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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. So, I am trying out the WebP support in 4.6. First, I only got broken images, but I quickly narrowed down the problem: the images are uploaded and processed successfully, but stored without a file suffix in the uploads directory and then blocked by <ipb-protection> in the htaccess file. So what is going on there? Why is there no file suffix? Is that intentional? Can I change it? Is it a bug? A server configuration? P.S. I tried it here on the site for comparison, but it create a different issue and I couldn’t even upload the images:
  2. Option 1: Set up a filter in your email account to filter out just those messages. Option 2: Set up a “black hole” mailbox (e.g. noreply@yourdomain.com) you don’t check and set it as “outgoing” mail address in the ACP.
  3. Could well be that SuperGrid isn’t ready for PHP 8. I haven’t done any testing for that yet.
  4. Approving access on a per-member basis is what CLUBS are for.
  5. Shouldn’t be too hard to build a listing template which supports this. Do you have specific use-cases for this in mind? Because one issue I see is dealing with a large amount of records. The script really only makes sense if all records are loaded at once. With a database with hundreds of records it might not work well. Either it creates a huge and slow query to get all records in, or the Pages navigation remains in use, but then you are really only ordering a sub-set of the records, which might be confusing and not very useful.
  6. If you want more, create the feed in the backend as Pages block. Then access it on the front end as “custom block”.
  7. Yes, you also create a “category”–“category item” relation on the front end (visible in the URL and breadcrumb navigation).
  8. Something to start with: {{if $formValue}} <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone"> {{foreach $value as $file}} <div class="ipsGrid_span4 ipsSpacer_bottom"> <img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage"> </div> {{endforeach}} </div> {{endif}}
  9. As I said in the beginning: Just create two independent pages like I did.
  10. It’s not built with Photoshop and it’s just a couple of SVGs with vector content. You can just drag them in an app like Illustrator and modify them.
  11. Just to state the obvious: Why not handle the subscriptions through Invision Community instead of a 3rd-party service? That’s one of the best things about Invision Community. It’s not just forum. You have the monitization options built in already. Using Invision Community for everything would solve your issue of syncing the users between services.
  12. That looks wrong. The “public_html” is usually a part of a server path, not a public URL. By the way: you are allowed one development URL. You could use that to prepare the move.
  13. All views of a database page have the same blocks, unless the visibility is coded into the block itself. For a homepage, it can make sense not to use the article database itself but to create a new page and then put the article feed on there as a block. This gives more freedom regarding the blocks. I do that on one of my sites. This is the homepage with an article listing (as blocks) plus sidebar widgets. The actual article page is here without a sidebar. So it gives the result you ask for (in a way).
  14. I would want this as a site-wide feature (for user content). A 5 MB PNG screenshot would usually just be 100 KB as JPG.
  15. I am not aware of any options currently. There were two files for this on the Marketplace (1,2), but they aren’t available anymore.
  16. You need to look it up in your account with your webhost. The path is specific to your host and installation.
  17. Well it’s not your call to make. It’s the receivers who flag messages as spam. For larger sites, it’s almost unavoidable to get these complaints. People are lazy. They flag valid notification mails as spam to get rid of them instead of finding out how to unsubscribe on a specific site. So, my general recommendation would be to revisit what kind of messages you send and whether your members know about all their notification options (including how to turn them off). For example, I checked your registration page and you pre-check the newsletter checkbox, which is a clear GDPR violation. So, some people might indeed consider it spam to get a newsletter they haven’t actively subscribed to. I certainly would.
  18. What exactly did Microsoft say? If they block you, then you would need to solve their specific issue.
  19. A demo wouldn’t show anything else than the product screenshots. They were taken here: Horizontal Vertical
  20. Support topic for this Marketplace resource:
  21. Are you seeing that in every topic or just this one? It shouldn’t look like that. But you might have something in your post that stretches the content and forces it below the avatar.
  22. Try calling the page with adding this to the URL ?_blockManager=1 Same should be available from the ACP. Even a broken page builder page shouldn’t remove any buttons from the ACP.
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