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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The issue you are having there is because of that bottom item (not using UTF8MB4). Correct that, and it will correct your issue. It being default will not change what tables and columns are already using You would use the "Fix this" button provided in your screenshot above for the UTF8MB4 item. It then will give you the tools for this. The INNODB item does indeed need to be addressed on the tables manually by you or your host
  2. Of course, ensure you do a full backup of your existing site, and do this offline. So if you have any issues you can always roll it back
  3. As mentioned in the other topic you responded to, please visit the support area of your admin CP and see if there are any patches waiting to be applied there
  4. This was already patched on the release itself. Please go to your support area in the admin CP and check if its showing optional patches in that area. If so, please apply those.
  5. There are a few reasons we don't allow this. One of course, as you pointed out, is because it's a paid function of the platform (creating a topic), however we also have people responding who are simply outdated in knowledge as their software is not up to date, people trying to respond to others tickets to point out they have the same issue as another person and trying to gain support that way etc. So realistically, while I can certainly see your point there, its unlikely we would change that as this point.
  6. That would actually switch it off everywhere I believe. Have you tested this on a default unaltered theme? Also, have you cleared cache once switched off to test this?
  7. Check what ipad they are using. My suspicion here is that they are using quite an old device which simply isnt compatible with the platform
  8. Please update all access details on file, and we can take a look to see if we can see what is going on to point you in the right direction. However this can only really be something on the server end, as it's the only thing changed
  9. Ive tagged our developers on this to see if anything has changed here
  10. Sorry for the delay on this one. I wanted to ensure we got to the bottom of exactly what does and should happen on these. We have taken a look at this, and this is indeed working as intended at present. If there is a window open in which has you site on it, then it will use that window to show the item from the notification when clicked. So you would be best to post a suggestion within our feedback area if you wish to see this change
  11. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. They are always saved, so you would not be able to change the functionality to suit that specific need. As mentioned above, the originals are used when you change the parameters in some manner of how you want to show them on the front end, as a source in which to rebuild from.
  13. Im not sure I understand the question there. We are currently trying to get to your FTP so havent done anything in there at all yet, as we have no access
  14. You would revert to the backup taken prior to the upgrade. Once done, remove the membermap application from your admin CP and do the upgrade again
  15. We do not currently support 8.2, so changing that is indeed correct. Service unavailable is something you need to speak to your hosting company on
  16. You would need to speak to the author of that application to correct your issue there
  17. ^ this is correct. If you change PHP version, run the requirement checker again. This is because some of these are PHP modules, so they may be enabled on some versions on your server, and not on others
  18. Its letting you know that it will be. I can generate a renewal now if you would like me to go ahead with that?
  19. before I proceed, please could you check your server error logs and check if anything is being blocked. By mod security for instance
  20. Its worth pointing out, this is not a case of only not being available to self-hosted customers. Its quite a common misconception about things in general. Courses is available only on Creator Pro and above, meaning it's actually not available to some cloud customers either, depending on their package.
  21. Sorry, its not clear if the errors were happening after you switched to 8 or 8.1? Could you please clarify? Also, are you able to switch this on for a short time while we take a look?
  22. What you show in your image there would be the correct way to set it up. You would use permissions and groups as appropriate to set access. So create your groups using the below https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/adding-editing-groups-r30/ Once done, you need to set the correct permission for those 2 forums Https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/managing-members/member-permissions-r305/ From here you create a subscription, which promotes users to the group with access to your paid section https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/commerce/products-purchases/selling-subscriptions-r308/ You can indeed use Stripe for you payment method, yes.
  23. Marc

    Issues with blogs

    This has been added as feedback as a suggestion to change. If you are reporting something you believe to be a bug, you should report this in our technical problems area. Feedback, while read, will not always be responded to. In the case of this one, it appears to be a suggestion for change in the software in multiple areas. I would highly suggest ensuring you are adding each suggestion as a separate item, as this appears to start with URLs, go to slideshows and end with tags With suggestions, we cannot guarantee that an item will be added or changed when you post. We can guarantee only that its read and may be considered. What we can certainly guarentee is if they are not posted, we wouldnt even know you wish to have them of course
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