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Kjell Iver Johansen

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Kjell Iver Johansen

  1. 42 minutes ago, CodingJungle said:

    could you send me your site and account to access it, to check it out? it should placing it with in the viewport. 

    I've PM'ed you on your site.

    Seems like the /purge command is not working. Get the warning but nothing happens..

  2. Just installed and notice just a minor issue - not a bug.

    When app is making a new window - the new window is coming a loooong way down the screen - below the footer. Like when I switch from Legacy view the chatwindow is far down out of sight. I use a standard laptop PC with Chrome. The same is happening when I like to make a privat chatroom. That will be confusing for new members/chatters.

    Except this all look very promising and good - also on Iphone Xr.

  3. 1 hour ago, CodingJungle said:

    I will be launching Babble 3.0.0 Chat service this monday, 10/19/2020.

    Great news - look forward to it. Will the 2x series stop working at the same time?

    I'm also a little curious on how the chat in 3.0 will work on phone, because many are using that now.

  4. I updated yesterday to 4.5.3 and all went smooth. 

    I notice that in my language the New Content number of days (that are 365 days in English) -


    gets a random number i Norwegian.  The number fluctates from 0 til many many millions of days.


    anyone has a suggestion to this one? Could not find or see the bug-tracker..

  5. 4 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    Facebook are still investigating the issue and they may have reverted the change that caused the issue.

    I think they did because I was on a newer versions and still it was not working. Good to know there is a patch there now. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Joel R said:

    Communities that are 50%+ mobile should be auditing all of their top pages on mobile to evaluate the user experience.  

    I have 87% on mobile. I will check out any option to have this removed by plug-in if there is no other option.

  7. 26 minutes ago, day_ said:

    How small is that phone screen? Ok, don’t see as many as before but doesn’t look too bad on the 11 Pro

    My IPhone Xr are on repair again (terrible phone!), so at the moment I use my sons IPhone SE. I think that is a standard screensize for many members also.

    How many users need Condensed/Expanded and how many need to alter Stream Options. There must be better way of doing this. I think it is a setback from the version we are on now, and I hope there will be a setting so that we easily can skip that stuff. Most of my members don't care about this functionality - they just need to see activity.


  8. Will there be an option to remove unuseful information (For us)from top of that page when next version are here? On one of my sites members check new content all the time and this new look is not userfriendly in my opinion . 
    attach views from new and old version...I know what I prefer 🙂



  9. On 5/30/2020 at 10:37 AM, The Guy said:

    A look and feel is vital to an identity to a community or any website, but looks don't have to be everything it is the front that catches the eye of the visitor.

    I think look and feel means nothing. It is content that is the  most important key to success. If you have great content then you get users. It is easier to start up a new site if you are more people doing it together. Engaging friends and more friends and friends of friends, to create good content.

    People need a reason to register. 

  10. I have had a Category with thousands (38 000) of topics about tents, sleeping bags and tarps.

    Now I like to move each and every into 3 categories. One for Tent, one for sleeping bags and one for tarps. What is the easiest way to do that?


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