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All Astronauts

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Posts posted by All Astronauts

  1. Actually,  you have to have a front end favicon set now for this to work, so check under the acp  customization tab and look for icons and... something  option and make sure one is set. On phone now so can't look myself

  2. I'm regretting not forcing re-buys 🙂

    Also regretting setting the renewal amount so low back in the day. 🥺

    Anyone wants to, feel free to tip me out at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/allastronauts - nevermind the gamers stuff. My PP account is blended with so many things...

    I gotta long night (or whenever...) making a new description but you can see the newness in the screenshots at least. Might make a blithery tubevid to cover everything. Maybe.

    And throw a show of thx to IPS who, at the end of the day, allowed this through though they did not have to (they really don't want stuff mucking with their ACP anymore)

    FYI: I've already spotted a few things that need patching after upgrading a site with a real old Spacious on it. Made it easy to spot some quirks. Also I need to look at the onlineusers widget of mine again as it may be weird with a single member online

  3. Yeah. Who Viewed (the topic, blog) as well as that too is a whole new expanded app (if you have that one as well - new app should be submitted this weekend sometime)

    I'm ripping the band-aid off a little on my end - it's been a long time coming moving these to full-fledged apps and with all the changes with 4.5 it was time to just suck it up and do the work. And there was a lot of work. KS has gone from a derpy plugin to a much more solid app, css only loading per-app as needed, after application css but before custom.css (which leaves KS more or less out of the whole plugin/custom css fight in that custom css directory) plus all the new additions.

  4. Kitchen Sink 1.1.0 Released!

    • UPDATE! Added responsive phone-view to the Forums in-lined image feature, misc adjusted CSS.
    • UPDATE! New javascript catch for Forums in-lined images: ANY paragraph with images that have inline-css styles are skipped.
    • UPDATE! Sets min-row height for forum rows when do not show statistics on mobile views is enabled.
    • UPDATE! Re-worked the Show Only Members on Online Users page. Now just sets the menu link to default to the members filter. No CSS hiding, all filters, including guests, still available. Best possible solution.
    • NEW BY REQUEST! Site terms and conditions option: place in footer, use full theme instead of minimal. NOTE: These terms and conditions only appear on new registrations or when users are forced to accept changed terms and conditions. This KS setting allows them to be viewed at any time.
    • NEW BY REQUEST! Posts numbered in Forum Topics. Either the actual universal post number or numerically 1-2-3 per-topic. Those aren't linked. You can get the post link in the three-dot dropdown via the Share option.
  5. dfhhhh.JPG.3d5465c4257fad369224f4ef073e3e3d.JPG

    These don't need to be linked or anything do they? You already have the share link in the three-dot menu.

    EDIT: Also, keep in mind, hidden posts will throw the 1-2-3 type formatting off. 

  6. minute.JPG.ad93f104c034d31773328d03a98a90b8.JPG

    All of one minute to do. If y'all want them consecutively numbered from 1+ per topic that will take a few additional minutes.

    I'll pop this in with the other updates and submit it tonight. No guarantees if/when approved.


  7. You know the post numbers would not be consecutive right? Internally all posts are in their own table and matched with the forum they are in. I mean, one could hack around that for display purposes only but that's a little goofy too.

    And I guess you'd want it along side the three dots?

    Doable though either way.

  8. Application done. Out of the gate it will be just forums, but blogs and gallery will be close behind after this breathes a bit out in the open - just want to make sure everything settles in for everyone before adding the rest.  

    On installation, the new app will detect if you have the plugin installed, hump over your existing data, and then delete the plugin, so do not remove the plugin prior to installation of this new thing. You'll just wipe your existing data.

    There are built in cull options now if you need to wipe a single topic's viewers out, or cull the whole thing and start over again (along with the usual truncate by x-amount-of-days daily task)

    Want to spy? You can spy your members via the ACP member view page where I added a tab for Who Viewed. Naturally with just forums as the only app it's a little spartan but it is a start.

    Those of you with GDPR or other jurisdictional fun to deal with, for now, no, you can't throw a member's views at them if they ask for it. But yes, it's an easy add to dump to CSV and on the list - will be fairly soon. 

    All the usual clearing/merging of datas when a topic is deleted or a member is merged/deleted also occur.


    All the rest of the newness will have to wait for the Marketplace entry. Gonna do a little testing first before submission.

  9. Good catches, Thanks. I'll add them to the next release which will be submitted in a day or two (mainly to tighten up the in-lined images feature in posts)

    EDIT: I know why I missed the first one, on my dev board the forums have descriptions, giving the row enough room. :doh:

    EDIT 2: For the second one, it's just adding ipsHide to the guest entries but you know what? It's an equally easy hook to just set the Online Users link itself to default to members only. That leaves this thing entirely intact so you can change the filters as you like on the page to view guests and whatever. Best solution possible.

