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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. That is not an item created by us. As mnetioned, you can click where I stated there and remove that item if you wish to remove it.
  2. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can take a closer look
  3. Have you cleared cache in the support area after moving where you are storing cache there?
  4. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can have it looked at
  5. You would need to check with your email host to check why you arent receiving emails from our domain so this can be continued via the ticket, or add an alternative email in your contacts and use that so we can continue
  6. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  7. You would be selecting the site, not the app. Then once you select the site, there is a button for you to review access details
  8. I would need some example links (to the posts) to take a look at for you
  9. You should indeed have all tables running INNODB, and its likely why you have queries with "Repair with keycache" showing there. While this may well solve the specific issue you are experiencing though, you need to contact your hosting company about the fact you have tables crashing repeatedly, as that is an issue on the mysql instance itself.
  10. You would usually use the DNS method. If you let us know what those DNS records are, we can then add those for you
  11. From the message there, the error occurred on facebooks end
  12. There isnt any way you would be able to do that unfortunately. Please feel free to post up within our suggestions area if you wish to see something like this in a future release.
  13. Have a good christmas. Absolutely dont attempt the "fresh install" route by the way. There is no such method, and you are likely to make things worse. I would revert that. If you are having issues with the files showing as not changed, thats what needs looking at
  14. Not within the core platform, but as shown above, there are 3rd party products which provide this functionality
  15. Please let me know where it is you are seeing the error. Your site appears to be loading with no issue on this end
  16. Once its broken on your test site again, please leave the issue in place and we can get a ticket opened for you
  17. There is a caching issue at play there, and may actually be related to the theme. The first thing I notice in your screenshots if that you have all 3rd party items enabled, and the theme. When I disable them all, I do see the issue. However I also see the 3rd party items still enabled on the home page, which is simply not possible without cache at some level. When I switch the theme on that page manually, its then working with no issue.
  18. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you. If you have PMA, please add the location of this in the notes
  19. This is correct. There may be others such as showforum.php in there too.
  20. I am not seeing any issues with the site you have set up, but it appears you purchased a new item, rather than upgraded the existing trial there. If you are still having issues let us know and I can get this to a ticket so we can discuss and get you sorted
  21. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  22. Glad to see its now working in any case 🙂
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