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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Just to let you know, we are awaiting yourself with access details there as per ticket.
  2. I see my colleague resolved the original issue there, however we're awaiting your response on a subsequent related problem. Could I confirm you have seen that response, or have you resolved that part too?
  3. This has now been sorted out for you
  4. I have just seen your ticket and responded. You need to respond from your licensed customer email in order for us to assist with this. Then we can certainly sort that out for you
  5. Excellent. Glad to see that was resolved
  6. Please check this again now. The issue should be resolved
  7. We have many people who decide to which our product has not been tested with. For example people will use litespeed, nginx, and some even windows server which we dont provide support for at all. But we have to draw the line somewhere and say "this is what we support" I suppose is the answer to the question there. Theoretically there would be nothing stopping us providing support for it, the same as anything else you can name. But these all come at a cost of extra development time, testing, and of course introduction of more bugs. I think you may have taken 'many' out of context there. Many is not the majority. In fact it would be a long long way away from a majority in this instance
  8. Thank you for reporting. I will get this issue passed on to our developers to take a look at
  9. The software itself is built around an apache based environment. nginx is used by many, but rewrites for example arent something we provide by default. Therefore the same would apply here.
  10. I think its very likely this was an anomaly in your data there, but will pass on the information in any case. I havent seen this happen in the thousands I have seen updated from those releases
  11. Could I please first of all confirm the site this is related to, so we can ensure that is correct? You should indeed be able to access the marketplace, but bear in mind you would only be able to access free items or items you have purchased from the marketplace. You would not be able to access items the owner has purchased from the marketplace
  12. Thank you for letting us know of this. Could I please confirm if the issue occurred from 3.4 to 4.4.10 or from 4.4.10 to the current release? Also, just making sure you aren't still having to use a plugin to correct yours. If that's the case, you shouldn't have to be and we need to get that resolved properly for you
  13. Please disable cloudflare and then try this again. I suspect its cloudflare which is blocking this
  14. I would advise removing redis from the equation if its switching off all the time. Its more likely slowing your site than speeding it up if its not working properly, and in most use cases redis is actually not needed.
  15. That is correct. As mentioned by my colleague, its not something that is a simple fix unfortunately.
  16. No problem. This is so you can actually search for the word and if your system is allowing 3 letter searches
  17. Where is it you are seeing this? I ask as that looks like our community, however I cant replicate it doing that my end. Edit: Oh, actually I think I know what you mean here. These are clickable items. So you Would click and it would search using AND
  18. Please could you confirm, is this when downloading on the downloads application?
  19. No problem, Rob. Let us know if you see any further issues of course. Glad to see you're sorted
  20. You would need custom development in order to do that. Possibly just template development
  21. Where is it you are seeing the message there, Rob? Im not actually seeing any messages showing issues with data storage
  22. Did you manage to get this resolved? I noticed we didnt receive a response from you on your ticket
  23. We would need the FTP details adding there also, given the nature of the issue, as we will need to work with your constants file
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