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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  2. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can look closer into the issue
  3. Glad to hear you have the issues resolved with that patch 🙂
  4. I need to know the handful it is actually showing in this case, as unfortunately without having this information, there is no way of me knowing if its showing a new one
  5. I have split this into its own topic, as it was attatched to someone elses. At present, we are in a position whereby we are unable to assist as the (s)ftp details provided are either incorrect or inaccessable to us. Until this is resolved, we are unable to determine what is the cause of the issue, and we are in the position of guessing what may be the cause
  6. Please could you confirm you have left this long enough to check. Just looking there, its currently showing an image from 2015
  7. Not unless it actually executed, no. I would however be questioning why a member is adding such a thing, as that would generally be an attempt to see if you can execute code on the page
  8. Might have a look at that myself, cheers 🙂
  9. You have IN_DEV set in your constants.php file more than once by the look of it. I would remove any instances of IN_DEV from there entirely
  10. Have you checked with your hosting company to see what is causing your 403 there?
  11. There is no built in method to achieve this. As mentioned above, with some creative use of pages templates you could achieve this of course
  12. I got it, cheers Nathan. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  13. Unfortunately, companies will update things, even if you cant actively see the changes your end. So its likely they changed something recently that has affected you
  14. Please note we have limited support over the weekend periods. Could you provide an example so we can take a look for you? I would need to know what the search criteria is, and an example user you believe should be showing, and isnt
  15. What version is it you are trying to download there?
  16. This does unfortunately appear to be a bug on samsung phones
  17. If you only change the URL, that change will be instant. However if you are also moving the files using the system, this will take however long it takes the physical file to move location
  18. Is this also happening on a default unaltered language pack? I am unable to replicate this on my own instance
  19. The above is correct. All we are referring to is visiting the upgrader directly, and upgrading all the files via FTP. This is simply because you may get stuck in the admin CP during the upgrade otherwise, due to bugs that have been fixed in that are previously, and other items such as PHP requirement changes
  20. Upgrading all at once shouldnt be an issue now you know what items are incompatible and can ensure thats resolved beforehand. Good luck with the upgrade 🙂
  21. No problem. Glad you have what you need 🙂
  22. I believe my colleague is answering your questions there within the ticket on what you had set up particularly. Essentially however, you are looking at the logs after its now been pruned, rather than before
  23. Ah of course. Just realised what version you are on. I would indeed update with the full upgrader as you are many tens of versions behind
  24. Yeas, those are correct. However you are not just uploading in your case. You are also deleting. It should only be overwriting items where those items already exist (files only) I would be interested to know what you mean by you cannot use the auto upgrader due to where it is. That would be very unusual
  25. I understand the settings in prefs are deselected and that they may be assigned to you. However are you actively tracking these with the following. If not, I would need an example, along with who you are logged in as
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