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Joel R

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Joel R

  1. I understand how the app works for gallery albums, but how does this app work for downloads then? Does it download all files in a category? I didn't understand from the description.
  2. Does this work on Amazon S3 configurations?
  3. I'm personally mixed on your dark mode suggestion ... but not because I wouldn't want a dark mode. In fact, on my smartphone I use a blue light filter and switch to dark mode for many apps. I love dark mode to ease the strain on my eyes. Keep in mind that for all of your examples of dark mode, the developer controls one user experience for all users. For IPS communities, however, individual communities can develop and customize the theming to their hearts content, and that can include any variations like regular or dark mode. Will IPS earn major street cred for coming out with dark mode? Yes. But is it something they need to do or should it be left up to the themers? That's a little more nuanced.
  4. Following file. Wish I had known about this sooner!
  5. Suggestion: When view reason, also view date / time user requested to cancel account. Sometimes I don't get ModCP section until one or two weeks, so I'd like to know when user requested in case I need to reach out.
  6. Most mod authors may need a couple of days since 440 just officially became available as of this morning.
  7. Do you mean another alternate universe with ... Rockets??
  8. I'm posting it everywhere, because I need 4.4 for a critical fix so this is my way of notifying authors their app compatibility is a high priority for me and my community. I enjoy this app and would like to continue using it for 4.4. I'm not sure what the problem is for you in notifying Marketplace contacts that I would appreciate a prompt review of their file when 4.4 becomes available? Many of them have dozens of apps and plugins, and feedback like this from clients can help them figure out which ones to prioritize.
  9. Hi @onlyME I wanted to let you know that I use Topic Thumbnail app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  10. Hi @Adriano Faria I wanted to let you know that I use Delete My Account app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  11. Hi @Kevin Carwile I wanted to let you know that I use Automation Rules app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  12. Hi @HeadStand I wanted to let you know that I use Newsletter app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  13. Hi @TheJackal84 I wanted to let you know that I use Members Shop app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  14. Hi @CodingJungle I wanted to let you know that I use CJ Duplicate Member Logger app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. Also, how is your secret chat / Babble replacement app coming along?
  15. Hi @Mike John Hello to my most favorite developer. I wanted to let you know that I use Auto Welcome app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  16. Hi @TheJackal84 I wanted to let you know that I use Sticky Notes app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  17. Thank you for upgrade and continued maintenance to 4.4!
  18. Hi @Fosters I wanted to let you know that I use Bookmarks app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  19. Hi @Fosters My most favorite developer in the Marketplace (I promise I don't say that to every developer 😀). I wanted to let you know that I use Trophies & Medals app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available.
  20. The Internet is a fierce battleground for users, clicks, attention, and audience. Competition surrounds your community from all angles and new threats constantly emerge. The Internet has leveled the playing field for local businesses, solopreneurs, and small organizations which means more people than ever are competing for users. Online communities are no different, and as companies realize the growing power of communities, you too may face more challenges. Online communities are growing faster than ever: IDC predicts worldwide online communities market to grow to $1.2 billion in 2019 According to research by Leader Networks, twenty-three percent of marketers who have online communities indicate that the size of their communities doubled in the past year. How is your community competing against your competitors? Is your community growing or stagnating relative to your competitors? In this blog post, we identify core concepts of competitive strategy that stretch from traditional theory to unique methods of winning for communities. Theory of Competition The broadly-accepted understanding of competition in the business world rests on the seminal work by Professor Michael Porter, when he mapped out the origins of competitive forces in his 1979 book “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy.” Fundamentally, all strategies for Porter distill into two basic options: Build on what you already do, or do something no one else can do. You can compete by doing what everyone else is doing but be more efficient, such as offering higher quality content, a better user experience, or having a lower price of member acquisition. Or, you can expand the pie by forging a new position in the marketplace, such as staking out an untapped niche or developing a unique service. What’s your current competitive strategy: be better at what you’re already doing and your competitors, or to do something completely new? Emerging Theories A new strategy on competition is emerging that is just as potent as Porter’s competitive forces. It’s especially relevant for online communities in the digital age: reacting opportunistically to emerging possibilities. Discovery-driven planning is the field’s most recent thinking. It was introduced 20 years ago in works like Tim Luehrman’s “Strategy as a Portfolio of Real Options” that talked about flexibility as a strategy. The idea was also introduced in the more recent “Stop Making Plans: Start Making Decisions” by Michael Mankins and Richard Steel, which argued for continuous strategic planning cycles. Online communities are impacted by – and can seize advantage of – fluctuating factors: Technical advances and digital disruptions Disruptions in your industry The faster you react to market or technological change, the greater your advantage will become over time. What disruption recently impacted your industry or niche? How can you capitalize on the opportunity? Application to Online Communities Online communities are at an especially powerful intersection of customers, superusers, industry experts, and brand representatives. By assembling a broad mix of users, you gain a source of competitive knowledge and crowd wisdom unmatched by traditional businesses. Market intelligence – Harness the power of crowds by letting your members feed you real-time market intelligence on the industry, market trends, and competitors. Use technology to your advantage – Become an expert on utilizing your Invision platform as a technological advantage, whether you’re increasing visitor registrations with Post Before Registering, adding in store filters in Commerce, or enabling the application manifest settings for faster access on smartphones. Collaborative ideation – Collaborate with users early in the design process to create services or products that are highly-differentiated. Co-Creation – Channel your user’s expertise, enthusiasm, and product knowledge into co-created content such as tutorials, support answers, industry news, contests, and more. Brand Ambassadors – Turn your membership’s most passionate users into brand ambassadors to provide outreach and personalized connections. Conclusion Communities are challenged and tested every day by a multitude of competitors that compete for users. Competition is fierce, and as the web continues to proliferate and level the playing field, competition will only get stronger. It’s no longer enough to host a general discussion forum. Successful communities envision a clear competitive strategy. Although competition is fierce, there are winners on the Internet who consistently gain market share. The winners are those who understand the fundamental drivers of competition: to create sustainable advantages over their competitors, to offer unique services and experiences, and to react opportunistically. They also leverage all facets of their community for maximum value. Join me in 2019 in defining your competitive strategy and becoming a Community of Excellence. - Joel R Joel R is a mystery wrapped inside an enigma. When he's not running his own successful community, he's peppering Invision Community's private Slack channel with his feedback, community management experience and increasingly outrageous demands (everything is true except the last part).
  21. I'm confused at your analogy. IP.Pages database fundamentally works nothing like a spreadsheet. You're required to have templates. In fact, for every IP.Pages database you're required to have 3 templates. You can certainly make one of those templates into a data table for one of your databases, but IP.Pages itself is far more powerful and allows the creation of multiple databases each with their own template style.
  22. It's an issue with 4.4 templates.
  23. When we talk about adding Pages to Clubs, I think we should clarify the extent of integration: - adding records to existing databases - creating new databases - full Pages functionality including page builder The first option is the most limited, but also the most practical. You allow clubs to define new categories to existing databases, which is what they do for all other apps. Option 2 is not practical. It requires front-end access to things like templates, which I've never seen available on the front end access for editing or uploading. And Option 3 is completely out. While it's nice to dream about a Divi-style editor for each club, they could have already built that function for Blogs. Instead, users got one fill-in-the-blank box to customize the blog.
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