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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please set these up and add to the notes if required. The reason for this is it may not be only one tech looking at the issue here
  2. For anyone else who may be looking for an answer to this, you can create an ads.txt file using the pages application. This is shown in the following guide
  3. Please check the above, as mentioned and let us know if this is the issue. It sounds like you are missing the webhook secret
  4. Usually when this happens, its because you have a test install running somewhere. Have you recently moved to cloud? If not, we would need an example of this, so I can get this into a ticket for you if needed. With this one, it doesnt actually sounds like there has been 2 items taken.
  5. Please check those details. Your site allows only email login, and at present you have a username present
  6. Usually it will be that something is slightly out. using www where you werent before, or https where you werent before, for example. In any case, I have cleared that out for you, so you should be good to install there now
  7. Looking at the commit for this, it should be, yes
  8. Sorry, I should have phrased that better. I know what it is, just not familiar with its use 😄
  9. Glad to hear you got that sorted, Martin
  10. Im not familiar with that tool myself, however if youa re havign no issues with the site itself, could you please clarify what this is for? Also, please check this is available for guests
  11. I'm very sorry to hear this. While some are using these successfully, as mentioned above, there is no guarentee when an item forcefully amends the layout, that it wont break that layout. We certainly want things to work for you in the best way possible. Items beyond our control are however just that.
  12. This simply means they are doing something that is interupting only our templates, and not the other 2. Again however, we do not control those in any way. We have no control at all if you allow google ads to control the where they place items on your site.
  13. Please update your access details on file, as these appear to have changed again.
  14. What information there do you not believe to be relevant? Those are the correct instructions on how to create ads within our platform. We cannot state how you create ads on your ad providers networks such as google. You would need to read their documentation for that, rather than ours. The fundamental issue you have here is that they are altering the layout of your site.
  15. You should not use auto ads, which I believe is what you were using there. You should be placing the ads yourself in locations on your site using the ad manager within your admin CP https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/internal-advertising-r57/
  16. Copied from the ticket itself. My colleague however corrected the problem on this occasion
  17. You would need to direct your disappointment at the advertising company there. Unfortunately if you have code injecting into your site which is altering the layout, that is something in which we have no control over
  18. While I understand you have always had ads, these are being generated, so they will not always be the same ads
  19. I have moved this to our marketplace request forum for you. Hope you manage to get what you need there. Please note, you may also take a look at people advertising their services in the following location https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  20. Im a little confused as to what you are awaiting here. Reviewing the ticket, this was an issue with a 3rd party item
  21. That is the same change there, so we have it covered. Thanks
  22. I would need an example of this. If its been deleted entirely (not just the text) and you have no permission for them to do this, we would need to look further into it
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