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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Yeah, the concept of “expirations” in Commerce is seriously flawed in general and doesn’t work as one would expect. You are stilled locked into that product even after the expiration, which leads to all sorts of problems, both for the newer subscription system as well as the product subscriptions in Commerce. If you use the search function, you can find many complaints about it.
  2. Exactly! That’s why we would need to see a page to check what else is interfering.
  3. Yes, it should float automatically. If it doesn’t work for you, something in your theme might override it. But it’s completely impossible to tell unless you provide a link where we can see it happening. The code you showed in the first post also cannot work, since the image sits in the cCmsRecord_image container. Floating it INSIDE it won’t create a float in relation to the text.
  4. Is this a thing now? If I click the Get Started button here, I can apparently activate it for my account, but is IPS actually processing the charges in the required way now?
  5. I could imagine that as a stand-alone template product if there is enough interest.
  6. To achieve what? What is it that you try to solve by opening up this functionality to your users?
  7. Are you talking about editor attachments as in the forums or the Gallery app as in the link? For attachments, it’s a member group setting: BTW: The linked topic is talking about the process of mass-deleting, not being able to delete images.
  8. A constructive start would be to list the features you guys actually need. Just claiming “we are interested” won’t really convince anyone. The developers need to judge what it takes to deliver the required features and whether that can be profitable.
  9. It’s not the only option for blocks. You can also only show “featured” entries from any forum. Or entries which have a specific tag.
  10. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8597-pages-category-images/
  11. The left-side navigation is in this Pages database template set: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8663-pages-superdocs/ The breadcrumb is already a feature of the suite. There is nothing you need to get.
  12. I would also try to make sure the block isn’t just cached at the moment.
  13. Moderation control panel unter /modcp/
  14. As explained in great detail on my FAQ page, support does NOT contain customization help in any way.
  15. Sure. That’s just like all IPS widgets work.
  16. Not perfectly sure what the question is. If you set the block to show 6 entries and if the ordering is set to “descending” then yes, you will always get the latest 6 entries.
  17. This should be the “sharer image” that is set up in the ACP (“icons and logos”). Displaying it this large is more a problem of Discord I would say. Making the original image smaller could mean that other services like Facebook will reject it. You could of course use a different aspect ratio for the sharer image. That could help a bit.
  18. Also, if I temporarily drag an image in the upload section, I get another copy of it. Wow, and yet another one. I just got someone else’s upload in my editor window without putting them there.
  19. I guess there is a (temporary?) problem on Facebook’s side. I don’t see sharer images for any link I try.
  20. In addition to the Our Picks page, you can also use the Our Picks widget and drag it anywhere on a page you want. IPS hat it at the bottom of the forum index ☞ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/
  21. Pretty sure that’s the spam protection kicking in. It has nothing to do with the Commerce settings.
  22. The code in the settings won’t be used for the title field. If you want to edit the appearance, you would have to do it in the Pages templates.
  23. Do you have Pages? You can create custom instances of almost all widgets there which have permissions attached to them.
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