As we have mentioned before, we need to concentrate on one issue at at time here.
Are you referring to recent activity here? You mentioned profiles before. If so, again we need the name of an item that is being shown in recent activity, but you cannot see elsewhere. Until this is provided, we are unable to assist.
For example, if I have a calendar feed, and I have items showing on recent activity. If I can see one named "Football match" on 25th of this month showing in recent activity, and its not showing in x calendar, I would give me that name and the calendar name you believe it should be showing here.
Its worth remembering that from your point of view, you know exactly what you are looking at as you know what you are trying to add. We have your feeds, and I can indeed add one of those feeds to my own test no problem at all. So without comparing every item in a very long calendar feed, in various locations on your site, we are at a bit of a loss.