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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved. Care to share what the issue was, in case others come across the same?
  2. Please note that not all suggestions will make it to the product. There is no plan at present to add this
  3. Do you have an example of this? I ask as you shouldnt be able to add a quote to a quote
  4. Please could you let me know the ID of the member you are using to test there?
  5. Before we continue on this, could I ask when it was you started the archiver? You mention there 15 years of data. This is done very gradually in the background, so its going to take quite some time to archive 15 years of data
  6. There is no way in which to automatically do this, unfortunately. Files will be removed once they are no longer in use. Are these older files you are referring to?
  7. Please could you provide more information as to what you mean by "does not appear as expected"? Screenshots would be helpful if possible
  8. It would actually add to the issue also, as you are essentially always at some point switching to one which is not as effective. Im interested as to whether or not you upped the sensitivity on hCAPTCHA? I ask as thats tended to be effective in most cases I have tried. Of course, adding additional measures as you have mentioned there is never going to hurt, and glad you managed to get the issue resolved for yourself. In your case, you found you did need extra, however you had also made sure things were set up correctly first of all. My point above was that in many cases (most) we find they havent been. So its always advisable to do that in the first instance. Of course feel free to post that up as a suggestion in our feedback area, as mentioned 🙂
  9. Thank you. I have logged that one as a bug report
  10. While I havent tested this, have you tried base64 encoding the file?
  11. The issue there was with the 3rd party application "(DP45) Custom Bad Words Filter". This does however appear to be out of date, so its likely there have been issues resolved since that point in time. You should ensure all 3rd party items are up to date, and also update your site to the latest release.
  12. There does seem to be somewhat of an assumption of how the spam service works, which is not entirely correct. We do not rely solely on reports from admin. In almost all cases, we find that systems are simply not set up in the way we recommend. This being the case, even adding Akismet would not solve an issue, as people have to actually use it, like the current features. No system will work if they aren't being used. I would say, Askimet is also far from perfect, having used it myself. It is good, but doesn't appear any better than setting things up correctly on our system
  13. Are you using hCaptcha, with Question and Answers? (multiple of those). If not, try that and see if this improves
  14. If you mean setup as in install, then depending on whether or not you go for our cloud product or classic product. Cloud - There is no install. Its done for you, as you saw with the trial you have set up there Classic - You would need to ensure you have a server with the minimum requirements necessary, create a database, upload the files, then run the installer. In terms of setup such as adding forums, adding blog categories etc, it is indeed easy to set up. As an example, this guide shows how to set up a simple set of forums You will find many guides there of similar nature if you take a look through the list for what is relevant to your own requirements. Of course, if you have anything specific you are unsure of, we are always here to help
  15. hCAPTCHA is currently proving to be the most effective
  16. We would need more information on what the suggestion is here. Simply "Use AI" isn't really much to go on, as AI is simply a tool. They can be quite advanced tools, but they are tools nonetheless. You mention using AI, but havent said what exactly you would want it to do.
  17. As mentioned, this is a value add item for creator pro and above (who, as regularly pointed out, pay more for their service). Nobody mentioned languages being a decision on whether or not to make it cloud only.
  18. I think there may be a misunderstanding on how spam prevention works unfortunately. The reality is, in order to prevet spam, they need to first of all be known to be spam. As bots get more sophisticated, they get closer and closer to looking like human registrations. So you run a fine line between preventing spam, and preventing actual registrations. And when you do pick up on IPs, email addresses etc, it takes time for them to be known as being spam. What I would say here, is in almost all circumstances when we have looked at customer sites, the following tend not to all be in place Spam service set to its defaults Multiple question & answers set up, that are not machine solvable (putting something like "What is 2+2?" will simply be solved by a bot. Having only 1 set up means once its solved, its solved) Not yet using hCaptcha, which was added to our software to try and combat some of the more advanced spam that was turning up Not adjusting hCaptcha settings to a level at which is reducing spam to a suitable level I would advise anyone who is having problems, check the settings above. This said, there is no silver bullet for spam that will work every time. There will be times where items such as these make their way through.
  19. At present, this is a value add item for our cloud customers on Creator Pro and above. It has been stated that we may, at some point in the future, consider this on the classic platform. However there is nothing set it stone as of yet
  20. Have you moved from subdomain to main domain or the other way around? If you are getting a 500 error, what is the error being logged on your server error logs?
  21. We do not currently have the ability to be logged in as more than one client at once, unfortunately. Where exactly are you getting that error?
  22. It does sounds like something is blocking them somewhere on the server
  23. Sorry, there appears to be confusion here. I have split this into a new topic, as this is unrelated to the other item (that was when pasting images, the image was appearing twice within an individual post). Is this happening every time you copy/paste into a post. And also, could you let me know the source you are copying from?
  24. Quite right you are, Nathan. Have created a bug report for that
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