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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The more likely cause of this is banning by IP if its an invision ban message they are seeing, so I would suggest checking IP bans on your site to make sure you haven't blocked a large range for example. If you are having issues, we would need an example member and their IP address to take a look. Feel free to pm me that
  2. As you suggest there, its very likely to be bots that are visiting the pages, and are just not visiting the entries themselves, giving you the differences. There is very little you are really going to be able to do about that unfortunately, unless you go about blocking bots from those pages, which can of course have a negative affect on your site.
  3. Only sendgrid would be able to answer that question as the message is coming from them
  4. Hope you manage to get the situation under control 🙂
  5. Please update the admin account within your client area.
  6. Please try disabling all 3rd party items and trying again. I suspect you have something there that is causing you issues
  7. You would go to that page in the ACP as that is indeed testing
  8. There isnt a birthdays widget/block any longer, so thats not something in which exists to have privacy settings on
  9. This is not something in which can be amended without modification to the core platform.
  10. You cannot increase the frequency of this. If they are checking it right after visiting, they of course would not see them update
  11. As mentioned above, you need to look at any errors being returned. The above is not an error, it's the cron command itself
  12. No problem. Please let us how how you go
  13. The banner is actually the large red bar that is just about showing on your screenshot btw
  14. I havent anything to really add to the optimisation side of things here, but I would very much advise on thinking about the structure of your community if you have 15000 forums. That in of itself is going to cause you issues, as its very much out of the ordinary use of the software.
  15. I suspect thats more a reflection of the tool using to do that check, to be honest
  16. Note before doing the mb4 conversion, you need to ensure you repair that table or restore from backup if needed
  17. Disable redis and check in that case. There is no difference in this on cloud and classic
  18. The reality is, if you sent them to be in their raw form, Im not sure what else I can really tell you.
  19. I can only tell you there isnt anything within the core platform that would allow for this
  20. Whatever you are uploading using, it appears to be the device. I have just uploaded the same images you sent me over onto that same post, with no issues
  21. Ive hidden the reply so only we can see, and taking a look now
  22. Please could also provide a link as to where they are posted on your site?
  23. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  24. I have taken a quick look at your site, and before we continue, you really need to take a look at your 3rd party installations. At present you have errors being logged constantly from them, so even getting to the error messages you mention here is proving difficult. Currently you have: A banner at the top of the page stating you have PHP8 incompatible items present. Thos will break things, and you need to address this 36 x 3rd party applications. 16 of these are stating there are updates, so at least 16 are out of date, and there is no guarentee the others arent either. You would need to check. I would highly suggest checking and cutting back on these where you can 28 x 3rd party plugins. As with the above, there are 3 of these showing you they are out of date at last, and it may well simply be the others dont check for updates. You also have 3rd party themes that are showing out of date on there. For context here, just of the 3rd party plugins & applications, there are 222 3rd party hooks, meaning 222 possible points of failure outside of the main software.
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