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Joel R

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Everything posted by Joel R

  1. You have a couple of approaches: Many communities simply create a "Trash Bin" board with restricted permissions, and let their moderators move topics into the board. That would be the strongest method of ensuring you still retain the content. You would simply setup permissions so only you and your moderators have access to that board. You can configure Delayed Delete. This is related to the permission 'Can Manage All Deleted Content', which is a tab in the ModeratorCP. Read more about the feature here: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/new-delayed-deletes-r1001/
  2. As @Fosters stated above, you can keep the Forums as your default homepage. Many clients keep Forums as their main application with Page databases as a reference database.
  3. Attachments are considered part of the content, so there's no separate permission. You can request a plugin in Customization Request. You can also see if this Marketplace file might be appropriate for you by @Adriano Faria:
  4. Hi @Ford Focus Owners Club congrats on becoming the new forum owner! 1. Do you have IPS Cloud or your own cloud? If IPS cloud, then send in a support ticket and they can assist. 2. You may want to reach out to some users on the Providers page who can help you migrate over. They're not affiliated with IPS but many of them have years of experience with the software and server migrations. You can check out users like @ASTRAPI @Makoto or @Spanner who can help you not only move over, but also upgrade to 4.4.
  5. Yes, absolutely it can. IPS supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) for storage and delivery. Keep in mind that you will incur incidental costs for storage, bandwidth, and potentially CDN delivery. Guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/server-management/configuring-amazon-s3-r230/
  6. As far as I'm aware, no Marketplace plugin. You can request in Customization Requests. Just curious, can you explain what's the benefit of opening all links in a topic? Are you using topics as a reference list of some sort?
  7. There are enhancements coming in Invision Community 4.5 that can help you design a homepage. You will need the Pages application:
  8. Please ask in the support topic of the Marketplace app. This is definitely not core, any trophies or awards are going to be a third-party app.
  9. No, they're unfortunately listed in the order in which they were created. You would need to relist the tags
  10. 1. You can advise your members to follow the content nodes (eg. Download Categories) and not the user. 2. You can check out Follow Specific User Content from the Marketplace
  11. @Andy Millne You may want to add something about running the ACP Support Tool > Update database so it can configure the locations for opt-out
  12. Recommending to @crmarks
  13. Core ideas for member discovery: When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification. After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user. Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow. Hovercard add follow button. App ideas for member discovery If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim." OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby." That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.
  14. I've played around with the new release of Connections and, like others above, I would rather be more aggressive on the location-sharingto have it auto-suggested and auto-enabled by default. Some thoughts: Location sharing only becomes useful if a critical mass of users enable the future since it depends on network effects. Right now, it is opt-in, tucked away in a sub-menu of the app, tucked away in the Connections app, tucked away in its own menu item, almost no one is going to enable it. You really need everyone to have it turned on by default, which is why I think there should be an ACP option to have location sharing enabled by default as a choice for Admins. If location sharing is enabled in the ACP, I do believe there should be warning message to Admins they have the responsibility to disclose the extent and type of location sharing in their Terms of Use. I can definitely see some retail boards turning it on and accidentally exposing everyone's location on accident. There are different levels of location sharing you can consider: none, enabled with anonymous location, enabled with disclosed location. I believe 'anonymized' location sharing would be an appropriate default, since it still allows users to see who is nearby without disclosing the actual, specific locations on the front-end.
  15. Since you have an active license, I encourage you to use the 'Ban' button and mark as spam. This will help the IPS Spam Service 'learn' the accounts and habits of spam users.
  16. Most people use it to give expanded permissions or features to members who may be members of multiple usergroups. Example 1: Targeted Permissions For example, if you have members who monitor the Pages wiki or who write Pages articles, but they may be spread across multiple usergroups, then you can assign them special editing privileges in Pages as a secondary group permission while still retaining their primary group. (For example, maybe they're a "Flame" or "Ember" but you only want to give trusted people access to writing articles in your community, not all Flames or Embers.) Example 2: Overlapping Permissions You can also sell overlapping products in Commerce to decorate the user postbit, signature, or profile. For example, one product might upgrade the name to a sparkling name. One product might give a special badge on the profile. One product might allow them private albums and blogs. Because you want to allow users to pick-and-choose between these user upgrades, you want to only add the secondary membergroup for the feature that they purchased. To be totally honest though, my personal 'best practice' suggestion is that you want to try to keep your groups as simple and as flat as possible. Multiple membergroups leads to a complex hierarchy, which can realistically lead to permission issues. I've seen (and been a member of) many boards where their permissions were totally messed up, because the owner never checked all of the overlapping restrictions. You really want to audit your permissions, menus, visitor experience, etc. on an annual basis and make sure they're manageable.
  17. Questions 1. When I create a campaign and I check multiple events, will ALL conditions need to be met or only ONE condition needs to be met for the campaign to trigger? 2. Assign members - is there a way to manually assign a specific member (eg. JoelR) 3. Assign member - Can you clarify this statement: "Additionally, be aware that a member can only be assigned to a campaign once, so if they are already assigned to the campaign this tool will not make any changes to their campaign assignments." Does this mean ... A user can only be in a Campaign A Step 5, so he cannot be re-added to Campaign A Step 1? A user can start and finish Campaign A, and then re-start and finish Campaign A in its entirety later 4. Is there a way to manually or batch cancel campaigns?
  18. This did the trick!! 👏😭 Thank you! @Joel R I have one more question about Group promotion rules if you don't mind. I am going to give members the option to subscribe. Once they buy with either dollars or points, they'll get moved to the Premium group. No matter what group or secondary group they're in... it shouldn't matter right? The Group Promotions will ignore the rules if they are a subscriber yea? I would love some reassurance that when someone subscribes, they their Premium account won't get moved to one of the Fire groups because their reputation count may reach a new level. If you move the user into a primary group called Premium, then no those group promotion rules won't apply. The software will also ask, when you set up your Subscriber settings, if you'd like to move the member back to their original group once the subscription expires.
  19. The problem is that you're applying the rules to all groups. You want to only apply your Spark2Ember rule only on Spark group, Ember2Flame rule only on Ember group etc.
  20. In the settings for each tile, there is an option for the rule to only move members from X membergroup.
  21. It would be really nice if you could "Gift" a digital purchase to another forum user (or someone who hasn't signed up yet by using their email address) in the Downloads application. I think this would get quite a fair bit of use on my site. ..Al You're welcome to post this into the Feedback forum or Customization Requests. I don't see this as being a core feature of Downloads but IPS does welcome all feedback.
  22. Yeah it does the same thing in the IPS Marketplace and it's by design for users to purchase two or more of the same file.
  23. You should be able to manually move a member into another group without having the promotion rules apply to them. The reason why is that when you define the group promotion rule, you can define the group on which the rule will run. For example, your rule for Spark2Ember will only run on the Spark group. It won't apply to the Ember group. Also, major kudos to the names of your membergroups. I love 🤩 the creativity of your group names!
  24. Can the campaign be one email (or must it be several emails?)
  25. Is it a background process? Any performance impact on high traffic boards?
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