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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I'm not sure what we would change here. In recent activity it states who actioned an item and their IP. That is correct behaviour. Could you please let me know what you mean by them appearing in the ban IP section? This sounds like it may well simply be a bug
  2. It doesnt work that way on IPS, no. Themes are individual. Child themes are there so you can essentially use that theme to otherride things in a parent theme. Nothing more than that. It doesnt mean that it actually is the parent theme, and therefore would not share its version number
  3. The feed there isnt adding these in the enclosure tag as it should be, so they wouldnt be shown. Its using its own custom namespace rather than that of the RSS standard
  4. The admin CP login details are still incorrect, unfortunately, Jeff
  5. You would need to contact your hosting company on that issue, as that is an issue on your hosting side
  6. This is not something you can do as per your license
  7. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can take a closer look
  8. Could you please let me know what it is you are copy/pasting from? An example if its something online I can test myself
  9. The error will not go away from the logs. That error will only be generated on 8.2
  10. There is no such built in way in which to make things into static pages
  11. There is no way in which you can do that without purchasing separate licenses for each unfortunately.
  12. Do you have the transaction ID I can take a look at?
  13. This is absolutely not the correct advice at this point. We need to see what you have. I will take a look and advise shortly @CaptJeff
  14. It would depend on if the source actually has it as an image on its feed, or if its part of the content. Do you have a link we could take a look at?
  15. There is no way in which to do either of those things at the current time unfortunately. If there is delay, is that delay on their side or yours? If yours, check the task can run for long enough before your mysql instance times it out
  16. There is no way in which to do this. It goes to the incoming email of the site
  17. Could you provide me with more information on this? What exactly is happening when it fails? And when you say it does not achieve what you want, what exactly is happening?
  18. The only way in which to do this would be to prevent them from adding a files section at all. You can do this from each usergroup
  19. You can safely ignore them. They are indeed items t hat have been removed from the software
  20. Unfortunately that would seem to be the case
  21. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  22. Not sure what you mean by migrate them? You would generally add a link on squarespace to your community here, and vice versa
  23. Specifically, please try the fix added by Ehren and let us know if that works for you https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/469936-quote-iframe-keeps-on-jumping/?do=findComment&comment=2911061
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