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Kjell Iver Johansen

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Kjell Iver Johansen

  1. 3 minutes ago, Karina Harumi said:

    Thanks to everyone who, instead of criticizing, tried to help.

    I myselve are thankful for topics like this. I upgraded to 4.6.2 on monday, and it was all OK, and a minor upgrade from 4.6.2 - to 4.6.3 should be quick to do, and still stuff like this happens. It is a reminder that even this small upgrade could go bad and the only way to find out that is via topics like this.

  2. I just noticed that there is a setting in All activity that restrict display of content and that it should show just content within the last days - like 4 days in my settings here.


    I can't remember that this was a setting earlier on, and on the site I need it,  it is not working as intended. There might be something else going on there but could not figure out. Does it work as intended?

     When I restore streams to default, the All content link has a stream number 6 like https://nnnne.no/discover/6/  I don not understand why the number 6 is added there, instead of just /discover/ 

  3. 15 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    I don't believe it's inhibiting you or anyone from learning/reading. 🙏 

    No not at all.

    Just a sidenote:

    But english is not my first language and I try my best to understand the humour  and «in between lines stuff» that happens in a language that is not my first language. I guess there are many members in the same situation as me also - so do not forget that you have an international audience. 

    I know you have not forgotten, but in my sites I try to think my site as how a new member sees it, and to much «noise» can be a turnoff for some seriously newbies. 

  4. 6 hours ago, The Old Man said:

    Reactions allowing the ability to show you you're saddened, disagree or are confused about something and help provide a balance of opinion, freedom of expression and thought.

    I agree. I’m here lurking and seriously trying to read and learn stuff that I can use on my own sites. All this childish noise (like meow and posts with only gifs) might get some members here a good time laughing but it just gets this site less serious for users like myselve. I have enough of that noise on other sites - fb, insta. 
    Also don’t forget that there is a lot of visitors around that seriously consider using this software and the discussions you have here is important to showcase what the software can do.


  5. 37 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    I'll register for something when it has clear utility or when it offers a compelling platform for engagement. I don't think there's a wholesale benefit to force people to sign up for something. Build something instead that they'd want to sign up for, and make the funnel for registration easy and painless. Answer: "What's in it for the person signing up?"

    All communities are different though. What works at one might not work at another.

    Agree. My single most important plug-in is the one that hides links from guests. When I installed the plug-in several years ago the new users sign-up tripled. But off-course, signing up for a new site is one thing, another is if the will contribute to the community later on.

    But the idea of just showing smaller images or maybe blurred images for guests appealed to me as well.

  6. Hello Michael - I notice that the version you have on your own board that I have bought there has a different date than the one you have here. Is it the same file or did you update it?

    Reason for asking is that I still have that issue that I can't edit blocks on my site when Babble is enbled. I have asked this on your site as well, but you do not visit it so often. Hope you're not lost in the jungle there...

  7. On 11/17/2020 at 5:03 PM, kmk said:

    There any way that let member send mail to specific forum, then it convert automatically a topic?

    This will help much to connect with so many old school email users.

    There is. I used it a few years ago.

    I used a service called email to rss, and then converted the email-rss to topics via rss import. It worked out nice.

    I registred that email adress on a lot of websites to receive bargains, and everytime the shops had a sale email - a topic was created. 

  8. I have the same "403 error" when visiting any IPS site. It has been like this for several days. I have a supportticket for this, but there is nothing wrong on their side and nothing wrong with my Ip either they say.

    Still annoying that I can't visit a lot of forums on my mobile or portable device for several days. 

    (I have only 2 Ips to select from - I'm at sea)


  9. Reason for asking is that some PC's don't have "Home" button anymore, and it is really annoying not having that button on the page on this site. Most of the forums I visit have installed a plugin that fixes this and that is great, but why not here and why not as part of the software as default?

    The new shortcut I need to remember ob this laptop is: Home = Fn + Left Arrow, End = Fn + Right Arrow


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