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Joel R

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Everything posted by Joel R

  1. The idea on its own is certainly something that I intrinsically support to extend Member Shop to include all apps. But I think any admin who wants to actually integrate a digital points system with real money needs to think through all the consequences. For eaxmple: 1. Do you want to allow bi-directional exchange? (Eg. exchange points for dollars and dollars for points?) What if users accrue a lot of points that could potentially be transferred all at once? What if you change the exchange rate, which can increase or decrease the dollar worth of points overnight? Do you have terms that govern and explain the use of points? 2. Do the payment gateways allow the purchase of digital points? 3. Are you potentially changing the nature and motivation of posting from an intrinsic reward (eg. Self satisfaction) to a monetary reward (eg. posting to earn money)? 4. Does the spending of points scale to the accumulation of points? How much inflation is built into your points economy, and how can you control it? 5. How do you protect against abuse and fraud of digital points, especially when they can be redeemed for real money? Designing a well-thought digital points system that can be converted into real currency probably needs to address all of these points and more.
  2. I'm definitely starting to see WebP extensions come up a lot on some media-rich blogs and websites that I visit. I always have to convert to a JPG if I want to reshare the media to my community.
  3. Here's a nice example that maybe you could mimic:
  4. This is a grammar rule governing indefinite articles. You always use "an" before words that begin with a vowel. An apple, an elephant, an ice cream, an orange, an umbrella. https://writingexplained.org/a-vs-an-difference This is the syntax for proper grammar. Thanks for considering this. I know you mentioned before the difficulty of custom images. Is there no way to abstract the image so purchased items use a pointer to the image? Somewhere by the UserMenu? The goal is some location that's prominent and consistent across all pages. What do you think? The goal is for the point balance to be a major part of the UIX.
  5. Hi @TheJackal84 I'm revisiting this app after many months: 1. Please add ability to upload custom icon. The font-awesome icons are too limiting if you're creating custom items. 2. Please add point balance to site header. The point balance needs to be an integrated part of the UIX experience if the app is going to drive gamification.
  6. Minor suggestions to fix app's language strings: If you are not sending this item free and the user don't have any or enough points, then it will just remove any points they do have and put them to 0 --> If you are not sending this item for free and the user doesn't have enough points, then it will remove any points they do have and change their balance to 0. Points awarded for uploading a audio file --> Points awarded for uploading an audio file
  7. The little trophy icons, which are currently using the ones from the Leaderboard.
  8. Support for clubs? Custom images for the top three winners?
  9. “Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change.” – Richard Branson, billionaire and founder of Virgin Group. We all seek success with our Invision Communities. For too many of our communities, however, we yearn for success but we don’t plot the correct navigation to get there. We haphazardly pursue our strategies, trying new ideas and hoping one will stick. It’s time to take a step back and assess your goals in context to your growth. It’s important to understand the stages of the community lifecycle, and to strategically match your goals with your growth sequence. Alicia Iriberri and Gondy Leroy of Claremont Graduate University surveyed over 1000 publications across multiple disciplines including computer science, information systems, sociology, and management in their seminal 2009 research paper “A Life-Cycle Perspective on Online Community Success.” Their research forms the foundation for most modern community management, and in their paper they write, “The impact each design component has on the success of the online community shifts depending on which life-cycle stage the online community is experiencing.” The right strategy at the right time will maximize the impact. Every community goes through a community lifecycle of four stages: Inception, Growth, Maturity, and Mitosis. Setting the wrong objective can not only fail, it can even backfire and destroy goodwill. Here are classic examples of good strategies that go wrong because of poor sequencing: A new community with no activity that builds dozens of new boards A growth community not fostering a unique sense of community A mature community not establishing strong codes of conduct Architecting a community is very different for the first ten users versus the next thousand users. New priorities come into play, community concerns will shift and strategies need tochange. As a community manager, ensure the strategy is appropriate and reflects your community lifecycle to ensure maximum impact. Let’s take a look at proper goal settings for each stage of the community lifecycle. Inception Inception is the start of your community. You’re bursting with energy, enthusiasm, and big ideas. While your Invision Community is full of potential, your goal is to turn your vision into reality: Members: Focus on nurturing a core team of members. Your goal is to get 10 – 12 superusers to consistently engage and support the community