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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. It's not compatible with 4.5 in its current state (compatibility for the plugin doesn't indicate 4.5 as supported) Yes, it will be upgraded to support 4.5 now that 4.5 has been released - probably looking at releasing the new application version sometime next week.
  2. The post content is the "description" element of the "item" - a "description", along with the "title" and the "link" are the 3 required elements of an RSS "item" One man's 'bloat' is another man's 'it has to be there' - what do you expect to be there otherwise? Want to change it? It's plugin time!!!
  3. Well, you did say this: "Also i get messages (update available) on my 4.4.10 board" Hence the response. I'll leave you to it, good luck - why not raise a ticket for support?
  4. You probably put this in your constants.php a while ago, and forgot about it... define( 'USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS', TRUE ); You do know about these options, don't you?
  5. The first result when searching for 'ignore'...
  6. Have you tried searching the Marketplace yet?
  7. Pretty sure it's not going to be that simple - what you are asking is for the "Content" of the first post, which is not included in the SQL query which results in the data available for the topic listing. "Content" becomes available when the topic is read. Why? Well, why return the "Content" of the topic when it's not needed? Think about the potential size of that data set if the "Content" was a 10,000 word essay. I reckon you're going to need a plugin which does the following: 1) Parses the "Content", strips HTML, truncates it to X number of characters 2) Adds that to the data set returned to the template 3) Modifies the template to display the parsed content
  8. Edit the following template in your theme: cms -> front -> widgets -> Categories Remove this from the only place it exists: ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line Change this: {{if $counter >= 5}} <a href='{$category->url()}' class='ipsSideMenu_item'><span class='ipsType_light ipsType_small'>{lang="and_x_more" pluralize="\count( $category->children() ) - 4"}</span></a> {{break;}} {{else}} <a href="{$subcategory->url()}" class='ipsSideMenu_item ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line'><strong class='ipsPos_right ipsType_small'>{expression="\IPS\cms\Records::contentCount( $subcategory )"}</strong>{$subcategory->_title}</a> {{endif}} to this: <a href="{$subcategory->url()}" class='ipsSideMenu_item ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line'><strong class='ipsPos_right ipsType_small'>{expression="\IPS\cms\Records::contentCount( $subcategory )"}</strong>{$subcategory->_title}</a> Remove this: <p class='ipsType_center'> <a href='{$url->setQueryString('show','categories')}' class=''>{lang="cms_show_categories"} &nbsp;<i class='fa fa-caret-right'></i></a> </p> Save, and wait for cache to update (or run the support tool to clear cache immediately)
  9. I'm just wondering what would be the reaction of several people suddenly having their phone numbers exposed to other people within the group - if you've not already done so then I'd suggest getting people to opt-in to the invite before you do this.
  10. Check your PHP configuration and ensure that the XMLWriter PHP extension has been enabled.
  11. The field 'Title' uses a language string called 'topic_title', so you could edit that language string instead? Alternatively....there is no language string called 'topic_title_desc' so you could take advantage of that - I've sent you a plugin xml file that literally does only that. Note: if IPS decided to implement that language string themselves at a later point, you would need to disable the plugin before upgrading to whatever version it is that introduces the language string, otherwise you might end up with an issue during upgrade.
  12. What he's probably referring to is the way IPB 3.x and lower used to work Entering this: https://longurlmaker.com/go?id=1z8ji541ShortlinksfarZoff210renlargedShortlinks73UrlTearangyIsZgdd91010stretchURLZcoZuk3lankyURLCutter6b04stretchqTinyLink2c1bf105URLPie6highFwdURL690yFhURLetsSimURL18d03ycontinuedzlofty5TinyURLprolonged570RedirxremoteprolongedURLcutv200f1udistantloftyIsZgdURLvi1stretched0expandedwShortenURL401Ne1continuedxexpandedd3671NotLong5ShrinkURLdistant0693zURLPieDwarfurlMinilienSmallrlyc0spunZout6NotLongWapURLgangling54spunZoutBeamZtostringy110cNe1stringy0110YATUCURLPie5aURLCutterURLcuth1DigBig0deep8stringy9Sitelutionsqtowering5SnipURLEasyURL610URLcut538URLPie9Shortlinks0TinyURLprolongedexpanded9frunningShredURLr100Ne1y0960CanURL3continued85BeamZtor172NutshellURL08elongatestretchingstretchShorl6stretching10slastingco71YATUCextensive0aqzShrinkURL1lanky7spreadZoutlingeringYepItDwarfurl1ShortURLstringy408denlargedistretchingdistantrunning1815cf3spunZoutB65astretching10highelongatedi4m0NanoRef2c98NotLong1166i8lanky21a1ShortenURLShortenURLh001delongated512ganglingcontinuedSmallrdcontinuedTinyURLlengthyspunZout1YepItShrtnd00lengthy47Dwarfurla884protracted9deepShrtndlspunZout9m11EzURLURLcut719Shim11lengthy1LiteURLelengthyNotLongSnipURLtastretchingloftyTightURL0outstretched353towering6FhURLe61URlZie6URL2c71u2StartURLi9stretched9DoioplongishShrtndgextensive00100ShortURL2URLPiestretchedelongated1lengthenedstretching35w470URlZierangyNotLong300sustained0161b0zFly21g3highsg131xU763rangy01612a015EasyURLc7m686faraway5tTinyURLstretch60extensivey60ilingering0xextensive201high32elongatedstretchedShortURLprolongedShortlinks3ebXZsesustained96tallf80eB65DigBigURLHawkDoiopFwdURL81IsZgdfarZoffURLHawk26610SHurlrunning11towering0TinyLink1EzURL01farZoffdsustainedu6towering5o7stretchFly28DigBigelongaterunning3stretchedYepIt6SimURL61URLcut0mr10FwdURLwcgMooURLaCanURLy0qwc808buYATUCsustainedCanURLrunningShortURL111LiteURL7IsZgd7cURLviB65spreadZoutstretchcontinued1o8URLHawkShortURLl3t5vlengthy00908elongateURlZie0905URlZieexpanded17URLZcoZuk82407StartURL02U76stretched7lRedirx3osRubyURLkcontinued080rDoiopwURLZcoZukn05bEasyURL301URLXil45d6Shorle618169331ln