everything. I've got an option already set, tested, and working, that will force QS to ALWAYS default to Everything for the search. If you are in a content item the contextual search area options (this topic, this forum, etc.) are still there in the dropdown to choose, but Everything is still set as the selected option.

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