  10. Approved.

    There will be a new updated version to fix a couple of things released fairly soon.

    $20 for a week or two, then $25-30 afterwards.

    This topic remains for support on the legacy 4.4.10 and back plugin, at least for a time.

    New support topic:


  11. Nah, it's time for a fresh start. One of my two flag ships needs to be re-bought based on the work I did (well, both probably...). This one is just the most logical choice. Lindy stated years ago that a lot of the stuff in the Marketplace was under-priced based on what was offered. He wasn't wrong, but a lot of us kinda looked at the MP usage by licensee's (hint: miniscule) and it was hard to throw a large price on things. With the big upgrade to the suite with 4.5, plus the ACP Marketplace, it's a good time for a refresh. Prices are going up across the board (newer fee-structure is imminent if nothing else) but if the ACP MP access gets the IPS userbase to actually use the MP in meaningful numbers, prices will still be kept low-ish due to increased purchases. Take a look at an app's/plugin's purchases or even download count and then contrast that number with the fact IPS has 25-35+ thousand active licenses (more?...) and you'll get an idea of what overall use the MP has had so far.

    KS 1 - Submitted 10/12/2020 12:50AM
    New support topic will be linked here after the app is approved (if it is approved...)

    Took some time this weekend to dot some I's, cross some T's, etc. Also the Joel CSS solution for shrinking and floating images in posts was bugging me - too many hitches and breaks - so, made my own with the obligatory:



    If your users drop them into the attachment dropzone, they will get in-lined, and if you set a max-width for them, they'll get scrunched as well. Lightbox still lightboxes of course. The JS also takes into account that this is an editor and people do drop things in specifically and add text. It will skip over those entries completely - so don't get befuddled by that - it's intentional, as there is no way for me to know what the intent of those is. If people are actually crafting a post, I don't want to get in the way. People can also drag/drop into the editor window itself and if they are sticking the images in with no return keys hit in-between drops, those will be a part of the same paragraph and those entries will get skipped as well. That specific condition, yes, can be taken care of in a future update but I've squatted on this long enough.

    You all got sites to upgrade.

  12. Once KS is approved I'll be shutting this topic down to just legacy plugin support and starting a new one for the app.

    On init release just shy of 100 settings, though many of them are customizing the same "thing"

    A condensed list of KS1

    Compact Star Ratings
    Do Not Display Guests on the Online Users Page
    Enable Font Awesome 5 Support
    Default Search Results Order
    Member has Full Messenger Warning
    Community Guidelines Display with Full Theme, Not Minimal
    Community Privacy Policy Display with Full Theme, Not Minimal
    Display a Link to Your Guidelines in the Footer
    Adjust Animation Speeds
    Remove the Vertical Separators between the Menu Options in Userbar
    Replace Create menu option with an Icon
    Remove Userbar Member Avatar on Desktop View
    Manipulate the Mark Site Read Link - icon or text only, remove, or move to usermenu
    Manipulate the Default Stream Link - icon or text only, remove, or move to usermenu
    Manipulate the Home Breadcrumb Element - restore icon, display icon and text
    Remove the Last Breadcrumb Element
    Larger Profile Cover Photo
    Customizable Error Page - totally revamped
    Remove the title 'Forums' from the Index Page
    Append Category Descriptions Beneath Category Titles
    Forum Statistics Displayed - post count, topic count, both
    Table View - Do Not Show Forum Statistics on Tablet and Phone Views
    Table View - Remove Sub-Forums Indent and Angle Mark
    Adjust Grid View Title Size
    Force the Forums > Post Feed Widget to Pull Only First Posts
    Allow Authors to Always Edit First Initial Posts in Topics - selectable per forum
    Remove Topic Location from Date Line
    Add a Locked Icon to Locked Topic Titles
    Display Posts in Topics in Order of Latest Posts to Oldest Posts in Select Forums - selectable per forum - see details for explanation and warnings
    Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Top Posters to Display
    Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Popular Days to Display
    Topic Activity Blocks - How Many Image Attachments to Display
    Display only the Time of Post Entry - removes the word 'Posted'
    Hide the MultiQuote Button
    Hide the Quote Link/Button
    Change the Quote Link into a Button
    Set a Limit on the Number of Attachments per Post - see details for limitations
    Float Image Attachments in Posts - collapses attached images side-by-side instead of stacking them
    Customizable Topic Embeds
    Customizable Post Embeds
    miniAlbum template tweaks
    Larger Blog Cover Photo
    Larger Blog Title Size
    Hide the Blog Header on Blog Entries
    Adjust Blog Entry Photo Size
    Squared Edges on Event Listings
    Remove "Event Details" Title Text from Event View
    Larger Event Cover Photo
    Larger Event Title Size
    Customize the Size of the Screenshots Carousel - height and width separately
    Enlarge Product View - Primary Product Image
    Enlarge Product View - Thumb Images
    Adjust Product View - Product Title Font Size