Used to create something like this: https://longurlmake.com/go?id=1z8ji541ShortlinksfarZo...31ln And not this: https://longurlmaker.com/go?id=1z8ji541ShortlinksfarZoff210renlargedShortlinks73UrlTearangyIsZgdd91010stretchURLZcoZuk3lankyURLCutter6b04stretchqTinyLink2c1bf105URLPie6highFwdURL690yFhURLetsSimURL18d03ycontinuedzlofty5TinyURLprolonged570RedirxremoteprolongedURLcutv200f1udistantloftyIsZgdURLvi1stretched0expandedwShortenURL401Ne1continuedxexpandedd3671NotLong5ShrinkURLdistant0693zURLPieDwarfurlMinilienSmallrlyc0spunZout6NotLongWapURLgangling54spunZoutBeamZtostringy110cNe1stringy0110YATUCURLPie5aURLCutterURLcuth1DigBig0deep8stringy9Sitelutionsqtowering5SnipURLEasyURL610URLcut538URLPie9Shortlinks0TinyURLprolongedexpanded9frunningShredURLr100Ne1y0960CanURL3continued85BeamZtor172NutshellURL08elongatestretchingstretchShorl6stretching10slastingco71YATUCextensive0aqzShrinkURL1lanky7spreadZoutlingeringYepItDwarfurl1ShortURLstringy408denlargedistretchingdistantrunning1815cf3spunZoutB65astretching10highelongatedi4m0NanoRef2c98NotLong1166i8lanky21a1ShortenURLShortenURLh001delongated512ganglingcontinuedSmallrdcontinuedTinyURLlengthyspunZout1YepItShrtnd00lengthy47Dwarfurla884protracted9deepShrtndlspunZout9m11EzURLURLcut719Shim11lengthy1LiteURLelengthyNotLongSnipURLtastretchingloftyTightURL0outstretched353towering6FhURLe61URlZie6URL2c71u2StartURLi9stretched9DoioplongishShrtndgextensive00100ShortURL2URLPiestretchedelongated1lengthenedstretching35w470URlZierangyNotLong300sustained0161b0zFly21g3highsg131xU763rangy01612a015EasyURLc7m686faraway5tTinyURLstretch60extensivey60ilingering0xextensive201high32elongatedstretchedShortURLprolongedShortlinks3ebXZsesustained96tallf80eB65DigBigURLHawkDoiopFwdURL81IsZgdfarZoffURLHawk26610SHurlrunning11towering0TinyLink1EzURL01farZoffdsustainedu6towering5o7stretchFly28DigBigelongaterunning3stretchedYepIt6SimURL61URLcut0mr10FwdURLwcgMooURLaCanURLy0qwc808buYATUCsustainedCanURLrunningShortURL111LiteURL7IsZgd7cURLviB65spreadZoutstretchcontinued1o8URLHawkShortURLl3t5vlengthy00908elongateURlZie0905URlZieexpanded17URLZcoZuk82407StartURL02U76stretched7lRedirx3osRubyURLkcontinued080rDoiopwURLZcoZukn05bEasyURL301URLXil45d6Shorle618169331ln Basically, the equivalent of someone manually doing this:
  13. Remove the following from your constants.php file then.... define( 'USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS', TRUE ); "But it's not in there" or "I don't have a constants.php file" - report it as a bug then.
  14. Yes, it will show the name of the account at the time the quote was posted.
  15. This still works, as far as I am aware... Retracted - going to update the code a bit before suggesting the plugin. Here you go...
  16. Nope - nobody asked for further information on how to add the button, so I didn't provide the steps. Easy... In ACP, go to Customization -> (EDITOR) Toolbars Click 'Add Button' Go to the 'Custom' tab Fill it out as you wish (track down an apple logo in PNG format, maybe?) but adhere to the following: - "Use option" - turn this on - In the HTML field, enter the following as the code <iframe allow="autoplay *; encrypted-media *;" frameborder="0" height="150" style="width:100%;max-width:660px;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" src="{option}"></iframe> Save the button, and then move it on to your toolbar. Then, click (EDITOR) Settings Go to the Advanced tab In 'Allowed iframe bases' and add *.apple.com, and then click Save That should be it - then you test things out and you go from there, but keep in mind that the viewer of the content may need to do further work as they may have something in place that protects against X-frames usage. Additionally - have you taken a look at this plugin, and enquired as to whether it can do what you are asking? (I don't know if it does - I don't know what the backend service is that is being used)
  17. No, they don't. The 3rd-party I indicated, iframe.ly, do - for processing the embedding for you, if you go above a certain number of hits a month Not sure how you've managed to misconstrue the above information, and what I put in the PM, to meaning that Apple is doing the charging here.
  18. Because they support oembed ,and are natively handled by the IPS software as a result. Because it (Apple) doesn't support oembed - a 3rd party resource is required to do the embedding automatically, and that then needs to be integrated with the IPS software. It's an option, it might not be the only option.
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