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Kjell Iver Johansen

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Kjell Iver Johansen

  1. Hello Martin - Great job again. I have updated my testboards and fjellforum without any issues - but on my guitarsite theres an error  2S100/1 - no page found

    Also - I had the same database-"error" as previous poster (when I used the Smething os not working tool) - and I fixed it automatically when I did the Something is not working tool.

    You have credentials so you can have a look when you have time..

  2. 3 hours ago, EmpireKickAss said:

    need to edit your topic with more explanation

    This is a markedplace-topic. The file is waiting approval I think. (My reply can be deleted, but find it rather strange that the embed is looking like that before approval.)

  3. 57 minutes ago, VR6Pete said:

    I am running 2.4.8 - I regularly run "Check for updates" in the ACP but no newer versions are reporting to be available.



    2.4.9 is the latest. I have not any problems with duplicate subscriptions..

  4. 6 hours ago, Mike John said:

    If you don't mind a test edit to try out, this might be possible. I send it as a "system" PM but I'm not sure that functions how IPB 3.4 did.

    I can do a test edit - just send med details. 

  5. Every time a new member registers on my forum - a message is sendt by PM. This is all great, but the admin that is the sender  is also getting av PM. This is rather annoying - it was not like that in 3.4..

    Would it be possible to not have the auto PMmessage in the PM box of the admin sending the message?


    3 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    Something with the visible text "Custom Markers" is badly cached I suppose. Because it is showing the Russian language always for all languages (I have 3 languages). test


    Anyone else finding this kind of strange?

    This man is selling a russian translation of this app for 10 USD - while the man actually doing the job with the app gets nothing? This is so wrong.  My opinion..


  7. 4 hours ago, -RAW- said:

    Any suggestion on where will be best to add, was the fist thing that came in mind to add a setting there as many where requesting it, but i will like to hear from you guys.

    Not sure what you where asking :)

    Would it be possible to have this block default setting for all users - off? So that they actively must enable it to get this feature.

  8. 1 hour ago, Martin A. said:

    Thanks to the clustering, 10.000 members on the map shouldn't be a problem. Have a look at this app, which is pretty much the same in the backend, that have 2600 markers on the map

    Yes - can confirm it is working excellent :) I just also reinstalled Membermap 4 yesterday on my site and it had more than 700 markers http://www.fjellforum.no/membermap/

    There is one error with updating position after plotting it - think it is reported before?

  9. 37 minutes ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    Rules broke on the 4.1.6 core update, yes. The newest version fixes that. However, that would not cause rules to do anything that it was not already configured to do. Which rule moved your members? It may need some tweaks.

    I have rules I downloaded from your site that moves a member from Member to Inactive after a set period of time. Now all those Inactive Members was moved to Active members group. 

    I have another admin that do all the work with Rules on my site - I can get him to explain further if needed.

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