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Mark H

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Mark H

  1. As a first step, please disable all 3rd-party apps and plugins, and switch to a default front-end Theme that has not been edited in any manner (color changes or otherwise). Then repeat the process you used to first see the issue. Does it still happen?
  2. At this point I'm afraid we're out of suggestions. As has been stated, we unfortunately cannot provide support for sites using IIS servers. However, I will move this topic to the Community Support section, where someone who also uses IIS may be able to assist you.
  3. As noted, we unfortunately do not provide support for sites on IIS server. And the errors may be related. The top and bottom entries are different, given the "Inherited from" column. Please set that top one to Full control, then test to see if it made any difference. You can set it back after testing if necessary.
  4. In that screenshot, lower section, top entry, I believe: "Allow - IUSR - Modify".... should be: "Allow - IUSR - Full control" which does correspond to my notes, allowing for naming convention changes. (and "Modify", if I recall correctly, does not allow new file creation?) If that does not work, then I'm out of ideas at least. We can move this topic to the Community Support section, if you wish.
  5. As my colleague initially noted, we unfortunately do not provide support for sites hosted on IIS. While some people have made it work successfully, it is not a drop-in replacement for a LAMP stack. And going back to your second post, you mentioned the permissions were: "IUSR (Modify) + IIS_IUSRS (Read & execute)." This may be dated information now, but in some notes I found from long ago, the permissions should be set as follows: The folder in which the software is installed must itself be set with full read/write permissions. The IUSR_machinename** account itself must be granted all permissions to the folder, not partial. (** where 'machinename' is the actual server name, so if your server is named "test" it would be the IUSR_test account. This is, or at least was, the account used by default on IIIS). Is that relevant to your server and the version of IIS on it?
  6. You can also use CMD-click (Mac) or CTRL-click (PC) to open the notification item in a new browser tab. It's what I do, anyway.
  7. Well, I believe I'm using your account, and I can login without issue on the front end. As a start, please empty your browser cache completely, and all cookies associated to your domain (e39.ro) then close the browser and restart it. Visit using this URL: http://www.e39.ro/forums which should redirect to the login form. Try to login. Does that work?
  8. I just logged into your site using the details you provided in our Client Area, but I am not seeing any errors on the front end or the Admin Panel. Are you still having this issue? If so, what is the exact URL your browser is showing?
  9. Make sure you perform a full database backup before you delete any tables, but once you've done so, you can delete any tables that start with "pre_" (note the underscore), then just wait to see if anything suddenly isn't working. It's really not possible to predict what may happen after that, since no one knows how those tables were created, or by what process they were.
  10. That table name is not one which we use in the software. It's full name suggests it was created by some other software. Did you ever perform a conversion from another brand of forum software, for example? EDIT: In thinking further.... it could have been created by a 3rd-party plugin or app. Do you have or did you have one that enhances PMs?
  11. While that's not possible natively, it could likely be done with a 3rd-party plugin. You may wish to check our Marketplace, or inquire in the Marketplace Requests section.
  12. That's correct, it can't be done from the ACP. This has to be done with FTP/SFTP or your host control panel's file manager (e.g. cPanel). You would need to delete the files and folders where the software is installed. But save a copy of conf_global.php for the moment. If you've put it in a subfolder of your root domain (e.g "./community/"), you'd delete that "community" folder entirely. If it's in the root of the domain, and you have other content running there, you'll need to do a comparison to a software download zip file, to see which files/folders should be removed. Once that is done, you would delete the database named in conf_global.php (EDIT: Apologies to Adriano, I tried to merge two threads and his reply was lost in the process... I discovered a bug with Merge, but it's already fixed)
  13. Moving servers would preserve all content, assuming the move is done correctly and that you have a good backup. You can refer to this Guide we prepared for that: The site would be offline while the move is in progress (you have to set the site Offline per the Guide above), but once moved everything should work fine.
  14. Mentioning puppies, kittens, unicorns, and/or rainbows, may kick that up a notch or two, making it awesome again.
  15. Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry that you're having an issue with your Invision Community. I'm going to need to get a little more information about your account to help, and this is best done in a private support ticket, so I have created one. Someone will correspond with you shortly. Thank you! 🙌
  16. Please update the access details to your site in the Client Area, and we'll be happy to investigate the issue. (Note that we will need valid FTP/SFTP details since even the direct upgrade link has the same 500 error.) Also please reply here when you have updated them.
  17. You're welcome, glad to see your question is resolved. 🙂
  18. You're welcome, we're glad the issue was resolved. 🙂
  19. Glad to know it's working for you now, too. As to cause... I'm not on the development team, so am not certain. A dev may pipe in here.
  20. I noticed that behavior here yesterday, but that was addressed and today all the menus work. If you are still seeing that happen here, please do a hard refresh of your browser (CTRL-F5 on PC, CMD-Shift-R on Mac).
  21. Oh, yes, I missed that. As my colleague noted you are trying to install Commerce but do not have a license for that app on the site your screenshot shows. It needs to be fully uninstalled from the ACP, then an upgrade performed. The other option is to purchase a copy of Commerce for that license, then you can use the app there.
  22. That error means the files for Commerce (nexus) are not the correct version, or they are inaccessible by the software. (Also, don't blindly set files and folders to 0777 permissions, that may cause an error by itself, if the server is using suexec or suPHP. Change to those permissions only if specifically told to do so.) For the possibility of wrong versions... please download a fresh copy of the software from the Client Area, then upload all its files (not just a partial set), overwriting when prompted and making cure all files transfer without error. Also check to make sure the files and folders are owned by the same user, generally the server account which actually runs the software.
  23. Note: I removed that link for security, as it contained a plain-text login. (Please don't post sensitive info on our community, we can create a ticket if needed. And I've added the details to a staff page so we have that link now.)
  24. As this is a customization, with which we unfortunately cannot assist, I've moved it to the Community Support area where other community members may be able to answer the question.
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