vision. Promotion: Your community won’t contain enough content to attract visitors through search engines, so you’ll have to rely on personal referrals, word-of-mouth, and direct acquaintances. Content: Focus on building expertise on core content areas that will make you stand out. You want to be the best in one subject. You’ll need to generate much of the content programming yourself, which should focus on functional value. Organization: Establish organizational parameters for the community, define the vision with stakeholders, write your Terms of Use, and validate the community concept. Community: The community is heavily centered around the community founder at this stage, so set the right tone and lead through example. Growth Growth is where the magic of community happens, balanced against the development of more explicit and formal conduct. Members: Shift your focus from nurturing individual users to creating a workflow that can systematically welcome new members. Promotion: You should be proactive with your self-promotional activities to build community awareness such as email marketing, social media, or mailing lists. Content: Content will now be a mix between self-generated and co-created. You want to highlight community content by others to encourage community expertise. When you create content yourself, you want to start including emotionally-driven questions that connect users. Organization: Measure specific metrics for organization goals, highlight community health and successes, secure funding for ongoing budget and team. Community: A unique sense of community is cultivated at this time with shared experiences and language between members. Members feel excited to be a part of your community’s growth. Maturity Maturity is when your Invision Community becomes critically acclaimed and well-known in the field. Even though your community looks to be run smoothly, there are still areas to address so your community doesn’t stagnate: Members: There should be a clearly defined process and welcome guide for onboarding new members, an established pipeline that constantly brings on new superusers, and a rewards program that recognizes members for different types of member journeys. Promotion: Your site is well-known, so the search engine traffic and content within your community is enough to bring in new users. You can optimize your SEO at this point. Content: Almost all content is user-created at this point, which means your focus needs to shift to content recognition, organization, and moderation. Highlight the best community content; categorize and properly tag new content so the community stays organized; and scale your moderation to handle the size of your community. Organization: The community is a key part of your organization’s larger success and supports multiple areas of the business. Be a strong internal advocate for the community and align your community with your organization’s new profit areas. Community: Superusers not only have the privilege of creating their own content for the community, but they’ve stepped up as mentors and moderators. Your community has a strong culture that’s reinforced by members. Mitosis Mitosis is the stage when your Invision Community grows beyond its original mission, potentially splitting off into new subgroups. Many communities stagnate at this point with falling engagement and plateauing registration, but you’re catching onto the next big trend in your industry to grow into. Members: New member registrations flatlines because you’re tracking with the industry. Your goal is to continue to delight members with new forms of omnichannel engagement like regional meetups, video conferencing, and headline conferences. Promotion: Your community self-generates organic traffic. Your promotion should shift from trying to advertise for yourself to exerting influence with industry partners as a trusted leader in the field. Content: Members can find the most comprehensive set of resource documents and discussion on your community. Your goal is to distill the knowledge into the best tips and guides for newcomers to obtain the most accurate information as quickly as possible. You should also archive areas that no longer receive activity while finding growth topics in your field. Organization: The community is a critical part of all business operations and integrates into all relevant workflows. You should build custom metrics to measure results, help determine new investment decisions, and streamline business efficiencies at the organizational level that benefit the community. Community: Your community becomes an incubator of new sections in a controlled manner for potential spin-off. Superusers control and moderate their own areas of the site like Clubs or Blogs. Online communities evolve through distinct stages of the community lifecycle. At each stage, the needs and activities of members require different tools, features, and community management. Certain strategies are more impactful when they coincide with the right sequence. Invision Community makes it easy to get started with a technology platform packed with features that every community manager can start using right away. But how you get to the first ten users, to the first thousand posts, or even to one billion likes will be a journey that’s truly your own. Share your success story of Invision Community in the comments below. Did you make any rookie mistakes that you wish you knew beforehand? What are some strategies that you’re pursuing right now, and why do you think it’s an impactful decision for this stage of your community’s lifecycle? We’d love to hear your journey along the community lifecycle.
