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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I logged it to see if I can see anything there, but unfortunately, the login details on file are not up to date. If you are getting a blank page however, thats something the server will be logging, and your hosting company should be able to tell you exactly what that is
  2. Looking at the ticket, there isnt anything to do at present. It's a bug we are aware of, that hasnt yet been resolved.
  3. I'm not sure the issue you are reporting here is an issue with the software, unfortunately. If the back button on your browser isn't taking you back to where you were previously, that would be a browser issue.
  4. No problem. Hope you manage to get the issue resolved
  5. You would need to contact a server administrator to do this for you, if you are unsure how to use Azure. Azure itself is just a cloud environment, so the question there is actually quite vague in nature. The invision platform will run on any environment that meets the software's minimum requirements, provided it is configured correctly.
  6. We would need more information on what you have before this. What you have there is correct for a criteria of filtering only if the forum name contains certain text, however it doesn't show what exactly you are filtering.
  7. Yes, this is what you need to do. If you are unsure where to find the error, you would need to ask your hosting company. However if you cannot find that, just get it to that point and let us know
  8. Ok hidden those just to keep things tidy. I can see a reference to cleantalk. Not sure if that is something you have installed? What I would suggest here is getting to that same point again first of all. Then you can check the error logs as soon as it hits that point. If you then still have an issue, ensure access details are up to date and let us know. Do not revert it as we then can't see what the issue is.
  9. On first look, they dont appear to be our standard database templates there. Please could you confirm if this is the case?
  10. You should upload all files and overwrite any in the package, merging folders. Any files which shouldnt be overwritten, were created (therefore not in the download)
  11. No problem. I would suggest before reverting next time, getting hold of the server error logs and posting them for us to see what the issue is.
  12. As mentioned, do you have an example I can look at?
  13. You would remove them from my picks if there are items you dont want to appear in the emails either. Alternatively if you dont want ant showing at all, you can shut them off from System>Settings>Email
  14. It sounded like it may have been a 3rd party item that wasnt compatible, rather than missing files, but no problem. If you are unsure where your server error logs are, you would contact your server guys for these
  15. I would need more information on this. Are you referring to something on your own site? If so, I would need an example member and club they pay for.
  16. Marc

    Classic Area?

    We already have a classic self-hosted section here https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/524-classic-self-hosted-technical-help/ There isn't really anything not relevant to both other than this, so not sure what section you would be looking for
  17. This is something that would need to be 3rd party developed. There is no way in which to do so within the core platform.
  18. OK, if its blank entirely like that, it means an error was thrown before its got to the page load and will therefore be logged in your server error logs. Please check those and let us know what is showing
  19. Created a topic for you there, so we can get things sorted
  20. A little confused there. There was a bug report added for the issue
  21. In your browser window on that page, remove everything after /admin/upgrade/ then press enter. Then log in again
  22. This is actually the main issue here. It's a different system people need to get used to
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