    The customizable topic and post embeds for Forums are quite nice. You can tweak them a number of ways. I like this formatting myself:


    Top and bottom are individual post embeds - one with just that small amount of text, the other much more, truncated at 6 lines. Middle one is a topic embed. Again, lots of options for you to work with here - you can even skip any content text if you like. I'll look into getting other app embeds customizable in the same way in a later KS version.

    I got poked months (a year?) ago about Font Awesome 5 and I think they wanted me to craft a full sweep thing and I was like nahhhhh... But this? This is a simple add to get you going, no muss, no fuss. You can use FA5 with a v4 shim that will put the native FA4 calls over to FA5 - do that and you *might* have a few spots you wish to tweak some css, maybe, OR you can use this without the shim and I make sure all the old FA4 calls stick with FA4 but you can still splash in FA5 icons where you like. You are on your own with template edits of course, but it's there to use. Totally optioned so if you have another 3rd-party solution or your own fix, just leave this off and no worries.

    Float image attachments in posts is a Joel special. If you are tired of all your image embeds stacking one on top of one another, here ya go.

    Otherwise all the usual micro-tweaks, minus ones pulled as IPS is doing it better now (or outright fixed removing the need for my tweaks), plus a few new ones.

    Each 'section' has its own css file. Core is always loaded but otherwise each 'app section' css loads with the respective app - mostly AFTER the app's css has loaded so KS can do its thing. Important! KS CSS is now after the app css loads, but well before you installed plugin and custom css files do. Those will be the last in line and take precedence when the css calls are identical.

     A little spent here and I got two submissions to go today and one still needing all the screenshots.

    Approval time I'd expect a week, if there are no problems or complaints.

  13. We're kinda stuck here,  the changes for 4.5 were really substantial,  lots of devs doing full rewrites. Spacious will go through as a renewal even though I was really close to just making everyone buy again.  That was a massive rewrite.

  14. Sorry. You can ask IPS to claw it back I guess? I warned up-topic that this would happen, it's an app now and there is no upgrade path with the ACP Marketplace from a plugin to app.

    When it releases it's gonna be cheap for two weeks so old hands can grab it without too much hurt.

  15. Brief update, this will be submitted tonight. After that it's not really on me...

    Again, sorry for the required re-buy, it's the new Marketplace, so it goes.

    Speaking of which, a goal post has moved - a thing called the Interface directory (a useful thing in applications where we can dump things and they will always be loaded from the server) has, as of two days ago, been tossed out the nearest airlock due to an incompatibility with the newest iteration of Community in the Cloud and this hitch was missed by IPS until, well, just now.

    So, fun for lots of people to work their junk over. That includes me, but at least my public offerings are only caught up with a few font files.

    Anyhoo, those of you storing theme resources OFF-SERVER - that means you have them set to be stored and load from an Amazon S3 instance (or legacy FTP if you still actually have that going), be sure your server setup is set to allow all the web font extension varieties on through (woff, ttf, svg, eot) otherwise you will get hit with CORS hitches (server will not load things onto the page if they are coming from places it thinks they should not). The interface folder was a lock for not having this problem occur, but now you guys will need to deal if the problem occurs.

    That font crap to deal with, one more thing to stick in after that, then screen shot hell, then submit.

  16. @Daniel F

    Let's get some hard clarifications please.

    For any submissions going forward, we will have to have completely removed the interface folder and any/all contents within? I do not want to nuke the interface folder, make all the changes, submit, and then find out nope, we aren't ready for the interface folder to be missing.

    Additionally, will a missing interface folder be "ok" for those on 4.5.0, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3 or is the installer going to just choke on it?

    EDIT: For those that didn't peak in the dev communications forum, Interface is dead now. I'm just gonna go ahead and cue up a large popcorn for when people start thinking about their apps (customs or otherwise) that have 3rd-party PHP libraries in interface.


  17. Gonna try wrapping this up Thursday. Compact Rating Stars Display option is back in; tackled that this evening.

    And yeah, all this stuff is taking a long time. Chalk it up to a lot of things, some of which is in my control, other parts not so much.

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