  10. Sounds good. Yeah I've always used the ModCP on desktop but I agree that moving everything to a menu will make it look cleaner on mobile.
  11. Hi @Adriano Faria If user has outstanding commerce transactions (like paid invoices or pending invoices), show something on list to moderator. It can be something as simple as an icon, but it would be helpful to know before deleting account.
  12. I'm going to side with @opentype on this. From a community management perspective, you're ignoring the root of the issue. You're allowing the member to continue to make bad posts (which honestly anyone can read in an open forum), you're just literally sweeping the issue under the rug by not letting anyone be notified of the issue. But anyone can still read the posts if they want. With that said, I'm not opposed to letting you choose how you want to moderate. More power to you in your community. That's why we all run our own communities, right? I think, in general though, a lot of admins try to let technology replace the human elements of moderation. You know, talking to the member, understanding his concerns, and being brave enough to tell him to stop being a dick. Technology has allowed us to sidestep these human confrontations when they probably should be addressed human to human (keyboard to keyboard?). In an office, you can't just put someone on mute. You would pull him aside and address his behavioral concerns.
  13. Error when trying to approve a download file INSERT INTO `trophies_members` ( `member_id`, `date`, `data`, `trophy_id`, `medal_id` ) VALUES ( 9452, 1554514065, '[]', 8, 0 ) IPS\Db\Exception: Duplicate entry '9452-8-0' for key 'member,trophy,medal' (1062) #0 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/system/Db/Db.php(936): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\trophies\\...', Array) #1 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/applications/trophies/sources/Item/Item.php(183): IPS\_Db->insert('trophies_member...', Array) #2 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/applications/trophies/sources/Trophy/Trophy.php(472): IPS\trophies\_Item->awardToMember(Object(IPS\Member)) #3 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/applications/trophies/extensions/core/Profile/TrophiesAndMedals.php(30): IPS\trophies\_Trophy::updateTrophiesForMember(Object(IPS\Member)) #4 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(217): IPS\trophies\extensions\core\Profile\_TrophiesAndMedals->__construct(Object(IPS\Member)) #5 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/init.php(588) : eval()'d code(23): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage() #6 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\front\members\trophies_hook_profile->manage() #7 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/init.php(588) : eval()'d code(41): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #9 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\members\hook4828->execute() #10 /home/nginx/domains/mycommunity.com/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #11 {main}
  14. @InvisionHQ please address the lazy load issue on club homepage.
  15. Shame! It's okay, we still 😍 you.
  16. Hi @Mike John I'm getting a locked task on 4.4.2 4C124/6 DateInterval::__construct(): Unknown or bad format (PD)
  17. I'm not the developer but if Fosters has updated the file to 4.4.0 compatibility, then it's ready to go. He probably just forgot to update the compatibility field (by the way, the author updates that field, not IPS).
  18. I only see a pre-distribution newsletter to my administrator account, so not sure if the problem is supposed to occur there, but I also only see *|weblink|* and *|unsubscribe|*
  19. Running on Invision Community 4.4.2 and it looks fine. Remember to update the compatibility field.
  20. Thank you for update to Downloads Reports 1.0.2. Currently running on Invision Community 4.4.2 Remember to update compatibility field.
  21. Thanks for update to Copy Permissions 1.0.1. Currently running on Invision Community 4.4.2
  22. Thank you for update to Clubs Enhancements 1.2.0 Beta. Currently running on Invision Community 4.4.2
  23. Thank you for update to Expire PM Attachments 1.1.1. Currently running on Invision Community 4.4.2
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