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Everything posted by opentype

  1. It’s always been this way since 4.0. The various calculations necessary for these grids are done through JavaScript on the front end, so that is what you are seeing. But in a recent video, Matt mentioned that these grids will be replaced by modern flex-box functions soon, so that will probably improve things.
  2. The Page Builder mode is simple by design. For more complex layouts, you would need the Manual Page mode. You can still add all your blocks there—just not with drag-and-drop.
  3. Please state the name as shown in the database settings. The default “listing” template would indeed not show the record image. It has always been this way. Only the front page of Pages databases has templates to show the the record images as part of the “article mode”. Showing the record image in listing templates would require third party templates.
  4. What listing template have you set in the database/category settings?
  5. I tried it and can confirm it. When a field is copied, the system makes sure that keys are different. But one can indeed create the same key for different fields by using the same title.
  6. Already possible if I don’t misunderstand you. You just have to turn on this field:
  7. Have you looked at the stock options? Post Feed Widget Topic Feed Widget Activity Feed Widget If so, what are you missing?
  8. Thanks for the mention, but that is not the functionality being asked for. 😉 @ stefan: I had a look and I am mostly finding user based widgets. But you want the entire server’s feed, correct? A simple solution might be to go through RSS and use a widget maker using RSS feeds. There should be plenty, free and paid. You could then use the HTML being generated in a Pages HTML block.
  9. Wrap the ad code with: <div data-ipssticky data-ipssticky-relativeto="#ipsLayout_sidebar"> //the ad </div>
  10. How would you want to use it? Themes usually just provide a different look, not different functionality. Why would a different look require a different homepage? A more typical request is having user-group specific homepages. That I get.
  11. In phpMyAdmin, select the database (if it is not selected yet), then go to the tab labelled “SQL”. You will see a field there where you can paste the the UPDATE and the ALTER TABLE code. Then just click OK.
  12. So is the site working again or not? Keep in mind: you might be looking at symptoms, not the cause of the problems. If there are faulty files in the datastore (for example because of a one-time read/write error), then receiving all sorts of errors is expected, as the various modules try to process data that simply isn’t there or faulty.
  13. I was also dealing with this recently. I wasted a lot of time trying to get these full PDF viewers like PDF.JS and similar products working, but it was always buggy, slow and resource intensive. In the end, I used the Heyzine service. It has an API, so everything can be automated. I just upload a PDF to a Pages database upload field and it will automatically be turned into a PDF player view in the background. (This is coded into the Pages view templates.) There is a yearly fee, but its totally worth it for me. This is how the Pages record view looks like:
  14. You could add the language string “username_desc”. It will appear automatically below the choice for the username on the registration form.
  15. For that Builder section, you should use a ‘Pages database’ as it is called in the IPS system. You can customize it to collect and show all the necessary information. In general: I would suggest to first get familiar with the IPS design framework and then work WITHIN it. For example: it uses a fixed layout system consisting of a sidebar and up to three content column slots. If you design outside of that system, it can get frustrating quickly.
  16. Okay, looks like these downloads are only available for older versions that weren’t made for the new marketplace. I can still download some older version, but not the recent ones.
  17. Look for the word “changelog” as mentioned. It’s right under that popup window you show.
  18. If you are talking about the Marketplace here, you can download older versions from the changelog section.
  19. What would the purpose of the block be? If you are in the postContainer, you could just add the PHP there or – to use a cleaner solution – call a custom theme template.
  20. I have a club forum which is sending out reminders to mark a solution, but of course club forums don’t even have that setting. Anyone knows how to turn that off? I believe it’s part of the forum_bitopions (which are currently set to "8") but I don’t know which value it would need. (P.S. Not posting this a bug/IPS issue. It might just be the result of one of those “club enhancement” plugins I used years ago.)
  21. Can you post a screenshot of your group settings?
  22. I just removed a Pages database field (type: URL) but the content remained visible. The field is removed from the form and the field list, so I can’t actually change the content anymore, but when the record is viewed, the old content is still there. I replicated it with a test database on another installation and I made sure it’s not a caching issue. The data column is indeed still in the table and can be called from the template, even though the entire field was supposedly deleted. Is this data now cleared later or is this a bug? Either way, something is not right there.
  23. Can someone from IPS please investigate this on my site? The fact that it happens with or without friendly URLs makes me confident it is coming from the software. Something in the URL processing or the processing of the gallery index seems to be faulty on this installation. It’s not happening on other installations on the same server. I also set a clean theme just in case. Steps to reproduce: login click a few links click the Gallery link (secondary navigation) Result: loading takes multiple seconds and Safari might show an URL forwarding through a previously visited URL Repeat views of the gallery index might not show the problem. But waiting a while or logging out and in again shows it again consistently.
  24. Okay. Done.
  25. Support topic for this Marketplace resource:
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