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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. I would just create a custom button and call IPS’ button styling:
  2. As far as I understand it, the Marketplace really works like that. A resource can only be available for multiple IC versions, if ONE VERSION of that resource supports all those IC versions. If there is a version for 4.5 and the developer makes a separate 4.6 version available, users on 4.5 won’t see that product anymore since the current release restricts the product to 4.6 only. The developers and theme designers wouldn’t be able to do anything about that. I guess we will see a lot of complaints about that problem now. It didn’t exist before, since the older resources before 4.5 were all manual downloads anyway.
  3. Yes. Type “length” in the ACP search bar and you find the settings for title length.
  4. It’s just text. You can’t really prevent text. But you can add it to your forum rules and moderate entries/users which violate those rules. For usernames, you can limit which characters are used, e.g. only allow English characters, but it might do more harm than good since it would also prevent lots of legitimate non-English names.
  5. Yes, the colors come from your theme(s).
  6. I also need this functionality often. Just because someone started a record, doesn’t mean others should not be recognized. They might have done most of the work. I set this up as custom MySQL query with some of my databases: Better control for who can edit would also be nice. I guess the typical way to do this is to allow “invitations” for contributors instead of letting all members edit.
  7. I think the issue here is that the license is expired and the request is to deactivate apps before the renewal.
  8. Yeah, looks like your site was hacked and someone is stealing the user login data.
  9. Normally, you would wrap it in an IF query: {{if $variable}}{$variable}{{endif}} This can still cause problems with some fiel types, since they can return something even if nothing was added to the field. The better solution is to define the output in the field settings itself. There you can check for content like this: {{if $formValue}}{$value}{{endif}}
  10. My guess: You are subscribed to the newsletter, so you don’t see the widget. That’s normal. You need to unsubscribe in the settings to actually see the widget working.
  11. You can just drop that in any template that is used for the view you want to change.
  12. That’s already the default behavior for the our picks page. It just depends on how much space there is available. This page uses 3 columns: https://invisioncommunity.com/ourpicks/ The templates for the Our Picks page are visible in the theme when searching for “promotePublic”.
  13. It is a little tricky. It’s a “masonry” layout created dynamically with JavaScript. Would be easy to mess this up and cause more harm than good. Personally, I would just keep it the way it is. The dynamic layout makes good use of whatever space is available. Forcing one column only introduces new problems, e.g. images which get super thin when the height is fixed or super high when the aspect ratio is fixed.
  14. In that case, you don’t need to identify the page at all. Just create a custom CSS in the template section and then activate that CSS for the page. All overrides in that CSS will only apply to the one page (or multiple selected pages) this way.
  15. Yeah, I asked both IPS and Stripe support and didn’t get a clear yes or no, but leaning towards “no”. Stripe support also said, based on my ratio of normal and disputed transactions, it wouldn’t make much sense. But then again, the worst part for me might be the injustice, not the financial loss. You offer a service, people buy it and use it, and then they just take their money back, plus generating a further loss through the chargeback fee. And then you invest even more time trying to gather all the evidence to fight the dispute, with a fat chance of loosing. I wouldn’t mind paying higher fees to have this out of my life.
  16. You mean like a Pages page or what page exactly?
  17. If you set up a sharer image, this will be used. If you have no sharer image, the social network may or may not try to find something else. A third-party options is the following, which will take an attachment from the topic.
  18. Yellow Pages and SuperDirectory are based on IPS’ Pages app. Think of them as a styling optimized for directories. You will not gain functionality as you would with an app that is specifically coded to be directory.
  19. You would have to hire someone to create a custom plugin.
  20. You can change the blog-specific image settings for the plugin from “show all” to “auto”, which will show less of the hi-res images. Unfortunately, there aren’t any thumbnails available as for Pages for example.
  21. It’s a community forum. Official IPS support is only guaranteed through support tickets. So all answers here are purely voluntary and a favour of other Invision Community users. We will decide if it’s worth our time to answer and we also might consider HOW the questions is asked. The tone on of certain people here might not be all that motivating to give helpful answers. But anyway: In the end, all of these functions are possible attack vectors. For potential attackers (just like potential burglars) its usually a case of “once you’re in, you’re in”. There is nothing specific that happens, when you leave your backdoor open and there is nothing specific that happens to have these commands active. But IF they are being used in a malicious way, then the results are potentially very serious. Essentially, your server can be taken over and used for all kinds of bad things. So if your site doesn’t need those functions anyway, it’s best to have them disabled. It’s highly appreciated that IPS has a warning function for that.
  22. There is no right or wrong way. It’s a veeeeeery long transition period and providers have do decide whether they want to push forward or play it safe. This includes the example of posted links like %E3%82%A2- . The providers where you still see that will also sooner or later move over to links that don’t use URL-encoding anymore.
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